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pathogenicity attributed to massive infection of nanophyetus salmincola in a estimated 650,000 nanophyetus salmincola were recovered from the small intestine of a wild female cougar kitten (felis concolor). the trematodes stimulated marked mucosal thickening in the duodenum and jejunum and caused a marked enteritis. malnutrition was listed as the cause of death due to impaired nutrient absorption resulting from the combined effects of the diarrhea and thickening of the intestine.1979501847
a skeletal growth defect in the puma (felis concolor).clinical and radiological signs shown by a young deformed puma cub, and the pathological findings following its euthanasia at eight months, are presented. these findings do not resemble those in the recognised nutritional bone diseases of the growing carnivore, but closely resemble an hereditary disease of the dog and, at least in one respect, an hereditary disease in man. this case may be an example of hereditary chondrodysplastic dwarfism in the puma. an unusual finding was the presence of iro ...1978734877
alaria (alaria) marcianae (larue 1917) walton 1950 (trematoda: diplostomatidae) from a mountain lion, felis concolor acrocodia goldman, from paraguay. 1977859076
functional thyroid follicular adenocarcinoma in a captive mountain lion (felis concolor). 19921448904
spongiform encephalopathy in a captive puma (felis concolor).a captive adult puma developed ataxia, a hypermetric gait and whole body tremor. the signs progressed over a period of six weeks. histopathological examination following euthanasia demonstrated spongiform encephalopathy, gliosis and mild non-suppurative meningoencephalitis. immunostaining with a polyclonal antiserum revealed prion protein (prp) associated with these changes in sections of cervical spinal cord and medulla. this is the first confirmed case of a scrapie-like spongiform encephalopat ...19921455592
gastrointestinal parasites of cougars (felis concolor) in washington and the first report of ollulanus tricuspis in a sylvatic felid from north america.gastrointestinal helminths including two species of cestodes (taenia omissa and t. ovis krabbei) and three species of nematodes (toxocara cati, cylicospirura subequalis and ollulanus tricuspis) are reported from two free-ranging cougars (felis concolor) in washington (usa). ollulanus tricuspis is reported for the first time from cougars and represents the first occurrence of this parasite in a sylvatic felid from north america.19921548792
amyloid in the pancreatic islets of the cougar (felis concolor) is derived from islet amyloid polypeptide (iapp).1. islet amyloid isolated from the pancreas of a 20-year-old cougar (felis concolor) was dissolved and purified by gel permeation and reversed phase hplc for amino acid sequence analysis. 2. n-terminal amino acid sequence analysis of the purified protein revealed a primary structure (positions 1-28) identical to islet amyloid polypeptide (iapp) from domesticated cats. 3. iapp from the cougar, like iapp from the human and domesticated cat, incorporates an inherently amyloidogenic ails sequence at ...19912060275
iatrogenic transmission of cytauxzoon felis from a florida panther (felix concolor coryi) to a domestic cat.a laboratory cat died 12 days after intraperitoneal inoculation of a 1 ml suspension containing 1.5 x 10(6) blood mononuclear cells from a florida panther (felis concolor coryi). gross, histologic and ultrastructural investigations revealed the cause of death to be infection by cytauxzoon felis, a protozoal parasite known to cause a rapidly fatal disease (cytauxzoonosis) in domestic cats. the bobcat (felis rufus) has been identified as a natural host for c. felis. this report implicates the flor ...19912067059
oocyte recovery, maturation and fertilization in vitro in the puma (felis concolor).eight female pumas were treated i.m. with 1000 (n = 5) or 2000 (n = 3) i.u. pmsg followed 84 h later by 800 i.u. hcg. eggs were recovered 24-26 h after hcg from ovarian follicles by using laparoscopy and transabdominal aspiration. mature eggs were inseminated in vitro 4-6 h later whereas immature eggs were cultured for 24 h and then inseminated. electroejaculates from 3 pumas were diluted with mkrb before insemination to evaluate the influence of sperm concentration on fertilization. seven of 8 ...19902313641
sarcocystis sp. in muscles of free-ranging florida panthers and cougars (felis concolor).sarcocysts of sarcocystis sp. were found in the striated muscles from 11 of 14 wild florida panthers (felis concolor coryi) and four of four cougars (two wild f. concolor stanleyana and two captive f. concolor of undetermined subspecies). the common occurrence of sarcocysts in muscles of top carnivores such panthers and cougars is unexplained. this stage of the life cycle is normally confined to the muscles of the prey species. because large felids are rarely preyed upon, it is unlikely that a s ...19892509739
basic haematological values in carnivores--ii. the felidae.1. basic haematological values in 34 animals of eight carnivorous species are reported. 2. in four northern lynxs (lynx lynx lynx), two male and two female animals, the mean values are given: erythrocyte counts 8.51 x 10(12)/l, haematocrit 0.392/l, haemoglobin content 148.0 g/l and leukocyte count 7.92 x 10(9)/l. 3. in six male pumas (puma concolor missolensis) the mean values estimated are: erythrocyte count 9.35 x 10(12)/l, haematocrit 0.43/l, haemoglobin content 163.9 g/l and leukocyte count ...19872886279
haematological reference values for adult pumas, lions, tigers, leopards, jaguars and cheetahs.normal haematological values and fibrinogen levels were obtained from a number of healthy adult felidae in the collection of the zoological society of london. the group comprised 29 pumas (felis concolor), 32 lions (panthera leo), 27 tigers (p tigris), 19 leopards (p pardus), 18 jaguars (p onca) and 22 cheetahs (acinonyx jubatus). the values provided a basis for identifying abnormalities in the blood of sick individuals of these species and for undertaking interspecies comparisons.19863775118
mycoplasma felifaucium, a new species isolated from the respiratory tract of pumas.mycoplasmas isolated from the throats of three pumas (felis concolor) were each cloned and examined in detail. all three were serologically and biologically indistinguishable from each other, and were serologically distinct from 83 recognized mycoplasma and acholeplasma species. they were designated as a new species, mycoplasma felifaucium, with strain pu (nctc 11703) as the type strain.19863794642
