
PMID(sorted ascending)
critical tests of suspension, paste, and pellet formulations of cambendazole in the horse.three formulations of cambendazole were evaluated for anthelmintic activity by critical testing method in 21 horses. cambendazole suspension was administered via stomach tube at the dose rate of 10 mg/kg to 3 horses and at the dose rate of 20 mg/kg to 3 horses. cambendazole paste was given intraorally to 8 horses, and the pellet formulation was fed to 7 horses at the dose rate of 20 mg/kg. anthelmintic activity of cambendazole was similar for all dose rates and formulations. gasterophilus intest ...1975123710
an evaluation of the efficacy of oxfendazole against the common nematode parasites of the a controlled trial in naturally-infected young ponies, oxfendazole administered orally at dose-rates of 10 mg per kg and 50 mg per kg resulted in complete elimination of trichostrongylus axei, parascaris equorum, oxyuris equi and adult strongylus vulgaris. also, all migrating strongylus edentatus larvae recovered from the subperitoneal tissues of the flank were found to be dead. minimum efficiencies of 99.8 per cent and 99.1 per cent were obtained against adult small strongyles (trichonema sp ...1978364817
critical anthelmintic trials in ponies with oxfendazole and caviphos and concomitant studies on the spontaneous elimination of small strongylids.the efficacy of the benzimidazole, oxfendazole, and the organophosphate, caviphos, against gastrointestinal parasites of ponies was evaluated by the critcial test method. oxfendazole (10 mg/kg of body weight) given in single oral doses was 100% effective against adult large strongylids (strongylus vulgaris, strongylus edentatus, and strongylus equinus), 99% effective against adult small strongylids, and 97% effective against 4th-stage small strongylids (genera identified in order of frequency: c ...1979475090
benzimidazole resistance of equine stronygles--critical tests of six compounds against population b.critical tests were conducted on eight horses naturally infected with several species of large and small strongyles from population b. tested were six benzimidazoles, including thiabendazole (2 lots) (44 mg/kg of body weight); mebendazole (8.8 mg/kg); cambendazole (two formulations) (20 mg/kg); fenbendazole (10 mg/kg); oxibendazole (10 mg/kg); and oxfendazole (10 mg/kg). all compounds were administered by stomach tube except one of the two cambendazole formulations which was an intraoral paste. ...1979517836
the efficacy of fenbendazole in the control of immature strongyle infections in ponies.the efficacy of fenbendazole against immature stages of trichonema spp., strongylus vulgaris and strongylus edentatus was evaluated. naturally infected 6 to 12 month old ponies were given single, oral doses of 0, 15, 30 and 60 mg/kg of body weight. a dose response relationship was noted between increasing dose levels and efficiency against larval trichonemes and migrating stages of s. vulgaris and s. edentatus. dose levels of 30 mg/kg and higher removed 93 per cent of mucosal stages of trichonem ...1977560964
strongylus edentatus: development and lesions from ten weeks postinfection to patency.pony foals inoculated with infective strongylus edentatus larvae were examined at necropsy from ten to 72 weeks postinfection. at ten weeks postinfection larvae were visible retroperitoneally in the liver and flanks and were recovered from the ligaments of the liver. the fourth molt was detected at 16 weeks postinfection and larvae were also recovered from the wall of the cecum at this time. by 40 weeks adult s. edentatus containing eggs were found in the contents of the cecum and colon. while m ...1978688075
critical tests of the antiparasitic activity of thiabendazole and trichlorfon sequentially administered to horses via stomach tube.thirteen critical tests were conducted in horses naturally infected with helminths and bots. single doses of thiabendazole (44 mg/kg of body weight) and trichlorfon (40 mg/kg of body weight) powder formulations were administered as suspensions sequentially given via stomach tube to evaluate the efficacy of the combination against the large parasites of horses. parasite removal efficacies were 100% against 2nd instar gasterophilus intestinalis and 2nd and 3rd instar gasterophilus nasalis and 82 t ...1977879569
critical tests of anthelmintic activity of a paste formulation of thiabendazole in horses.critical tests of the activity on large strongyles, ascarids, mature pinworms, and bots were carried out in 11 horses intraorally treated with a paste formulation of thiabendazole. the dose level of 44 mg/kg was administered to 3 horses, and the dose level of 88 mg/kg to 8 horses. removals of strongylus vulgaris and mature oxyuris equi were 100% at the 2 dose levels, and efficacy against strongylus edentatus varied from 95 to 99% and 89 to 100% for the 44- and the 88-mg/kg dose levels, respectiv ...1976937790
