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relict snakes of north america and their relationships within caenophidia, using likelihood-based bayesian methods on mitochondrial sequences.this paper focuses on the phylogenetic relationships of eight north american caenophidian snake species (carphophis amoena, contia tenuis, diadophis punctatus, farancia abacura, farancia erytrogramma, heterodon nasicus, heterodon platyrhinos, and heterodon simus) whose phylogenetic relationships remain controversial. past studies have referred to these "relict" north american snakes either as colubrid, or as neotropical dipsadids and/or xenodontids. based on mitochondrial dna ribosomal gene sequ ...200415223038
snake fungal disease caused by ophidiomyces ophiodiicola in a free-ranging mud snake (farancia abacura).snake fungal disease is an emerging infectious disease caused by the fungus ophidiomyces ophiodiicola leading to severe dermatitis and facial disfiguration in numerous free-ranging and captive snakes. a free-ranging mud snake (farancia abacura) from bulloch county, georgia, was presented for autopsy because of facial swelling and emaciation. extensive ulceration of the skin, which was especially severe on the head, and retained shed were noted on external examination. microscopic examination rev ...201627698170
corrigendum.last la, fenton h, gonyor-mcguire j, moore m, yabsley mj. snake fungal disease caused by ophidiomyces ophiodiicola in a free-ranging mud snake ( farancia abacura). j vet diagn invest 2016;28:709-713. (original doi: 10.1177/1040638716663250) in the november 2016 issue of journal of veterinary diagnostic investigation, page 711, the temperature of incubation of fungal plates was erroneously reported as 37°c. the standard operating procedure at the athens veterinary diagnostic laboratory is to incu ...201728256170
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