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confirmation, via in situ hybridization, of the occurrence of robertsonian translocations during lemur evolution by localization of gludp1 dna sequences on lemur chromosomes.a human genomic dna sequence derived from glutamate dehydrogenase pseudogene 1 was used as a probe for in situ hybridization to the chromosomes of three lemur species, eulemur fulvus mayottensis (efu), e. macaco macaco (ema), and e. coronatus (eco). this sequence, which is 98% homologous to the nucleotide sequence of the gene for human glutamate dehydrogenase (glud), was found on homologous bands of three morphologically similar chromosome segments, efu14, ema5p, and eco8q, confirming that diffe ...19911855394
seasonal variation of the seminiferous epithelium cycle in mayotte's brown lemur (eulemur fulvus mayottensis). 19902262176
seasonal variation of sperm morphology in the mayonette brown lemur (eulemur fulvus mayottensis). 19902394417
comparison of highly repeated dna sequences in some lemuridae and taxonomic implications.highly repeated dna sequences of eulemur fulvus mayottensis, e. coronatus, lemur catta, and hapalemur griseus griseus have been identified and compared. sequence analysis of highly repeated dna fragments isolated from l. catta and hapalemur showed a high percentage of similarity (nearly 95%), as did fragments isolated from the two very close eulemur species, whereas comparison of the dna fragments isolated from the two eulemur species and the l. catta/hapalemur group showed a very low percentage ...19938467713
demonstration of homoeologies between human and lemur chromosomes by chromosome painting.human-specific probes for chromosomes 3, 7, 9, 14, 19, and 21 were used to paint chromosomes of three lemur species: eulemur fulvus mayottensis, e. macaco macaco, and lemur catta. chromosomes 1 and 3 of e. f. mayottensis are homoeologous to human chromosomes 3, 9, 14, and 21, as previously suggested by chromosome banding. probes for human chromosomes 7 and 19 produced unexpectedly strong signals in the centromeric regions of all lemur chromosomes, suggesting that sequences homologous to nonrepea ...19968565634
chromosome painting: a method for testing chromosomal changes in lemur evolution.chromosome painting using commercially available human chromosome-specific dna libraries was performed to elucidate chromosomal rearrangements in lemur evolution. human-specific probes for chromosomes 3, 14, 15, and 21 were used to paint chromosomes of six species: eulemur fulvus mayottensis, varecia variegata, lemur catta, hapalemur simus, h. griseus griseus, and h. aureus. all human chromosome libraries hybridized specifically to chromosome segments of varying length or to whole arms of lemur ...19979371411
prion immunoreactivity in brain, tonsil, gastrointestinal epithelial cells, and blood and lymph vessels in lemurian zoo primates with spongiform encephalopathy.we report on two animals of a non-human primate species eulemur fulvus mayottensis, housed in the local zoo and fed over a number of years with a food containing cattle meat, that developed serious neurological symptoms associated with prion immunoreactivity in brain and various viscera. microscopy of the brains showed neuronal vacuolation with patchy/perivacuolar immunolabelling with an abnormal isoform of prion protein (ir-prp), an important characteristic of spongiform encephalopathy. for the ...19979587475
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