[strongylus edentatus as the cause of subconjunctional phlegmon and granuloma formation in the horse]. 19761032983
suppression of the pathogenic effects of strongylus edentatus larvae with thiabendazole.four pony foals were inoculated with strongylus edentatus infective larvae and on days 3 and 4 postinfection two of the ponies were treated with thiabendazole, each at the rate of 440 mg/kg of body weight. total circulating eosinophil counts in untreated ponies increased to over 1700 per cu mm after the second week postinfection. in the treated ponies as well as in an uninfected untreated pony eosinophil counts did not increase beyond 100 per cu mm. at necropsy on day 35 postinfection the cecum, ...19751139410
critical tests and safety studies on trichlorfon as an antiparasitic agent in the horse.three series of critical tests were completed on a combined total of 46 horses to determine the efficacy of single doses of trichlorfon against bots, ascarids, pinworms, and large strongyles. different formulations of trichlorfon were administered by tubing intragastrically, mixing with the daily grain ration, injecting intramuscularly, or pouring on the back at dose rates between 20 and 100 mg/kg. administration by feeding tended to be more efficacious for removal of bots and less toxic to the ...19761259212
[parasitic helminths of the cecum and colon of equidae in italy].intestinal helminths from coecum and colon were studied in 93 equidae including 40 horses, 36 donkeys and 17 mules. a total of 38 species, 36 nematodes and 2 cestodes, were identified as follows: 1) triodontophorus serratus, 2) triodontophorus brevicauda, 3) strongylus equinus, 4) strongylus edentatus, 5) strongylus vulgaris, 6) cyathostomum tetracanthum, 7) cyathostomum coronatum, 8) cyathostomum labiatum, 9) cyathostomum labratum, 10) cyathostomum alveatum, 11) cyathostomum pateratum, 12) cyat ...19921339978
necropsies of eight horses infected with strongylus equinus and strongylus edentatus.ponies (n = 8) approximately 18 months old, were infected with 20,000 to 30,000 infective larvae of strongylus equinus with less than 10% contamination with strongylus edentatus larvae and necropsied 7 months post-infection. lesions were present in the omentum, liver, pancreas, ventral colon, caecum and occasionally in the lungs. there were numerous intraabdominal adhesions and severe multiple granulomatous omentitis. pancreatic damage, which characterises s. equinus, was exceptionally mild and ...19921501210
critical and controlled tests of activity of moxidectin (cl 301,423) against natural infections of internal parasites of equids.the activity of moxidectin was evaluated in 1988 and 1989 against natural infections of internal parasites in 20 critical tests (n = 20 equids) and three controlled tests (n = 20 equids). two formulations, injectable administered intramuscularly (i.m.) or intraorally (i.o.) and gel i.o., were given at dose rates of 0.2, 0.3 or 0.4 mg kg-1 body weight. for the critical tests (all three dose rates evaluated), removals of second instar gasterophilus intestinalis were 93-100%, except (89%) for the i ...19921502789
role of the eosinophil in serum-mediated adherence of equine leukocytes to infective larvae of strongylus vulgaris.the adherence of equine leukocytes to strongylus vulgaris infective larvae (l3) in the presence of normal and immune sera was examined in vitro. immune sera promoted adherence of buffy coat cells from ponies with s. vulgaris-induced eosinophilia (eosinophilic ponies) to s. vulgaris l3. however, eosinophils in the buffy coat cells were the predominant adherent cell type. studies using leukocyte populations enriched for eosinophils, neutrophils, and mononuclear cells from eosinophilic ponies suppo ...19921597792
eosinophilic gastroenteritis with encapsulated nematodes in a horse.a 3-year-old quarter horse gelding admitted for evaluation of weight loss, signs of depression, and dermatitis of the coronary bands was found to have eosinophilic gastroenteritis. intralesional nematodes identified as strongylus edentatus were seen in multiple microscopic sections of the small colon, suggesting a parasitic cause of the disease.19921612991
effect of early season ivermectin and pyrantel treatments on strongylid infections in young shetland ponies in the netherlands.two groups of three ponies were used to study the effect of three ivermectin or pyrantel treatments given at intervals of 5 weeks at the beginning of the grazing season. although each pyrantel treatment resulted in a greater than 95% reduction in faecal egg counts during the first 3 weeks, high pasture larval counts were seen from the beginning of august onwards and substantial cyathostomine burdens were found at necropsy in december. the ivermectin treatments resulted in an even more pronounced ...19912024428
