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rubrobacter-related bacteria associated with rosy discolouration of masonry and lime wall paintings.a molecular approach was chosen to analyse the correlation between bacterial colonisation and rosy discolouration of masonry and lime wall paintings of two historically important buildings in austria and germany. the applied molecular method included pcr amplification of genes encoding the small subunit rrna of bacteria (16s rdna), genetic fingerprinting by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (dgge), construction of 16s rdna clone libraries, and comparative phylogenetic sequence analyses. th ...200111702076
kineococcus radiotolerans sp. nov., a radiation-resistant, gram-positive bacterium.a gram-type positive, motile, coccus-shaped organism was isolated from a radioactive work area. strain srs30216t is an orange-pigmented bacterium that is catalase-positive, oxidase-negative and urease-negative. the orange pigment is most likely a carotenoid with absorption peaks at approximately 444, 471 and 501 nm. cells normally grew in clusters, but individual, motile, flagellated cells were also observed. growth of strain srs30216t occurred at temperatures between 11 and 41 degrees c, betwee ...200212054260
phylogenetic analysis of the phytochrome superfamily reveals distinct microbial subfamilies of photoreceptors.phys (phytochromes) are a superfamily of photochromic photoreceptors that employ a bilin-type chromophore to sense red and far-red light. although originally thought to be restricted to plants, accumulating genetic and genomic analyses now indicate that they are also prevalent among micro-organisms. by a combination of phylogenetic and biochemical studies, we have expanded the phy superfamily and organized its members into distinct functional clades which include the phys (plant phys), bphps (ba ...200516004604
kineococcus marinus sp. nov., isolated from marine sediment of the coast of jeju, korea.a novel marine actinomycete, designated strain kst3-3(t), which was isolated from a sediment sample of the coast of jeju, korea, was subjected to a polyphasic taxonomic characterization. the organism was characterized morphologically by the formation of motile, coccoid cells. a phylogenetic analysis based on 16s rrna gene sequence comparisons showed that the organism was related to the genera kineosporia and kineococcus, and members of the suborder frankineae, and occupied the deepest branch out ...200616738104
identification of bacteria from clinical samples using bartonella alpha-proteobacteria growth an effort to overcome historical problems associated with the isolation of bartonella species from animal and human blood samples, our laboratory developed a novel, chemically modified, insect-based, liquid culture medium (bartonella alpha-proteobacteria growth medium, bapgm). in this study, we describe the isolation of non-bartonella bacteria from aseptically obtained human blood and tissue samples that were inoculated into bapgm pre-enrichment culture medium, and were obtained during attemp ...200717889384
intracellular copper accumulation enhances the growth of kineococcus radiotolerans during chronic irradiation.the actinobacterium kineococcus radiotolerans is highly resistant to ionizing radiation, desiccation, and oxidative stress, though the underlying biochemical mechanisms are unknown. the purpose of this study was to explore a possible linkage between the uptake of transition metals and extreme resistance to ionizing radiation and oxidative stress. the effects of six different divalent cationic metals on growth were examined in the absence of ionizing radiation. none of the metals tested were stim ...200818192425
basal dna repair machinery is subject to positive selection in ionizing-radiation-resistant bacteria.ionizing-radiation-resistant bacteria (irrb) show a surprising capacity for adaptation to ionizing radiation and desiccation. positive darwinian selection is expected to play an important role in this trait, but no data are currently available regarding the role of positive adaptive selection in resistance to ionizing-radiation and tolerance of desiccation. we analyzed the four known genome sequences of irrb (deinococcus geothermalis, deinococcus radiodurans, kineococcus radiotolerans, and rubro ...200818570673
kineococcus gynurae sp. nov., isolated from a thai medicinal plant.a novel, gram-positive, motile, coccus-shaped, orange-pigmented organism, designated strain kkd096(t), was isolated from the roots of a thai medicinal plant, gynura pseudochina dc. var. hispida thwaites. growth of strain kkd096(t) occurred at temperatures of 14-34 degrees c, at ph 5.0-9.0 and at nacl concentrations up to 7 % (w/v). whole-cell hydrolysates contained arabinose and galactose as the characteristic sugars. the diagnostic diamino acid of the peptidoglycan was meso-diaminopimelic acid. ...200818842871
survival in nuclear waste, extreme resistance, and potential applications gleaned from the genome sequence of kineococcus radiotolerans srs30216.kineococcus radiotolerans srs30216 was isolated from a high-level radioactive environment at the savannah river site (srs) and exhibits gamma-radiation resistance approaching that of deinococcus radiodurans. the genome was sequenced by the u.s. department of energy's joint genome institute which suggested the existence of three replicons, a 4.76 mb linear chromosome, a 0.18 mb linear plasmid, and a 12.92 kb circular plasmid. southern hybridization confirmed that the chromosome is linear. the k. ...200819057647