immobilizing wild mountain lions (felis concolor) with ketamine hydrochloride and xylazine hydrochloride.a mixture of 120 mg ketamine hydrochloride (khcl)/20 mg xylazine hydrochloride (xhcl)/ml was used to immobilize 37 wild mountain lions (felis concolor) 46 times. observations were recorded during 37 trials that included kittens, adult females, and adult males. dosages were based on 11 mg khcl and 1.8 mg xhcl/kg estimated body weight. actual doses for 24 lions requiring a single injection for immobilization ranged from 4.7-15.8 mg khcl/kg and 0.8-2.6 mg xhcl/kg. induction, duration, and recovery ...19863951066
puma, american lion, cougar, or felis concolor? 19694180103
[presence in costi rica of echinococcus oligarthrus diesing 1863, collected in the small intestine of felis concolor costaricensis]. 19734781534
prevalence and distribution of larvae of trichinella sp. in cougars, felis concolor l., and grizzly bears, ursus arctos l., in alberta. 19846492330
gastrointestinal helminths of the cougar, felis concolor l., in northeastern oregon. 19836682458
sarcocystis and other coccidia in foxes and other wild carnivores from montana.sarcocystis spp sporocysts were found in feces of 10.1% of 198 red foxes (vulpes vulpes), in 3.2% of 61 bobcats (lynx rufus), in 16.6% of 12 mountain lions (felis concolor), in 16.6% of 6 fisher (martes pennanti), and in none of 20 wolverines (gulo gulo), 4 mink (mustela vison), or 10 raccoons (procyon lotor). sarcocystis muris and toxoplasma gondii were not found in laboratory mice inoculated with feces of bobcats and mountain lions.19826816776
epitheliogenesis imperfecta and gonadal malformation in pumas (felis concolor). 19836829143
hematology and blood chemistry of the mountain lion (felis concolor). 19827097878
successful induced ovulation and artificial insemination in the puma (felis concolor). 19817269176
plasma concentrations of oestradiol-17 beta and progesterone, and laparoscopic observations of the ovary in the puma (felis concolor) during oestrus, pseudopregnancy and pregnancy.plasma levels of oestradiol and progesterone in 3 pumas during oestrus and artificially induced pregnancy and pseudopregnancy were determined by radioimmunoassay. during oestrus, basal levels of oestradiol (5-30 pg/ml) were interrupted by surges of 30-375 pg/ml at intervals of 17-25 days. considerable variation occurred between and within animals. periods of oestrus and follicular development were confirmed by laparoscopy and vaginal smear patterns. absence of an increase in plasma progesterone ...19817299754
molecular evolution of mitochondrial 12s rna and cytochrome b sequences in the pantherine lineage of felidae.dna sequence comparisons of two mitochondrial dna genes were used to infer phylogenetic relationships among 17 felidae species, notably 15 in the previously described pantherine lineage. the polymerase chain reaction (pcr) was used to generate sequences of 358 base pairs of the mitochondrial 12s rna gene and 289 base pairs of the cytochrome b protein coding gene. dna sequences were compared within and between 17 felid and five nonfelid carnivore species. evolutionary trees were constructed using ...19957544865
reproductive impairment in the florida panther: nature or nurture?many of the remaining members of the endangered florida panther (felis concolor coryi) population suffer from one or more of a variety of physiological, reproductive, endocrine, and immune system defects including congenital heart defects, abnormal sperm, low sperm density, cryptorchidism, thyroid dysfunction, and possible immunosuppression. mercury contamination, determined to be the cause of death of a female panther in 1989, was presented as the likely cause of thyroid dysfunction. as genetic ...19957556029
pathogenicity of the hookworm, ancylostoma pluridentatum, in a florida panther (felis concolor coryi) kitten.we evaluated clinical signs and administered anthelmintic treatment to a wild-caught, captive florida panther (felis concolor coryi) kitten from big cypress national preserve, florida (usa) infected with the hookworm, ancylostoma pluridentatum. clinical signs observed included poor body condition, lethargy, and below normal red blood cell numbers, hemoglobin concentration, and packed cell volume, and elevated eosinophil numbers. in addition, a maximum of 936 ancylostoma sp. eggs/g of feces were ...19947760486
gastric adenocarcinoma in a cougar (felis concolor).diffusely invasive tumors occurred in the stomach of a 9-year-old female cougar (felis concolor) from a zoo in japan. the tumors consisted of tubular adenocarcinoma cells, and had infiltrative growth to the submucosa and muscularis propria. tumor cells were positive for carcinoembryonic antigen (cea), lysozyme, epithelial membrane antigen (ema), gastrin, alpha-1-fetoprotein (afp), keratin, and b72.3. mucin-like materials occurred within cytoplasmic vacuoles.19947760501
epidemiological observations on spongiform encephalopathies in captive wild animals in the british isles.since 1986, scrapie-like spongiform encephalopathy has been diagnosed in 19 captive wild animals of eight species at or from eight zoological collections in the british isles. the affected animals have comprised members of the family bovidae: one nyala (tragelaphus angasi), four eland (taurotragus oryx), and six greater kudu (tragelaphus strepsiceros), one gemsbok (oryx gazella), one arabian oryx (oryx leucoryx), and one scimitar-horned oryx (oryx dammah), and members of the family felidae: four ...19947817514
isolation of pseudorabies (aujeszky's disease) virus from a florida panther.pseudorabies virus was isolated in cell culture from the brain tissue of a 3.5-year-old male florida panther (felis concolor coryi). the virus was not isolated from other tissues collected at necropsy. based upon a nested polymerase chain reaction (pcr), the virus was determined to have the classical wild-type virulent genotype, glycoprotein i+ (gi+) and thymidine kinase+ (tk+).19948028102
serologic survey and serum biochemical reference ranges of the free-ranging mountain lion (felis concolor) in california.serum samples from 58 mountain lions (felis concolor) in california (usa) were collected between april 1987 and february 1990. nineteen serum samples were used for serum biochemistry determinations; the ranges were similar to reference values in domestic cats, captive exotic felidae and free-ranging mountain lions. a serological survey was conducted to determine whether antibodies were present against selected infectious agents. fifty-four (93%) of 58 sera had antibodies against feline panleukop ...19948028105