prevalence and abundance of equine strongyles (nematoda: strongyloidea) in tropical australia.a postmortem survey of 57 horses in tropical northern queensland revealed 41 (89%) infected with intestinal strongyles. thirty-five strongyle species (8 large strongyles and 27 small strongyles [cyathostominae]) were recorded of which 9 species are reported from australia for the first time. the 14 most prevalent small strongyles were cyathostomum catinatum (in 76% of horses), cyathostomum coronatum (65%), cyathostomum pateratum (33%), cyathostomum labiatum (30%), cylicostephanus calicatus (70%) ...19902380857
internal parasites of horses on mixed grassveld and bushveld in transvaal, republic of south africa.between 1980 and 1982, the gastrointestinal tracts of 17 horses which had been grazing on mixed grassveld at potchefstroom and bushveld at onderstepoort in the province of transvaal, republic of south africa, were examined at necropsy and processed for parasite recovery. the large strongyles and their prevalences were as follows: strongylus vulgaris and associated lesions (88-94%), strongylus edentatus (24%), strongylus equinus (30%), triodontophorus nipponicus (35%) and craterostomum acuticauda ...19892588465
development of a novel in vitro equine anthelmintic in vitro assay involving the use of a horse strongyle (strongylus edentatus) and the micromotility meter has been developed to test for equine anthelmintic activity. three commercially available equine anthelmintics (dichlorvos, ivermectin, and pyrantel pamoate) and an investigational drug (p-toluoyl chloride phenylhydrazone) were evaluated in this assay at four concentrations. after a 24-h incubation, greater than or equal to 10 micrograms/ml of all four drug treatments significantly (p less ...19883184256
control of strongylosis in horses by alternate grazing of horses and sheep and some other aspects of the epidemiology of strongylidae infections.alternate grazing of horses and sheep as a control measure for gastrointestinal helminthiasis was studied in three grazing experiments in 1981, 1982 and 1983. each year a group of three mare yearling shetland ponies, which were kept on a small pasture from spring to autumn, were compared with a similar group which grazed a similar or the same pasture until july and were subsequently removed to a similar pasture which had been grazed by sheep from april to july. in addition both groups were treat ...19863962151
prevalence of some internal parasites recovered at necropsy of thoroughbreds born in 1982 in kentucky.a total of 89 thoroughbreds, 14 to 333 days old (born in 1982), were examined at necropsy for certain internal parasites during a 1-year-period, mar 1, 1982, to feb 28, 1983. the eyes of 73 of the horses and the cranial mesenteric arteries of 71 were examined. specific interest was on prevalence of parasites according to month of the year and age of the horses at necropsy. parasites recovered (first month-last month infected horse found) were as follows: thelazia lacrymalis (eyes) immature and m ...19853994134
in vitro development of strongylus edentatus to the fourth larval stage with notes on strongylus vulgaris and strongylus equinus.strongylus edentatus was successfully cultured in vitro to the fourth larval stage (l4). some growth continued for periods of 40-50 days at which time reductions in viability were observed in some of the culture systems tested. various combinations of media, sera, buffers and organ explant cultures were tested. all cultures were incubated at 37 c in an atmosphere of 95% air and 5% co2. larvae underwent growth and differentiation to the l4 in all medium-serum combinations with and without organ e ...19854032151
use of oxibendazole for control of cambendazole-resistant small strongyles in a band of ponies: a six-year study.oxibendazole (obz; 10 mg/kg of body weight) was administered to ponies at 8-week intervals to control strongylosis in a breeding band of shetland-type ponies (n = 29 to 50) from october 1978 through september 1984. a similar use of cambendazole (cbz; 20 mg/kg of body weight) in this band of ponies during the preceding 4-year period resulted in the survival of a cbz-resistant population (s) of small strongyles. effectiveness of obz treatments was monitored by pre- and posttreatment counts of the ...19854083584
the occurrence of larvae of strongylus edentatus in the testicles of stallions. 19734150630
