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identification, phenotypic analysis, and full-length nucleotide sequence of a dutch coxsackievirus a20 isolate.recombination between (human) enteroviruses is a common event in nature. recently, it has been recognised that this feature has a major impact on the use of the live-attenuated polio vaccine during the end stage of polio eradication. the constraints for successful recombination between (vaccine-derived) polioviruses and human enteroviruses are, however, largely unknown. here, we describe the identification and characterisation of a hev-c field strain, isolated from the stool of a 2-year-old dutc ...200716964555
an interaction between glutathione and the capsid is required for the morphogenesis of c-cluster enteroviruses.glutathione (gsh) is the most abundant cellular thiol playing an essential role in preserving a reduced cellular environment. cellular gsh levels can be efficiently reduced by the gsh biosynthesis inhibitor, l-buthionine sulfoximine (bso). the aim of our study was to determine the role of gsh in the growth of two c-cluster enteroviruses, poliovirus type 1 (pv1) and coxsackievirus a20 (cav20). our results show that the growth of both pv1 and cav20 is strongly inhibited by bso and can be partially ...201424722315
a single amino acid substitution in poliovirus nonstructural protein 2catpase causes conditional defects in encapsidation and uncoating.the specificity of encapsidation of c-cluster enteroviruses depends on an interaction between capsid proteins and nonstructural protein 2c(atpase) in particular, residue n252 of poliovirus 2c(atpase) interacts with vp3 of coxsackievirus a20, in the context of a chimeric virus. poliovirus 2c(atpase) has important roles both in rna replication and encapsidation. in this study, we searched for additional sites in 2c(atpase), near n252, that are required for encapsidation. accordingly, segments adja ...201627076638
presence and diversity of different enteric viruses in wild norway rats (rattus norvegicus).rodents are common reservoirs for numerous zoonotic pathogens, but knowledge about diversity of pathogens in rodents is still limited. here, we investigated the occurrence and genetic diversity of enteric viruses in 51 norway rats collected in three different countries in europe. rna of at least one virus was detected in the intestine of 49 of 51 animals. astrovirus rna was detected in 46 animals, mostly of rat astroviruses. human astrovirus (hastv-8) rna was detected in one, rotavirus group a ( ...202134073462
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