nucleotide sequence analysis of puma lentivirus (plv-14): genomic organization and relationship to other lentiviruses.the complete nucleotide sequence of an isolate of puma lentivirus (plv-14) was obtained by an inverse polymerase chain reaction (i-pcr) technique and confirmed by conventional pcr. both methods were used to amplify overlapping regions of proviral dna, for cloning and sequencing, from genomic dna isolated from plv-14 infected florida puma (felis concolor coryi) peripheral blood mononuclear cells (pbmc). the provirus has a total length of 9100 nucleotides and the genomic organization of presumed p ...19948030248
gonadotrophin dose and timing of anaesthesia for laparoscopic artificial insemination in the puma (felis concolor).ovarian response to equine chorionic gonadotrophin (ecg) and human chorionic gonadotrophin (hcg), the effect of timing of anaesthesia relative to hcg injection and the use of laparoscopic intrauterine artificial insemination were examined in the puma (felis concolor). in expt 1, females were treated with 100 (n = 6) or 200 (n = 8) iu ecg (i.m.) followed 80 h later by 100 iu hcg (i.m.) and were then anaesthetized 40-43 h after hcg injection for ovarian assessment. although there was no difference ...19948064667
gentamicin toxicosis in a north american cougar.this report documents nephrotoxicosis in a north american cougar (felis concolor) caused by gentamicin overdose and describes a method of calculating drug dosages by metabolic scaling for species in which pharmacokinetic studies have not been performed. determining drug dosages by metabolic scaling can decrease the likelihood of administering inappropriate drug doses in exotic animals.19938226241
seroprevalence of infectious disease agents in free-ranging florida panthers (felis concolor coryi).serum samples obtained from 38 free-ranging florida panthers (felis concolor coryi) in southern florida, march 1978 through february 1991, were tested for antibodies against eight bacterial, parasitic, and viral disease agents. sera were positive for antibodies against feline panleukopenia virus (fpv) (78%), feline calicivirus (56%), feline immunodeficiency virus/puma lentivirus (37%), feline enteric coronavirus/feline infectious peritonitis virus (19%), and toxoplasma gondii (9%). all samples w ...19938445789
notoedric mange in the florida panther (felis concolor coryi).notoedric mange (notoedres cati) was found in a neonate florida panther (felis concolor coryi) and presumably its mother on 22 june 1992 and 8 february 1993, respectively, in collier county, florida (usa). both infestations were treated successfully with 0.2 mg/kg ivermectin. this is the first known case of notoedric mange in the endangered florida panther.19958583647
ixodid ticks from panthers and bobcats in florida.ixodid ticks were present in all 189 samples examined from 53 florida panthers (felis concolor coryi, 104 collections) and 85 bobcats (felis rufus floridana) in florida (usa) between 1974 and 1991. we identified 3,251 ticks from panthers and 918 from bobcats. specimens of dermacentor variabilis, ixodes scapularis, i. affinis, amblyomma maculatum, and a. americanum were present on 49, 39, 17, seven, and two of the 53 florida panthers, respectively, and comprised 36%, 55%, 7%, 1%, and < 1% of the ...19958592378
genetic and phylogenetic divergence of feline immunodeficiency virus in the puma (puma concolor).feline immunodeficiency virus (fiv) is a lentivirus which causes an aids-like disease in domestic cats (felis catus). a number of other felid species, including the puma (puma concolor), carry a virus closely related to domestic cat fiv. serological testing revealed the presence of antibodies to fiv in 22% of 434 samples from throughout the geographic range of the puma. fiv-pco pol gene sequences isolated from pumas revealed extensive sequence diversity, greater than has been documented in the d ...19968794304
serologic survey of trichinellosis in wild mammals kept in a mexico city zoo.a serologic survey of trichinella infection was carried out to determine the prevalence of this parasitosis among wild mammals kept in captivity at the chapultepec zoo. this was prompted by the necropsy finding of a heavy trichinella infection in a canadian polar bear (ursus maritimus) that had been kept at the zoo for more than 11 years. the parasites recovered were identified as t. nativa (t2). a serologic study based on elisa and western blot analysis was performed in serum samples from two p ...19969017871
demonstration of helicobacter pylori-like organisms in the gastric mucosa of captive exotic carnivores.samples of gastric tissue from the cardiac, fundic and pyloric region of 30 carnivores comprising 12 tigers (panthera tigris), 10 lions (panthera leo), three pumas (felis concolor), two leopards (panthera pardus), one serval (felis serval), one wolf (canis lupus) and one hyena (crocuta crocuta) kept at german zoological gardens were subjected to histopathological and immunohistochemical examination. selected tissue specimens of 12 animals were examined also by electron microscopy. the purpose of ...19979076597
occurrence of puma lentivirus infection in cougars from washington.puma lentivirus (plv) antibodies were detected in 13 (25%) of 52 serum samples obtained from cougars (felis concolor) collected by hunters. the serum samples were collected from november 1993 through january 1994 from four specific regions throughout the state of washington (usa), and included the olympic mountains, the cascade mountains, the blue mountains, and the selkirk mountains. more (38%) seropositive cougar samples originated from the cascade mountains than from any other site. the overa ...19979131566
gastric ulcer associated with a helicobacter-like organism in a cougar (felis concolor).a 12-year-old captive female cougar (felis concolor) died following perforation of a gastric ulcer. histologically, erosions and ulcers were present in the antral area of the stomach. fibroplasia and infiltrates of neutrophils bordered the ulcers. modified steiner silver stain revealed numerous tightly coiled helical bacteria. the bacteria stained positively with a rabbit polyclonal anti-helicobacter pylori antibody. morphology, location, and positive immunohistochemical staining suggests that t ...19979150547
hematologic and serum biochemical reference intervals for florida panthers.ninety-four blood samples were collected from 48 (29 males and 19 females) free-ranging florida panthers (felis concolor coryi) captured in southern florida (usa) from 1983 to 1994 for routine hematological and serum biochemical analysis. florida panthers in the northern portion of their range had significantly higher red blood cell (mean +/- sd = 7.923 x 10(6) +/- 0.854 x 10(6)/microliter), hemoglobin (12.53 +/- 1.66 g/dl), and packed cell volume (36.97 +/- 4.27%) values compared to those of pa ...19979391962