early development of and pathology associated with strongylus edentatus.pony foals inoculated with infective strongylus edentatus larvae were monitored for clinical signs and selected blood changes and were examined at necropsy from two to 56 days postinfection. larvae penetrated the intestine and reached the liver intravenously before 40 hours postinfection. occasional thrombi and larval tracks associated with the intima of cecal and colic veins suggested aberrant paths. larvae in the liver doubled in width between seven and 15 days postinfection and a sudden incre ...19744274818
the elimination of equine strongyles and hematological and pathological consequences following larvicidal doses of thiabendazole.twelve horses were divided into three groups and given various doses of a mixed species strongyle inoculum, representing light, moderate, and heavy infections. three weeks after the larval inoculations, three animals from each group were given larvicidal doses of thiabendazole (tbz) (440 mg kg-1 on two consecutive days); one animal from each group served as a non-medicated control. treatment was repeated three weeks later. one treated animal from each group was designated for long-term study; ot ...19846538363
scanning electron microscopy of strongylus spp. in zebra.the external ultrastructure of the anterior and posterior extremities of the nematodes, strongylus asini , strongylus vulgaris, strongylus equinus and strongylus edentatus, was studied with scanning electron microscopy (sem). fresh specimens of s. asini were collected from the caecum, ventral colon and vena portae of equus burchelli and equus zebra hartmannae ; s. vulgaris from the caecum, colon and arteria ileocolica of e. burchelli ; s. equinus from the ventral colon of e. z. hartmannae and s. ...19836676687
critical tests in equids with fenbendazole alone or combined with piperazine: particular reference to activity on benzimidazole-resistant small critical tests in equids were conducted with single doses of fenbendazole (5 mg kg-1) alone (panacur--american hoechst, somerville, nj); (2 tests with paste and 1 with suspension formulation) or in combination with piperazine (american hoechst); (40 mg base kg-1); (4 tests with paste formulation). the main purpose of the tests was evaluation of activity against benzimidazole-resistant small strongyles (cyathostomum catinatum, cyathostomum coronatum, cylicocyclus nassatus, cylicostephanus g ...19836683041
ivermectin as an antiparasitic agent in horses.ivermectin, described as 22,23-dihydroavermectin b1, was the compound chosen from the avermectin group of compounds for development as an antiparasitic agent in horses. a review of the literature indicates that parenteral administration in horses at 200 microgram/kg body mass is highly effective against the strongyles strongylus vulgaris, strongylus edentatus and triodontophorus spp., and adult and immature cyathostomes, including strains resistant to benzimidazole anthelmintics. other nematodes ...19826750120
antiparasitic activity of parbendazole in critical tests in horses.critical tests were conducted in 11 naturally infected horses to evaluate the anthelmintic activity of parbendazole. single doses at the rates of 30, 20, 10, 5, or 2.5 mg/kg of body weight were administered by stomach tube to 1, 4, 2, 2, and 2 horses, respectively. parbendazole was active against parascaris equorum, oxyuris equi, strongylus vulgaris, strongylus edentatus, and small strongyles throughout the range of doses. generally, small numbers of p equorum were present, but apparently a dose ...19806892671
studies on the efficacy of fenbendazole used in a divided dosage regime against strongyle infections in ponies.the efficacy of a fenbendazole divided dose regime against immature stages of trichonema spp, strongylus vulgaris and strongylus edentatus was evaluated. a group of 8 naturally infected 30 to 36-month-old ponies was divided into 2 equal groups on the basis of previous treatment and faecal egg counts, one group being treated with 7.5 mg/kg bwt of fenbendazole daily for 5 days. this treatment regime removed 80 per cent of migrating s vulgaris larvae, 100 per cent of migrating s edentatus larvae an ...19807371614
differences in a ribosomal dna sequence of strongylus species allows identification of single the current study, molecular techniques were evaluated for the species identification of individual strongyle eggs. adult worms of strongylus edentatus, s. equinus and s. vulgaris were collected at necropsy from horses from australia and the u.s.a. genomic dna was isolated and a ribosomal transcribed spacer (its-2) amplified and sequenced using polymerase chain reaction (pcr) techniques. the length of the its-2 sequence of s. edentatus, s. equinus and s. vulgaris ranged between 217 and 235 nu ...19957601594
