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rapid and sensitive assay for the phytotoxin rhizobitoxine.rhizobitoxine is a phytotoxin synthesized by some strains of the legume symbiont genus bradyrhizobium and the plant pathogen pseudomonas andropogonis. we demonstrate here a new enzymatic assay which is 100-fold more sensitive than previous assays and can detect as little as 1.0 pmol of rhizobitoxine. the assay is based on the inhibition of salmonella typhimurium beta-cystathionase by rhizobitoxine. interestingly, beta-cystathionase from bradyrhizobium japonicum is insensitive to rhizobitoxine at ...19911892399
the sheathed flagellum of pseudomonas stizolobii. 19694188225
construction of species-specific primers for pseudomonas andropogonis based on 16s rdna sequences.approximately 94% of the total 16s rdna of pseudomonas andropogonis strain ach 01053a was sequenced and compared with that of strain atcc 23061 obtained from the genbank database. the two sequences were highly homologous with 1.3% difference. alignment of sequences with those from closely related bacteria revealed two possible regions for design of a specific primer suitable for detection of ps. andropogonis. using primers designed to these variable regions in a pcr test, an amplification produc ...19957639998
new assay for rhizobitoxine based on inhibition of 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate synthase.rhizobitoxine is synthesized by the legume symbiont bradyrhizobium elkanii and the plant pathogen burkholderia andropogonis. rhizobitoxine competitively inhibited 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate (acc) synthase ble-acs2 from the tomato, a key enzyme in the pathway of ethylene biosynthesis. based on this inhibition of acc synthase, we have developed a new assay for rhizobitoxine.19999925628
a simplified subtractive hybridization protocol used to isolate dna sequences specific to xylella fastidiosa.a simplified protocol of subtractive hybridization based on the technique of l. m. kunkel, a. p. monaco, w. middlesworth, h. d. ochs & s. a. latt (1985, proc natl acad sci usa, 82, 4778-4782) was used to obtain dna sequences specific to xylella fastidiosa isolated from diseased citrus plants. as a driver, dna extracted from bacteria showing different degrees of relatedness was used: xy. fastidiosa 788 isolated from another host (plum), xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris and burkholderia gladi ...199910463163
phylogenetic affiliation of the pseudomonads based on 16s rrna sequence.the broad and vague phenotypic definition allowed the genus pseudomonas to become a dumping ground for incompletely characterized polarly flagellated, gram-negative, rod-shaped, aerobic bacteria, and a large number of species have been accommodated in the genus pseudomonas. the 16s rrna sequences of 128 valid and invalid pseudomonas species, which included almost valid species of the genus pseudomonas listed in the approved lists of bacterial names, were obtained: sequences of 59 species were de ...200010939664
genotypic and chemotaxonomic evidence for the reclassification of pseudomonas woodsii (smith 1911) stevens 1925 as burkholderia andropogonis (smith 1911) gillis et al. was reported before that [pseudomonas] woodsii and burkholderia andropogonis are phenotypically indistinguishable and probably represent the same taxon, for which the name b. andropogonis has been proposed. in the present study, it was found that [p.] woodsii and b. andropogonis strains were indistinguishable by whole-cell protein electrophoresis and have a highly similar cellular fatty acid composition. a high dna-dna binding value of 95% was found between the type strains of both species. i ...200111211258
use of ribotyping and random amplified polymorphic dna to differentiate isolates of burkholderia andropogonis.the aim of this study was to determine the genetic diversity among isolates of burkholderia andropogonis from various host plant species and geographic locations.200111576306
the rxo1/ rba1 locus of maize controls resistance reactions to pathogenic and non-host bacteria.infiltration of different maize lines with a variety of bacterial pathogens of maize, rice and sorghum identified qualitative differences in resistant reactions. isolates from two bacterial species induced rapid hypersensitive reactions (hr) in some maize lines, but not others. all isolates of the non-host pathogen xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzicola (bacterial leaf streak disease of rice) and some isolates of the pathogenic bacterium burkholderia andropogonis induced hr when infiltrated into maize ...200415114472
identification of burkholderia andropogonis with a repetitive sequence box element and pcr.burkholderia andropogonis is the causal agent of bacterial leaf stripe in sorghum. strict import quarantine regulations of numerous countries mandate a need for development of a rapid, reliable, and cost-effective diagnostic technique for the identification of b. andropogonis. using a primer corresponding to the bacterial repetitive box element and pcr, we developed a dna fingerprint which differentiated b. andropogonis from other phytobacterial pathogens.200515702260
a maize resistance gene functions against bacterial streak disease in rice.although cereal crops all belong to the grass family (poacea), most of their diseases are specific to a particular species. thus, a given cereal species is typically resistant to diseases of other grasses, and this nonhost resistance is generally stable. to determine the feasibility of transferring nonhost resistance genes (r genes) between distantly related grasses to control specific diseases, we identified a maize r gene that recognizes a rice pathogen, xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzicola, which ...200516230639
rhizobitoxine modulates plant-microbe interactions by ethylene inhibition.bradyrhizobium elkanii produces rhizobitoxine, an enol-ether amino acid, which has been regarded as a phytotoxin because it causes chlorosis in soybeans. however, recent studies have revealed that rhizobitoxine plays a positive role in establishing symbiosis between b. elkanii and host legumes: rhizobitoxine enhances the nodulation process by inhibiting acc (1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate) synthase in the ethylene biosynthesis of host roots. b. elkanii rtxa and rtxc genes are required for rhi ...200616516430
bacteria associated with ectomycorrhizas of slash pine (pinus elliottii) in south-eastern queensland, australia.bacterial communities associated with ectomycorrhizal and uncolonized roots of pinus elliottii (slash pine) collected from a plantation in south-east queensland, australia, were investigated, using cultivation-dependent and -independent methods. denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (dgge) analysis of 16s rrna gene pcr products obtained using a cultivation-independent approach revealed that bacterial communities associated with ectomycorrhizal root tips differed significantly from those associ ...200818355286
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