bartonella henselae antibody prevalence in free-ranging and captive wild felids from order to determine the importance of wild felids in the epidemiology of bartonella spp. infection, 136 nobuto strips or serum samples from free-ranging mountain lions (felis concolor) and bobcats (felis rufus) captured in california (usa) between 1985 and 1996 were tested for b. henselae antibodies (titer > or = 1:64) using an immunofluorescence test. similarly, 124 serum samples from 114 captive wild cats representing 26 species or subspecies collected between 1991 and 1995 were retrieved fr ...19989476226
plasma cortisol levels in captive wild felines after chemical restraint.eight panthera onca (po), 13 felis concolor (fc), 7 felis yagouaroundi (fy), 7 felis tigrina (ft) and 5 felis pardalis (fp) specimens from são paulo state zoos were used. all animals were restrained with darts containing 10 mg/kg ketamine and 1 mg/kg xylazine. venous blood samples were collected as soon as possible (within 15-20 min) and serum was frozen until the time for cortisol quantification. cortisol was determined using a solid phase radioimmunoassay with an intra-assay coefficient of 8.5 ...19979532247
toxoplasma gondii in vancouver island cougars (felis concolor vancouverensis): serology and oocyst of 12 necropsied cougars (felis concolor vancouverensis) from vancouver island, british columbia, canada, shed toxoplasma gondii oocysts confirmed by mouse bioassay. eleven of the 12 cougars (92%) had antibodies to t. gondii by the modified agglutination test with titers of <1:25 (1 cougar), 1:50 (8 cougars), and 1:500 (3 cougars). one additional cougar fecal sample collected from the victoria watershed environment also contained t. gondii oocysts. in 1995, the largest reported outbreak of h ...19989576522
peritoneal coccidioidomycosis in a mountain lion in adult mountain lion (felis concolor) from the vicinity of weldon, california (usa) was necropsied following euthanasia due to emaciation and proximity to semi-rural housing. there were spherules consistent with coccidioides immitis within peritoneal surfaces with granulomatous inflammation and fungi consistent with c. immitis were cultured from abdominal fluid. this is the first reported case of coccidioidomycosis in a wild mountain lion.199910073349
vitamin a concentrations in serum and liver from florida panthers.many of the anomalies and clinical signs afflicting the florida panther (felis concolor coryi) are suggestive of vitamin a deficiency. our objectives in this study were to determine if a vitamin a deficiency exists in the free-ranging panther population and to determine if there are differences in vitamin a levels among various subgroups of free-ranging panthers. retinol concentrations were used as an index to vitamin a concentrations and were determined in serum and liver from free-ranging (ser ...199910231743
potential contamination of drinking water with toxoplasma gondii oocysts.the world's first documented toxoplasmosis outbreak associated with a municipal water supply was recognized in 1995 in victoria, british columbia, canada. it was hypothesized that domestic cat (felis catus) or cougar (felis concolor) faeces contaminated a surface water reservoir with toxoplasma gondii oocysts. an extensive investigation of the victoria watershed 1 year following the outbreak documented the presence of an endemic t. gondii cycle involving the animals inhabiting the area. cats and ...199910355797
atrial septal defects in florida panthers.ostium secundum atrial septal defects (asds) were observed in six (3 m, 3 f) of 33 (20 m, 13 f) (18%) florida panthers (puma concolor coryi) necropsied by veterinary pathologists between 1985 and 1998. a seventh asd was found in a female panther necropsied in the field and is included in the pathological description but not the prevalence of asds in florida panthers. one panther (fp205) with severe asd also had tricuspid valve dysplasia (tvd). atrial septal defects and/or tvd are believed to hav ...199910479086
hematologic effects of cytauxzoonosis in florida panthers and texas cougars in florida.cytauxzoon felis is a long-recognized hemoparasite of free-ranging florida panthers (puma concolor coryi), but its prevalence and effect on the population has not been assessed. red blood cell indices and white blood cell counts were compared between infected and noninfected florida panthers and texas cougars (puma concolor stanleyana) from 1983-1997 in florida (usa). the prevalence of cytauxzoonosis for both populations was 39% (11/28) for texas cougars, 35% for florida panthers (22/63) and 36% ...199910479103
dermatophyte infections in free-ranging florida panthers (felis concolor coryi).three free-ranging florida panthers (felis concolor coryi) were diagnosed with clinical dermatophytosis; two were infected with trichophyton mentagrophytes, and one was infected with microsporum gypseum. two of these panthers were juvenile males that were diagnosed with focal to focally coalescing dermatophytosis; one caused by m. gypseum and the other by t. mentagrophytes. these animals were not treated, and clinical signs resolved spontaneously over 6 mo. the third panther, an adult male from ...199910484147
granulocytic ehrlichiosis and tick infestation in mountain lions in california.forty-seven mountain lions (puma concolor) collected year-round in 1996 to 1998 from the sierra nevada foothills, the northern coast ranges, and in monterey county (california, usa) were examined for infestation with ixodes pacificus and dermacentor variabilis ticks. ticks were found predominantly in winter and spring. the seroprevalence of granulocytic ehrlichiae (ge) antibodies (ehrlichia equi or the agent of human granulocytic ehrlichiosis) was 17% and the pcr-prevalence of dna characteristic ...199910574529
feline papillomas and papillomaviruses.papillomaviruses (pvs) are highly species- and site-specific pathogens of stratified squamous epithelium. although pv infections in the various felidae are rarely reported, we identified productive infections in six cat species. pv-induced proliferative skin or mucous membrane lesions were confirmed by immunohistochemical screening for papillomavirus-specific capsid antigens. seven monoclonal antibodies, each of which reacts with an immunodominant antigenic determinant of the bovine papillomavir ...200010643975
prevalence of bartonella henselae antibody in florida panthers.serum samples from 28 free-ranging florida panthers (puma concolor coryi) and seven mountain lions from texas (p. concolor stanleyana) living in south florida (usa) between 1997 to 1998 were tested for antibodies to bartonella henselae. twenty percent (7/35) of the samples were reactive to b. henselae antisera with a subspecies prevalence of 18% (5/ 28) for florida panthers and 28% (2/7) for cougars from texas (usa). there was not a significant sex related difference in infection rates among the ...200010682759