transmission of some species of internal parasites in horses born in 1990, 1991, and 1992 in the same pasture on a farm in central kentucky.studies were conducted on transmission of natural infections of several species of internal parasites in horses born and kept on the same pasture on a farm in central kentucky. data for the first year (1989) of a 4 year study on this farm have been published recently. the present research represents the second (1990), third (1991), and fourth (1992) years of the investigation. the number of animals (n = 28) examined varied from eight born in 1990 to ten each born in 1991 and 1992. for each year, ...19948073609
in vitro culture of equine strongylidae to the fourth larval stage in a cell-free efficient and reliable method is described for the culture of equine strongyles from the third (l3) to the fourth (l4) larval stage. medium consists of 50% fetal calf serum and 50% nctc with additions of l-glutamine, nahco3, yeast extract, bactopeptone, and dextrose. the gas phase used is of prime importance; it is a mixture of 10% co2, 5% o2, and 85% n2. strongylus vulgaris, strongylus edentatus, strongylus equinus, triodontophorus brevicauda, triodontophorus serratus, triodontophorus tenuic ...19948158465
production and characterization of monospecific adult worm infections of strongylus vulgaris and strongylus edentatus in ponies.since 1978, 20 surgical implantations of either strongylus vulgaris or strongylus edentatus have been performed in our laboratory for the purpose of obtaining single species cultures of these parasites. following surgical implantation peak epg values of 13-327 (s. vulgaris) and 363-1284 (s. edentatus) generally occurred during the first 3 weeks post-implantation. duration of infections was as long as 5 years. successful outcome of such surgeries appears to be related to the total number of paras ...19948171827
generation and partial characterization of an eosinophil chemotactic cytokine produced by sensitized equine mononuclear cells stimulated with strongylus vulgaris antigen.supernatants generated by stimulation of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (pbmc) from strongylus vulgaris sensitized or immunized ponies were assayed in vitro for eosinophil chemotactic activity (eca) using the filter system in blind well chambers. the supernatants from these cultures were chemotactic for eosinophils, but not for neutrophils. supernates from cultures of unsensitized pbmc stimulated with s. vulgaris antigen were not chemotactic for eosinophils. eca was first detected in culture ...19938236793
dose titration of moxidectin oral gel against gastrointestinal parasites of ponies.moxidectin was tested as an oral gel formulation during a controlled test performed to evaluate dosages against equine gastrointestinal parasites. four groups of ten ponies were used. ponies ranged from 1 to 20 years of age and were naturally infected in southern louisiana or mississippi. fecal exams and fecal cultures were performed on all ponies to determine the strongyle egg counts and the percent distributions of large and small strongyles. following these determinations, ponies were allocat ...19958533282
the capacity of the fungus duddingtonia flagrans to prevent strongyle infections in foals on pasture.a field trial was conducted to evaluate the potential of the nematode-destroying fungus duddingtonia flagrans to control free-living stages of horse strongyles. in late spring 2 groups of horses (yearlings) with mixed infections of strongyles were allowed to contaminate 2 equal-sized pastures. one of the groups (f) received a daily dose of d. flagrans mixed in a feed supplement, while the other (c) received a similar amount of supplement without fungus. during a 3-month contamination period stro ...19968710410
species markers for equine strongyles detected in intergenic rdna by pcr-rflp.five species of equine strongyle belonging to the subfamily strongylinae (strongylus edentatus, s. equinus, s. vulgaris, oesophagodontus robustus and triodontophorus serratus) and 11 species belonging to the subfamily cyathostominae (poteriostomum imparidentatum, p. ratzii, cylicocyclus insignis, cc. leptostomus, cc. nassatus, cylicostephanus calicatus, cs. longibursatus, cs. goldi, cyathostomum catinatum, cy. labiatum and cy. pateratum) were characterized using a polymerase chain reaction-linke ...19968910892
comparison of moxidectin oral gel and ivermectin oral paste against a spectrum of internal parasites of ponies with special attention to encysted cyathostome larvae.two dosages of moxidectin oral gel were evaluated and compared to a therapeutic dose of ivermectin oral paste in the control of a spectrum of gastrointestinal parasites of ponies naturally infected in southern louisiana or mississippi. thirty-two mixed-breed ponies ranging in age from one to 21 years were used in this controlled test. eight weeks prior to the experiment, ponies grazing on contaminated pasture were moved to a paddock and fed a pelleted ration, thus reducing or eliminating the pot ...19968966989
