
PMID(sorted ascending)
molecular evidence for mating asymmetry and female choice in a pocket gopher (thomomys) hybrid zone.this paper presents circumstantial evidence that the mating system of the north american pocket gophers (rodentia: geomyidae) is a promiscuous one, with female choice at its base. a molecular marker (a length variant in the mitochondrial control region [d-loop]) is used to show mating asymmetry in a hybrid zone between the species thomomys bottae and thomomys townsendii in north-eastern california. all hybrids result from a bottae mother x townsendii father cross. because of significant differen ...19938180731
two anoplocephalid cestodes, cittotaenia praecoquis stiles and cittotaenia megasacca n. sp., from the western pocket gopher, thomomys talpoides, of wyoming. 195114851158
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