molecular tracking of mountain lions in the yosemite valley region in california: genetic analysis using microsatellites and faecal dna.twelve microsatellite loci were characterized in california mountain lions (puma concolor) and sufficient polymorphism was found to uniquely genotype 62 animals sampled at necropsy. microsatellite genotypes obtained using mountain lion faecal dna matched those from muscle for all of 15 individuals examined. dna from potential prey species and animals whose faeces could be misidentified as mountain lion faeces were reliably distinguished from mountain lions using this microsatellite panel. in a f ...200010736046
genomic ancestry of the american puma (puma concolor).puma concolor, a large american cat species, occupies the most extensive range of any new world terrestrial mammal, spanning 110 degrees of latitude from the canadian yukon to the straits of magellan. until the recent holocene, pumas coexisted with a diverse array of carnivores including the american lion (panthera atrox), the north american cheetah (miracynonyx trumani), and the saber toothed tiger (smilodon fatalis). genomic dna specimens from 315 pumas of specified geographic origin (261 cont ...200010833043
conservation value of a native forest fragment in a region of extensive agriculture.a survey of mammals and birds was carried out in a semi-deciduous forest fragment of 150 ha located in a zone of intensive agriculture in ribeirão preto, state of são paulo, south-eastern brazil. line transect sampling was used to census mammals and birds during six days, totalling 27.8 km of trails and 27.8 hours of observation. twenty mammal species were confirmed in the area (except bats and small mammals), including rare or endangered species, such as the mountain lion (puma concolor), the m ...200010959107
dissecting thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm in a free-ranging florida panther (felis concolor coryi).a 12-yr-old female free-ranging florida panther (felis concolor coryi) was found dead in good flesh. the panther had a ruptured thoracoabdominal aneurysm and 0.5 l of unclotted blood in its thorax. intimal plaques 6.0 x 3.0 x 3.0 cm and 4.0 x 3.0 x 1.0 cm were present in the thoracic and abdominal aorta extending below the bifurcation of the renal arteries. histologic examination revealed necrohemorrhagic aortitis with a mixed inflammatory infiltrate of lymphocytes, macrophages, and neutrophils. ...200010982134
dietary separation of sympatric carnivores identified by molecular analysis of scats.we studied the diets of four sympatric carnivores in the flooding savannas of western venezuela by analysing predator dna and prey remains in faeces. dna was isolated and a portion of the cytochrome b gene of the mitochondrial genome amplified and sequenced from 20 of 34 scats. species were diagnosed by comparing the resulting sequences to reference sequences generated from the blood of puma (puma concolor), jaguar (panthera onca), ocelot (leopardus pardalus) and crab-eating fox (cerdocyon thous ...200011050553
patterns of size homoplasy at 10 microsatellite loci in pumas (puma concolor). 200111371606
a landscape analysis of cougar distribution and abundance in montana, usa.recent growth in the distribution and abundance of cougars (puma concolor) throughout western north america has created opportunities, challenges, and problems for wildlife managers and raises questions about what factors affect cougar populations. we present an analysis of factors thought to affect cougar distribution and abundance across the broad geographical scales on which most population management decisions are made. our objectives were to: (1) identify and evaluate landscape parameters t ...200111531235
trichinella infection in wildlife of the southwestern united states.several potential mammalian reservoirs of sylvatic species of trichinella were examined from texas, new mexico, and arizona. during 1998-99, tongues were collected from a black bear (ursus americanus) in arizona; from 9 black bears, a coyote (canis latrans), and a mountain lion (felis concolor) in new mexico; and from 154 coyotes, 32 raccoons (procyon lotor), 13 opossums (didelphis marsupialis), 4 ocelots (leopardus pardalis), 3 bobcats (lynx rufus), and 5 feral hogs (sus scrofa) in southern tex ...200111695403
seroprevalence of toxoplasma gondii in captive neotropical felids from brazil.seroprevalence of toxoplasma gondii was determined in 865 captive neotropical felids from 20 states from brazil, sampled from september 1995 to april 1997. sera were tested by the modified agglutination test (mat) using formalin-fixed whole tachyzoites and mercaptoethanol. antibodies (mat> or =1:20) to t. gondii were found in 472 of 865 (54.6%) cats: in 45 of 99 (45.9%) jaguarundis (herpailurus yagouaroundi), in 97 of 168 (57.7%) ocelots (leopardus pardalis), in 68 of 131 (51.9%) oncillas (l. ti ...200111777601
causes of mortality of free-ranging florida panthers.the florida panther (puma concolor coryi) is one of the most endangered mammals, with the entire population estimated to consist of only 30-50 adult animals. between 1978 and 1999, 73 free-ranging florida panther carcasses were submitted for postmortem evaluation, of which 47 (64%) were radiocollared and 26 (36%) were uncollared cats. overall, mortality of panthers > 6-mo-old was due to vehicular trauma in 25 (35%), intraspecific aggression in 19 (26%), illegal kill in seven (10%), research acti ...200211838201
retrospective study of proliferative papillary vulvitis in florida panthers.proliferative, papillary vulvitis was identified in 16 of 34 (47%) free-ranging and captive female florida panthers (puma concolor coryi) monitored over a period from 1983-98. gross lesions were characterized by extensive papilliferous proliferation in the mucosa of the vestibulum vaginae. within lesions, the mean length and width of vestibular papillae were 1.07 +/- 0.39 mm (cv = 36%) and 0.55 +/- 0.11 mm (cv = 20%) respectively. histologically, three to 12 layers of non-cornified stratified sq ...200211838202
gastroduodenal adenocarcinomas and rectal adenoma in a cougar (felis concolor) infected with helicobacter-like organisms and spirochetes.a 14-year-old female cougar died from gastroduodenal adenocarcinomas and rectal adenoma. at necropsy, polypoid tumor masses of various sizes were scattered on the mucosal surfaces of the stomach, duodenum, and rectum. histologically, the gastric tumor was diagnosed as an intestinal type adenocarcinoma and the tumor cells metastasized to the mesenteric lymph nodes, spleen, and lung. helicobacter-like organisms were detected in the lumina lined by foveolar epithelium. in the duodenum, the carcinom ...200211913552