occurrence of gasterophilus intestinalis and some parasitic nematodes of horses in sweden.a survey was performed on the occurrence of some internal parasites in 461 horses (1-30 years old) slaughtered from october 1992 to september 1993 at the linköping abattoir in central sweden. macroscopical examination was carried out specifically for parasites of the tear ducts and conjunctival sacs of the eyes, and of selected parts of the alimentary tract and cardio-vascular system. the following parasites were found in selected parts of the large intestine: encapsulated cyathostome larvae (in ...19979257451
role of lipids in the transmission of the infective stage (l3) of strongylus vulgaris (nematoda: strongylida).infective larvae (l3) of strongylus vulgaris have limited energy stores for host finding and for infection. for transmission to occur, the larvae must have sufficient energy to (a) migrate onto grass, where they are ingested by their equine host (host finding), and (b) penetrate into the host gut. this study is designed to test the hypothesis that l3 larvae of s. vulgaris partition their energy stores between locomotory activity (used in host finding) and infection activity (penetration). chroni ...19979379277
foals raised on pasture with or without daily pyrantel tartrate feed additive: comparison of parasite burdens and host responses following experimental challenge with large and small strongyle larvae.three groups of foals were raised under different management programs in this study: group 1 (n = 6) and group 2 (n = 6) were raised with their dams on pasture; group 3 foals (n = 5) were raised under parasite-free conditions. mares and foals of group 1 received daily pyrantel tartrate (pt) treatment with their pelleted feed ration, whereas mares and foals of groups 2 and 3 received only the pelleted ration. pasture-reared foals were weaned and moved to a heavily contaminated pasture for 5 weeks ...19979477514
comparative efficacy evaluation of moxidectin gel and ivermectin paste against internal parasites of equines in brazil.a total of 24 male and female equines of mixed breed, 10-20 months of age and naturally infected with internal parasites was utilized in a controlled test to evaluate the efficacy of a moxidectin 2% gel formulation at the dosage of 0.4 mg moxidectin per kg of live weight and an ivermectin 1.87% commercial paste formulation at the dosage 0.2 mg ivermectin per kg applied orally. animals were allocated into three groups of eight horses each based on pre-treatment eggs per gram (epg) counts and trea ...19989877068
transglutaminase activity in equine strongyles and its potential role in growth and development.transglutaminases (e.c. are a family of ca(2+)-dependent enzymes that stabilize protein structure by catalyzing the formation of isopeptide bonds. a novel form of transglutaminase has been identified and characterized that seem to play an important role in growth, development, and molting in adult and larval stages of filarial nematodes. the aim of this study was to identify the ubiquitous nature of this enzyme in other nematodes and to measure its significance to larval growth, moltin ...199910416187
parasite diversity and anthelmintic resistance in two herds of horses.diversity of parasite populations was compared between two herds of horses, one a regularly treated herd the other a feral herd which has bad no anthelmintic treatment for at least 25 years. eggs obtained from fecal samples of both herds were tested for anthelmintic resistance by use of an in-vitro larval hatch/development assay (lda), drenchrite. a fecal egg reduction test was also performed with the domesticated herd using fenbendazole, pyrantel pamoate and ivermectin. cyathostomes were the pr ...199910485366
re-evaluation of ivermectin efficacy against equine gastrointestinal parasites.two trials were conducted to confirm the efficacy of ivermectin paste against endoparasites of horses. in these trials, 20 ponies were treated with ivermectin oral paste at 200 mcg x kg body weight once on day 0, and 20 ponies served as unmedicated controls. the animals carried naturally acquired parasite infections as confirmed by pretrial fecal examination. the animals were necropsied for worm recovery on days 14, 15 or 16. parasites recovered were identified to species. horses treated with iv ...200111423189
prevalence of strongyle nematodes in naturally infected ponies of different ages and during different seasons of the year in hundred and seventeen ponies were surveyed for the seasonal prevalence of strongyloid parasites, particularly cyathostomes, and for host- and age-related differences in these infections. for 56 ponies, all stages of the cyathostome life cycle, both mucosal and luminal, were enumerated. total numbers of cyathostomes and percentage of developing larvae (dl) encysted in the mucosa remained constant in all 4 seasons of the year, whereas a significant increase in the percentage of adults in the c ...200312760645