dna-dependent atpase activity of bacterial xpb helicases.xpb, the largest subunit of the eukaryotic transcription factor tfiih, is essential for both initiation of transcription by rna polymerase ii and nucleotide excision repair (ner). xpb belongs to the sf2 superfamily of monomeric helicases. xpb helicase is thought to have evolved in eukaryotes; however, a gene highly homologous to human xpb can be found in a number of bacteria. this report is the first biochemical characterization of xpb homologues from bacteria, specifically those from mycobacter ...200919199647
an update of the structure and 16s rrna gene sequence-based definition of higher ranks of the class actinobacteria, with the proposal of two new suborders and four new families and emended descriptions of the existing higher taxa.the higher ranks of the class actinobacteria were proposed and described in 1997. at each rank, the taxa were delineated from each other solely on the basis of 16s rrna gene sequence phylogenetic clustering and taxon-specific 16s rrna signature nucleotides. in the past 10 years, many novel members have been assigned to this class while, at the same time, some members have been reclassified. the new 16s rrna gene sequence information and the changes in phylogenetic positions of some taxa influenc ...200919244447
kineococcus xinjiangensis sp. nov., isolated from desert sand.a brown-orange-pigmented, non-spore-forming, coccus-shaped actinomycete, designated s2-20(t), was isolated from desert sand from xinjiang province in china. the isolate stains gram-positive, is motile and produces a brownish diffusible pigment. phylogenetic analysis based on 16s rrna gene sequences indicated that strain s2-20(t) was phylogenetically affiliated to the genus kineococcus, and the sequence similarity to the type strains of kineococcus species was less than 96 %, making it clear that ...200919406798
novel blue light-sensitive proteins from a metagenomic approach.a microarray-based approach was used to screen a soil metagenome for the presence of blue light (bl) photoreceptor-encoding genes. the microarray carried 149 different 54-mer oligonucleotides, derived from consensus sequences of light, oxygen and voltage (lov) domain bl photoreceptor genes. calibration of the microarrays allowed the detection of minimally 50 ng of genomic dna against a background of 2-5 microg of genomic dna. identification of a positive cosmid clone was still possible for an am ...200919538504
kineococcus rhizosphaerae sp. nov., isolated from rhizosphere orange-coloured actinomycete, designated strain rp-b16t, was isolated from a rhizosphere soil. cells of strain rp-b16t were strictly aerobic, gram-positive-staining, oxidase-negative, catalase-positive, motile cocci. a phylogenetic tree, based on 16s rrna gene sequences, showed that members of the genus kineococcus were divided into two independent clusters and that strain rp-b16t formed a coherent clade with the type strains of kineococcus aurantiacus (99.5% sequence similarity) and kineococ ...200919605726
detection and isolation of selected genes of interest from metagenomic libraries by a dna microarray approach.a dna microarray-based approach is described for screening metagenomic libraries for the presence of selected genes. the protocol is exemplified for the identification of flavin-binding, blue-light-sensitive biological photoreceptors (bl), based on a homology search in already sequenced, annotated genomes. the microarray carried 149 different 54-mer oligonucleotides, derived from consensus sequences of bl photoreceptors. the array could readily identify targets carrying 4% sequence mismatch, and ...201020830573
proteomic and physiological responses of kineococcus radiotolerans to copper.copper is a highly reactive, toxic metal; consequently, transport of this metal within the cell is tightly regulated. intriguingly, the actinobacterium kineococcus radiotolerans has been shown to not only accumulate soluble copper to high levels within the cytoplasm, but the phenotype also correlated with enhanced cell growth during chronic exposure to ionizing radiation. this study offers a first glimpse into the physiological and proteomic responses of k. radiotolerans to copper at increasing ...201020865147
pseudokineococcus lusitanus gen. nov., sp. nov., and reclassification of kineococcus marinus lee 2006 as pseudokineococcus marinus comb. nov.a gram-positive motile coccus shaped actinobacterium, strain t2a-s27(t), was isolated from a roof tile in oporto (portugal) and studied using a polyphasic approach. the 16s rrna gene sequence of the isolate showed high similarity to kineococcus marinus kst3-3(t) (97.8% sequence similarity). lower 16s rrna gene sequence similarities were shown to other members of the genus kineococcus and members of the family kineosporiaceae (<94%). the phylogenetic tree, based on 16s rrna gene sequences, showed ...201021112988
isolation of biosurfactant producers, optimization and properties of biosurfactant produced by acinetobacter sp. from petroleum contaminated soil.aims:  to screen and identify biosurfactant producers from petroleum contaminated soil; to use response surface methodology (rsm) for medium optimization to enhance biosurfactant production; to study the properties of the newly obtained biosurfactant toward ph, temperature and salinity. methods and results:  we successfully isolated three biosurfactant producers from petroleum contaminated soil and identified them through 16s rrna sequence analysis, which exhibit the highest similarities to acin ...201222268814
Displaying items 1 - 18 of 18