odontoclastic resorptive lesion of a mandibular right first molar in a cougar.a two-year old neuteral/male cougar (felis concolor) was presented because of abnormal eating habits and an irregularity of the mandibular right first molar that was noted by the caretaker. oral examination and dental radiographs showed a lesion consistent with odontoclastic resorption of the mandibular right first molar, and a crown fracture and dilacerated root of the maxillary right first incisor. exodontic therapy was performed on both teeth. the caretaker reported no problems associated wit ...200011968918
bilateral eyelid agenesis repair in a captive texas cougar.bilateral eyelid agenesis was presented with multiple ocular anomalies in a captive texas cougar (felis concolor). corneal exposure resulted in substantial keratoconjunctivitis and blepharospasm. bilateral inferopapillary fundic colobomas, persistent pupillary membranes, and an atypical iris coloboma od were present. surgical repair with a rotational pedicle flap resulted in functionally effective eyelids. trichiasis was later treated with cryotherapy. eyelid agenesis is reported infrequently in ...200212236863
causes of mortality in the florida panther (felis concolor coryi).panthers necropsied at the university of florida ranged between 2 weeks and 14 years of age; there were 38 males and 17 females in the cohort. main categories of causes of death included trauma inflicted from either vehicular collisions (43%) or territorial fights (16%). specific endogenous diseases involved the respiratory system in 13%, the urinary system in 4%, and the central nervous system in 2%. ostium secundum atrial septal defects (asd) were diagnosed in 11% of the panthers necropsied. s ...200212381616
serum concentrations of lipids, vitamin d metabolites, retinol, retinyl esters, tocopherols and selected carotenoids in twelve captive wild felid species at four zoos.serum concentrations of several nutrients were measured in 12 captive wild felid species including caracal (felis caracal), cheetah (acinonyx jubatus), cougar (felis concolor), fishing cat (felis viverrinus), leopard (panthera pardus), lion (panthera leo), ocelot (felis pardalis), pallas cat (felis manul), sand cat (felis margarita), serval (felis serval), snow leopard (panthera uncia) and tiger (panthera tigris). diet information was collected for these animals from each participating zoo (broo ...200312514284
cryptorchidism in florida panthers: prevalence, features, and influence of genetic restoration.the overall prevalence of cryptorchidism in florida panthers (puma concolor coryi) from 1972-2001 was 49% (24/49), with a significant increase over time. the earliest age at which descent of both testicles was known to occur was 2 mo and the latest was 10-13 mo. delayed testicular descent was documented in 23% (8/35) of juveniles examined. most retained testicles were in the inguinal canal. there was no apparent difference in reproductive success between cryptorchid and normal panthers, although ...200212528434
ticks (acari: ixodidae) on wild animals from the porto-primavera hydroelectric power station area, brazil.from june 2000 to june 2001, a total of 741 ticks were collected from 51 free-living wild animals captured at the porto-primavera hydroelectric power station area, located alongside an approximately 180 km course of the paran river, between the states of s o paulo and mato grosso do sul, comprising 9 species of 3 genera: ambly-omma (7 species), boophilus (1) and anocentor (1). a total of 421 immature amblyomma ticks were reared in laboratory until the adult stage, allowing identification of the ...200312563479
identification of haemobartonella felis (mycoplasma haemofelis) in captive nondomestic cats.this study was undertaken to determine whether haemobartonella felis (mycoplasma haemofelis), the causative bacterial agent of feline infectious anemia, infects nondomestic cats. routine complete blood count and polymerase chain reaction (pcr) were performed to detect the gene for 16s ribosomal rna for the organism. sixty-four blood samples were collected from 54 nondomestic cats, including tigers (panthera tigris), cheetahs (acinonyx jubatus), lions (p. leo), mountain lions (felis concolor), sn ...200312885130
cutaneous fibropapilloma in a mountain lion (felis concolor).a 12-yr-old mountain lion (felis concolor) developed a 0.5-cm3 raised nonpigmented and nonulcerated mass between the lip and the nasal planum. the tumor was surgically removed and diagnosed histologically as a fibropapilloma. the tumor recurred 1 yr later, at which time it was again excised, and the diagnosis was reconfirmed by biopsy. frozen tissue from the second excision was submitted for polymerase chain reaction testing for papillomavirus. the 176-base pair polymerase chain reaction product ...200312885136
[the puma (felis concolor) as a new host for ancylostoma caninum (ercolani, 1859) linstow 1889]. 196414174786
domestic cats infected with lion or puma lentivirus develop anti-feline immunodeficiency virus immune responses.attenuated live viral strains have afforded significant protection against virus challenge in hiv vaccine models. although both cellular and humoral immunity are assumed to be vital for protection, specific parameters consistently associated with control of infection have been elusive. our previous studies have shown that lentiviruses from 2 nondomestic feline species--lion (pathera leo) and puma (felis concolor)--persistently but nonpathogenetically infect domestic cats (felis domestica). moreo ...200314501789
helminths of the ocelot from southern the usa, the ocelot (leopardus pardalis) is a highly endangered felid found only in a few remaining vestiges of native thornshrub brushland in the lower rio grande valley (lrgv) of extreme southern texas. from 1987-1998, carcasses of 15 adult ocelots that died of vehicular accidents or natural causes were examined for helminths. all cats had 1-8 (mean = 3) helminth species. all were infected with 1-101 (mean +/- se = 32 +/- 7) toxascaris leonina. other helminths from these ocelots were alaria ...200314567231
seroprevalence of toxoplasma gondii in american free-ranging or captive pumas (felis concolor) and bobcats (lynx rufus).toxoplasma gondii is a major zoonotic agent infecting a wide range of mammals, including wild felids. like domestic cats, wild felids are involved in the complete infective cycle of t. gondii, as they can host in their gastrointestinal tract sexually mature parasites and shed infective oocysts in their feces. in order to evaluate the importance of this wildlife reservoir, 438 serum samples collected between 1984 and 1999 from 438 pumas (felis concolor) and from 58 bobcats (lynx rufus) from north ...200415019138