purification and analyses of the specificity of two putative diagnostic antigens for larval cyathostomin infection in horses.cyathostomins are important equine gastrointestinal parasites. mass emergence of mucosal stage larvae causes a potentially fatal colitis. mucosal stages are undetectable non-invasively. an assay that would estimate mucosal larval stage infection would greatly assist in treatment, control and prognosis. previously, we identified two putative diagnostic antigens (20 and 25 kda) in somatic larval preparations. here, we describe their purification and antigen-specific igg(t) responses to them. weste ...200313129671
[site of production and function of substances with hyaluronidase activity in strongylus equinus and strongylus edentatus]. 195713446213
prevalence of large endoparasites at necropsy in horses infected with population b small strongyles in a herd established in kentucky in 1966.two closed horse herds (old lot 4 and field 24), infected since 1966 with population b small strongyles resistant to thiabendazole (tbz) and phenothiazine (ptz), were terminated in february, march, and may, 2005. at necropsy, only the large endoparasites were identified and counted. the number of horses on pasture was 14 (239 days of age to 23 years old) for old lot 4 and two (3 to 20 years old) for field 24. the time of the last antiparasitic treatment, relative to the year (2005) of necropsy, ...200616508764
new method for simultaneous species-specific identification of equine strongyles (nematoda, strongylida) by reverse line blot hybridization.the ability of a reverse line blot (rlb) assay to identify 13 common species of equine small strongyles (cyathostomins) and to discriminate them from three strongylus spp. (large strongyles) was demonstrated. the assay relied on the specific hybridization of pcr-amplified intergenic spacer dna fragments of the nuclear ribosomal dna to membrane-bound species-specific probes. all cyathostomins examined were unequivocally identified and simultaneously discriminated from each other and from three la ...200717626168
anthelmintic efficacies of a tablet formula of ivermectin-praziquantel on horses experimentally infected with three strongylus this blinded randomized and controlled study, the anthelmintic efficacy of a tablet formula of ivermectin-praziquantel was evaluated in horses experimentally infected with three species of strongylus larvae. eighteen previously dewormed horses were inoculated on study day 0 with third-stage larvae of strongylus vulgaris, strongylus equinus, and strongylus edentatus. the horses were randomly allocated to three groups (n = 6): test-drug (tablet formula), positive-control (reference gel), and ne ...200919488785
spatial niche competition among helminth parasites in horse's large intestine.the spatial distribution of large intestinal helminth parasites of 50 horses was studied. both adult and mucosal larval stages were examined and counted within the ventral colon, dorsal colon and caecum. thirty-three species of adult parasites were identified and their distribution in the three large intestinal regions reported, together with the localization of cyathostome encysted larvae and of empty mucosal cysts. in order to highlight interspecific interactions, both spearman pairwise correl ...201020153115
helminths of mammals and birds at the samsun zoological garden, turkey.a coprologic study was conducted to determine the prevalence of helminth infections at the samsun zoo, turkey. there are 184 animals comprising 45 species or subspecies, including 23 ruminants, three equines, 21 carnivores, 10 rabbits, two primates, two kangaroos, and 123 birds in the zoo. fecal samples of zoo animals were collected and examined four times from 2006 to 2007: in september, december, march, and june. in four seasons, coprologic analysis revealed that 123 of 338 (36.4%) fecal sampl ...201020597212
prevalence of gastrointestinal parasites in working horses.fecal samples for detection of gastrointestinal parasites were collected from 221 working horses from september 2002 to may 2003 from 14 villages in urmia, north west of iran. fecal samples of 46 horses (20.8%) were negative for parasite eggs or oocysts. one hundred and seventy five positive horses (48.9%) were infected with a single parasite type and 49 (22.2%) and 18 (8.1%) of horses had multiple infections with two and three parasites, respectively. the highest prevalence and intensity rate b ...201020731187