seroprevalence of bartonella infection in american free-ranging and captive pumas (felis concolor) and bobcats (lynx rufus).bartonella henselae is the main agent of cat scratch disease in humans and domestic cats are the main reservoir of this bacterium. we conducted a serosurvey to investigate the role of american wild felids as a potential reservoir of bartonella species. a total of 479 samples (439 serum samples and 40 nobuto strips) collected between 1984 and 1999 from pumas (felis concolor) and 91 samples (58 serum samples and 33 nobuto strips) collected from bobcats (lynx rufus) in north america, central americ ...200415099499
effects of porcine zona pellucida immunocontraceptives in zoo felids.methods of contraception are necessary for management of zoo felids; however, the most commonly used contraceptive (melengestrol acetate implant) is associated with serious adverse reactions with long-term use. porcine zona pellucida (pzp) vaccines are promising as contraceptives, but their safety in zoo felids has not been tested. pzp vaccine was administered to 27 female felids representing 10 species, including african lion (panthera leo), asian leopard (p. pardus), jaguar (p. onca), tiger (p ...200415526881
historical and other patterns of monomethyl and inorganic mercury in the florida panther (puma concolor coryi).since the late 1980s, elevated levels of mercury have been reported in the tissues of the florida panther (puma concolor coryi) from the florida everglades. the extent, degree, and length of time of mercury contamination in the florida panther are unknown. the objective of this study was to determine the historical and other patterns of monomethyl and inorganic mercury in the florida panther by analysis of mercury in panther hair from museum collections. in addition, this study evaluated the eff ...200515657808
puma lentivirus is controlled in domestic cats after mucosal exposure in the absence of conventional indicators of immunity.a high percentage of free-ranging pumas (felis concolor) are infected with feline lentiviruses (puma lentivirus, feline immunodeficiency virus pco [fiv-pco], referred to here as plv) without evidence of disease. plv establishes productive infection in domestic cats following parenteral exposure but, in contrast to domestic cat fiv, it does not cause t-cell dysregulation. here we report that cats exposed to plv oro-nasally became infected yet rapidly cleared peripheral blood mononuclear cell (pbm ...200515708998
development and validation of puma (felis concolor) cytokine and lentivirus real-time pcr detection systems.studies of immune correlates of disease outcome associate humoral immune response mediated by t-helper 2 cytokines (il-4, il-10) with more virulent disease relative to a cell-mediated response driven by t-helper 1 cytokines (il-2, ifn-gamma), particularly in viral and other intra-cellular infections. specifically, the kinetics of both human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) and feline immunodeficiency virus (fiv) infection are closely associated with type 1 versus type 2 cytokine profiles. puma (feli ...200515734541
phylogenetic studies of pantherine cats (felidae) based on multiple genes, with novel application of nuclear beta-fibrinogen intron 7 to carnivores.the pantherine lineage of the cat family felidae (order: carnivora) includes five big cats of genus panthera and a great many midsized cats known worldwide. presumably because of their recent and rapid radiation, the evolutionary relationship among pantherines remains ambiguous. we provide an independent assessment of the evolutionary history of pantherine lineage using two complete mitochondrial (mt) genes (nd2 and nd4) and the nuclear beta-fibrinogen intron 7 gene, whose utility in carnivoran ...200515804417
habitat barriers limit gene flow and illuminate historical events in a wide-ranging carnivore, the american puma.we examined the effects of habitat discontinuities on gene flow among puma (puma concolor) populations across the southwestern usa. using 16 microsatellite loci, we genotyped 540 pumas sampled throughout the states of utah, colorado, arizona, and new mexico, where a high degree of habitat heterogeneity provides for a wide range of connective habitat configurations between subpopulations. we investigated genetic structuring using complementary individual- and population-based analyses, the latter ...200515910319
cycle and duration of the seminiferous epithelium in puma (puma concolor).puma or sussuarana (puma concolor) is the second largest feline in the american continent and has an ample latitudinal distribution in very diverse habitats. in relation to its conservation status, the puma is considered an extinction-threatened species. the study of the testis morphology and the spermatogenic process in a species is fundamental for establishing the physiologic patterns that will make possible the selection of the protocols for assisted reproduction. a number of peculiarities as ...200615923093
seroprevalence and genomic divergence of circulating strains of feline immunodeficiency virus among felidae and hyaenidae species.feline immunodeficiency virus (fiv) infects numerous wild and domestic feline species and is closely related to human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) and simian immunodeficiency virus (siv). species-specific strains of fiv have been described for domestic cat (felis catus), puma (puma concolor), lion (panthera leo), leopard (panthera pardus), and pallas' cat (otocolobus manul). here, we employ a three-antigen western blot screening (domestic cat, puma, and lion fiv antigens) and pcr analysis to sur ...200515956574
controlling for anthropogenically induced atmospheric variation in stable carbon isotope studies.increased use of stable isotope analysis to examine food-web dynamics, migration, transfer of nutrients, and behavior will likely result in expansion of stable isotope studies investigating human-induced global changes. recent elevation of atmospheric co2 concentration, related primarily to fossil fuel combustion, has reduced atmospheric co2 delta13c (13c/12c), and this change in isotopic baseline has, in turn, reduced plant and animal tissue delta13c of terrestrial and aquatic organisms. such d ...200516082561
ticks (acari: ixodida) on wild carnivores in brazil.the present study reports field data of ticks infesting wild carnivores captured from july 1998 to september 2004 in brazil. additional data were obtained from one tick collection and from previous published data of ticks on carnivores in brazil. during field work, a total of 3437 ticks were collected from 89 cerdocyon thous (crab-eating fox), 58 chrysocyon brachyurus (maned wolf), 30 puma concolor (puma), 26 panthera onca (jaguar), 12 procyon cancrivorus (crab-eating raccoon), 4 speothos venati ...200516082932
the rise and fall of psoroptic scabies in bighorn sheep in the san andres mountains, new mexico.between 1978 and 1997, a combination of psoroptic scabies (psoroptes spp.), mountain lion (puma concolor) predation, and periodic drought reduced a population of native desert bighorn sheep (ovis canadensis) in the san andres mountains (sam), new mexico, from >200 individuals to a single ewe. in 1999, this ewe was captured, ensured to be psoroptes-free, and released back into the sam. eleven radio-collared rams were translocated from the red rock wildlife area (rrwa) in new mexico into the sam r ...200516244062
potential existence of a sylvatic cycle of taenia ovis krabbei in patagonia, deer (cervus elaphus) were introduced in southern latin america about a century ago and characteristics of the invasion raise concerns over their epidemiological role for various diseases. we report on the possible occurrence of taenia ovis krabbei established in a sylvatic cycle in patagonia. hook characters, size, appearance, and location of a cysticercus from a wild red deer are consistent with taenia ovis ovis or t. o. krabbei. although it is not possible to differentiate between t. o. o ...200616289565
feline immunodeficiency virus and puma lentivirus in florida panthers (puma concolor coryi): epidemiology and diagnostic issues.this study documents the seroprevalence of feline immunodeficiency virus (fiv) and puma lentivirus (plv) in free-ranging and captive florida panthers (puma concolor coryi) (n = 51) and translocated texas cougars (p. concolor stanleyana) (n = 10) from 1985 to 1998. the sera were tested for anti-fiv antibodies by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) and western blot tests. the elisas were read kinetically (kela) and the sera were retrospectively examined by plv peptide elisa. eleven panthers ...200616437306
a virus reveals population structure and recent demographic history of its carnivore host.directly transmitted parasites often provide substantial information about the temporal and spatial characteristics of host-to-host contact. here, we demonstrate that a fast-evolving virus (feline immunodeficiency virus, fiv) can reveal details of the contemporary population structure and recent demographic history of its natural wildlife host (puma concolor) that were not apparent from host genetic data and would be impossible to obtain by other means. we suggest that rapidly evolving pathogens ...200616439664
suspected secondary thiafentanil intoxication in a captive mountain lion (puma concolor).inadvertent ingestion of thiafentanil oxalate by a captive adult female mountain lion (puma concolor) caused a prolonged clinical syndrome that included sedation and depression, muscle tension, and myopathy that was incompletely antagonized by naltrexone hcl. a serum chemistry profile revealed markedly elevated creatinine phosphokinase (ck; 490,450 iu/l), alanine aminotransferase (alt; 1,896 iu/l), and aspartate aminotransferase (ast; 4,321 iu/l) 2 days after onset. the affected animal's conditi ...200516456179
ectoparasites of free-ranging pumas and jaguars in the paraguayan chaco.ectoparasites were collected from seven puma (puma concolor) and seven jaguar (panthera onca) live-captures (each representing six different animals) in the paraguayan chaco from 2002 to 2004. the same five species of ectoparasites were recovered from both host species: the flea, pulex simulans (total on both hosts combined=30 male, 49 female), and the ticks, amblyomma cajennense (1 male, 4 female, 46 nymphs, 241 larvae), amblyomma parvum (42 male, 25 female), amblyomma tigrinum (1 male, 7 femal ...200616464533
feline lentivirus evolution in cross-species infection reveals extensive g-to-a mutation and selection on key residues in the viral polymerase.factors that restrict a virus from establishing productive infection in a new host species are important to understand because cross-species transmission events are often associated with emergent viral diseases. to determine the evolutionary pressures on viruses in new host species, we evaluated the molecular evolution of a feline immunodeficiency virus derived from a wild cougar, puma concolor, during infection of domestic cats. analyses were based on the coding portion of genome sequences reco ...200616501082
listeric meningoencephalomyelitis in a cougar (felis concolor): characterization by histopathologic, immunohistochemical, and molecular methods.listeria monocytogenes has been recognized as an important food-borne pathogen in animals. records of the disease caused by this bacterium in large felids are, however, rare. the nervous form of listeriosis was diagnosed in a 12-year-old male cougar (felis concolor) with a several-day history of neurologic disease characterized by excess salivation, head pressing, and circling that progressed to recumbency and death. microscopically, the main alteration in the brain and spinal cord was a variabl ...200616672590
isolation of malassezia spp. from cerumen of wild felids.the objective of this study was to determine the presence of different species of the genus malassezia in the healthy external auditory canal of wild felids maintained in captivity. one hundred and thirty-two adult animals (264 samples of cerumen), 77 males (58.3%) and 55 females (41.7%), were studied: large felids (55 animals) - 26 lions (panthera leo), 13 tigers (panthera tigris), 6 leopards (panthera pardus), 6 jaguars (panthera onca), 2 cheetahs (acinonyx jubatus), 2 pumas (puma concolor); s ...200616772235
stochastic predation events and population persistence in bighorn sheep.many studies have reported temporal changes in the relative importance of density-dependence and environmental stochasticity in affecting population growth rates, but they typically assume that the predominant factor limiting growth remains constant over long periods of time. stochastic switches in limiting factors that persist for multiple time-steps have received little attention, but most wild populations may periodically experience such switches. here, we consider the dynamics of three popul ...200616777749
t-lymphocyte profiles in fiv-infected wild lions and pumas reveal cd4 depletion.feline immunodeficiency virus (fiv) is a lentivirus related to human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) that causes feline aids in the domestic cat (felis catus). serological surveys indicate that at least 25 other species of cat possess antibodies that cross-react with domestic cat fiv. most infected nondomestic cat species are without major symptoms of disease. long-term studies of fiv genome variation and pathogenesis reveal patterns consistent with coadaptation of virus and host in free-ranging fi ...200616870846
Displaying items 1 - 100 of 389