comparative performance of macrocyclic lactones against large strongyles in horses.several formulations of macrocyclic lactones (abamectin, ivermectin, moxidectin), including ivermectin combined with pyrantel (tetrahydropyrimidine) and ivermectin combined with praziquantel (pyrazinoisoquinolin derivative), were tested regarding their efficacy to control gastrointestinal nematodes of horses on a stud farm in southern brazil. in addition, we tested a pharmaceutically produced generic paste containing ivermectin 4%. similar formulations of avermectins had different efficacies mea ...201222580448
fecundity of various species of strongylids (nematoda: strongylidae)--parasites of domestic horses.the aims of the study were to determine fecundity of several strongylid species parasitizing domestic horses and analyze possible relations between numbers of eggs in female uteri and size of both the eggs and the nematodes as well as the influence of fecundity on proportion of species in the strongylid community. twenty-five specimens from each of 15 strongylid species (strongylus vulgaris, strongylus edentatus, triodontophorus serratus, triodontophorus brevicauda, triodontophorus tenuicollis, ...201222903448
the strongylidae belonging to strongylus genus in horses from southeastern poland.postmortem parasitic examinations of the large intestines of 725 slaughtered horses from individual farmers in southeastern poland were carried out. the examinations were carried out monthly since february 2006 until january 2007 (except for august 2007 because of a technological stoppage in the slaughterhouse). the examinations included the intensiveness and extensiveness of the infestation of the strongylidae belonging to the strongylus genus. the strongylidae were found in 26.5% of the examin ...201222961235
association between large strongyle genera in larval cultures--using rare-event poisson regression.decades of intensive anthelmintic treatment has caused equine large strongyles to become quite rare, while the cyathostomins have developed resistance to several drug classes. the larval culture has been associated with low to moderate negative predictive values for detecting strongylus vulgaris infection. it is unknown whether detection of other large strongyle species can be statistically associated with presence of s. vulgaris. this remains a statistical challenge because of the rare occurren ...201323731556
endoparasites of horses from the formiga city, located in center-west region of the state of minas gerais, brazil.with the aim of studying the endoparasite fauna of horses from the formiga city, located in center-west region of the state of minas gerais, 25 animals that were naturally infected with helminths were evaluated. by means of parasitological necropsies, different endoparasites were found. the subfamily cyathostominae presented the highest incidence, followed by trichostrongylus axei, oxyuris equi, triodontophorus serratus, strongyloides westeri, strongylus edentatus, habronema muscae, parascaris e ...201725517536
evaluation of baermann apparatus sedimentation time on recovery of strongylus vulgaris and s. edentatus third stage larvae from equine coprocultures.traditional methods of diagnosing equine strongylinae infections require culturing feces, sedimenting the culture media in baermann apparatuses, collecting the sediment, and morphologically identifying recovered third stage larvae. however, this method is plagued by low negative predictive values. this study evaluated sedimentation time within the baermann apparatus by comparing larval recovery from the traditionally collected sediment, "sediment 1", and from the usually discarded remaining flui ...201525976635
epidemiological study of gastrointestinal helminths of equines in damot-gale district, wolaita zone, ethiopia.the prevalence of equines helminthosis studied from november 2011 to may 2012 in two agroecological zones damot-gale district, wolaita zone, southern ethiopia. the objective of the study was to estimate the prevalence, and to see the distribution of internal helminth parasites of equines. a total of 500 faecal samples collected for coprological examination of gastrointestinal helminth ova. from each species of studied animals 200 positive faecal samples were pooled and cultured, and then the lar ...201526064026
a survey on the prevalence of strongyles species in working donkeys in north-west of iran.faecal samples for detection of gastrointestinal parasites were collected from 60 donkeys from 6 villages in marand, north-west of iran. faecal samples of 2 donkeys (3.33 %) were negative for parasite eggs. 48 positive donkeys (81.66 %) were infected with a single parasite type, 9 (15.51 %) and 1 (1.66 %) of donkeys had multiple infections with two and three parasites, respectively. the highest prevalence and intensity rate belonged to small strongyles. the overall prevalence of intestinal paras ...201627876916
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