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ecological border of distribution of trichinella nativa britov et boev, 1972 and t. nelsoni britov et boev, 1972.according to the received data trichinella nelsoni and t. nativa occupied different areas. t. nelsoni was localized in africa and mediterranean subregion of palearctics, t. nativa occupied the continental territory of eurasia and neoarctics. their distribution was limited by the threshold action of certain gradation of low temperatures. the joints of the species borders passed along the isotherm line of -5 - -6 degrees of january, where they made sympatric populations. outside of this border the ...19921299068
allozymic and biological characters of trichinella pseudospiralis isolates from free-ranging evaluate biological and biochemical variability in nonencapsulated trichinella isolates, biological and allozymic studies were conducted on isolates of trichinella collected from a raptoral bird (aquila rapax) and a fox (vulpes corsac) in kazakhstan and from a dasyurid marsupial (dasyurus maculatus) on the island of tasmania, australia. allozyme profiles of bird and marsupial isolates showed close similarity with the type isolate of trichinella pseudospiralis. the avian and fox isolates succe ...19921491304
epidemiologic and serologic definition of primary and secondary trichinosis in the arctic.a large outbreak of trichinosis acquired from walrus in salluit in 1987 provided the immunologic and epidemiologic data from which two distinct clinical syndromes were identified. the first syndrome is the classic myopathic form with edema, fever, myalgia, and rash. the second is a persistent diarrheal illness with little edema or myalgia. the clinical presentations are paralleled by distinct differences in type and development of antibody response. the clinical and serologic profiles of the two ...19921569342
allozyme analysis of trichinella isolates from various host species and geographical regions.allozyme analysis was carried out on 152 trichinella isolates from synanthropic and wild animals and from humans; the isolates were collected from 5 continents. the analysis, involving 27 enzymes, revealed the presence of 8 distinct gene pools, termed t1-t8. four of the genetic groups represent the 4 previously proposed species: trichinella spiralis sensu stricto (t1), trichinella nativa (t2), trichinella nelsoni (t7), and trichinella pseudospiralis (t4). the other 4, t3, t5, t6, and t8 are dist ...19921635022
biological characterization of trichinella isolates from various host species and geographical regions.forty isolates of trichinella collected from 5 continents were compared for 7 biological characters: newborn larvae produced per female worm cultured in vitro at the seventh, eighth, and ninth day postinfection, host muscle nurse cell development time, reproductive capacity index in rats and chickens, and resistance of muscle larvae to freezing. the isolates also were compared by analyses of an environmental character of the location from which they were isolated: the isotherms for january and j ...19921635023
taxonomic revision of the genus trichinella.the analysis of genetic, biochemical, and biological data on about 300 trichinella isolates, reported in the literature, allows a taxonomic revision of this genus. we propose the recognition of 5 sibling species, trichinella spiralis (owen, 1835) sensu stricto; trichinella nativa britov and boev, 1972; trichinella pseudospiralis garkavi, 1972; trichinella nelsoni britov and boev, 1972 sensu stricto; and trichinella britovi n. sp., on the basis of biochemical and biological characteristics. trich ...19921635024
the ecology of echinococcus multilocularis (cestoda: taeniidae) on st. lawrence island, alaska. ii. helminth populations in the definitive host.the helminths of 1,579 arctic foxes from st. lawrence island were investigated by standard methods. the foxes, obtained mainly during the winter from fur trappers, harbored 22 species of helminths. four of those were trematodes, viz., maritrema afanassjewi belopol'skaia, 1952, orthosplanchnus pygmaeus iurakhno, 1967, plagiorchis elegans (rudolphi, 1802) and alaria marcianae (larue, 1917), each of which occurred in a single host. two species of cestodes, diphyllobothrium dendriticum (nitzsch, 182 ...19902080830
characterization of a trichinella isolate from polar isolate of trichinella of polar bear origin was studied by isoenzymatic typing. it was found referable to trichinella nativa. while the wistar rats proved nearly refractory to this isolate, the swiss albino mice were highly susceptible. ninety-one per cent of the cystic lesions in the diaphragm of the polar bear contained viable larvae after over 20 years of acquisition of the infection by the host which is a case of extreme adaptability of the parasite to its host. the anatomo-pathological a ...19902222005
allergenic cross-reactivity of several strains of trichinella in mice and rats by the passive cutaneous anaphylaxis technique.the cross-reactivity of antiparasite ige antibody responses induced by allergenic antigens obtained from trichinella spiralis and trichinella pseudospiralis was determined by the passive cutaneous anaphylaxis (pca) technique in bcf1 mice infected with t. spiralis, trichinella nelsoni, trichinella nativa, and t. pseudospiralis and in rats infected with t. spiralis and t. pseudospiralis. our results demonstrate that when the antigen used for the pca challenge is derived from muscular l1 larvae of ...19883338853
the feeding mechanism of intracellular muscle larvae, trichinella nativa britov et boev, 1972 and t. pseudospiralis garkavi, 1972.we confirmed, with the electron microscope, that trichinella larvae feed directly on the host tissue during their initial development. they suck, by means of a stylet acting as a piston, all components of the muscle cell which develops into a nurse cell, into their oral cavity. the stylet is controlled by a muscle retractor. at day 10 p.i., fragments of myofilaments and glycogen are present in the oesophagus of the larva of t. nativa, mitochondria occur in it at day 20 p.i. during the larval gro ...19853988160
comparative study of the fatty acids of trichinella spiralis, trichinella nativa and trichinella nelsoni. 19854072214
comparative electron microscopic and cytochemical studies on the cuticle and the hypodermis of trichinella nativa (britov et boev, 1972) and t. pseudospiralis (garkavi, 1972).using cytochemical methods, we disclosed both in the cuticle and the hypodermis of two-day-old females of t. nativa and t. pseudospiralis, in the area of the oesophagus, these substances: cystine-containing proteins of the ss group, carbohydrates, acidic mucopolysaccharides (ams), acid phosphatase (acp) and a nonspecific esterase (ne). a regularly transverse striation (striae) in the cuticle reacts strongly with the method for cystine-containing proteins, weakly for carbohydrates, and negatively ...19826213463
[the distribution of trichinella nativa, t. nelsoni and t. pseudospiralis in eurasia].a hundred and forty-six isolates of trichinella from various regions of eurasia have been identified by the crossbreeding method (1 male + 1 female). three independent species of trichinella: t. nativa, t. nelsoni, and t. pseudospiralis were found to parasite on the animals of this continent. the former two are dominant species of different territories. t. nativa occupies the whole continental zone to the north and the north-east of the isotherm minus 5-6 degrees c in january and t. nelsoni popu ...19957476675
freeze-resistant trichinella (trichinella nativa) established on the scandinavian peninsula. 19957572453
contractile characteristics of the flexor muscle of mice infected with trichinella spiralis, t. nativa or t. pseudospiralis.a comparative analysis of skeletal muscle isometric contractile characteristics was performed in vivo on the flexor muscle of mice infected 6 mo earlier with 400 larvae of trichinella pseudospiralis, trichinella spiralis, or trichinella nativa. the control group consisted of age- and sex-matched uninfected mice. the mice were injected with 0.1 ml of 50% urethane in saline, and the skin of the left hind limb was cut open longitudinally. the exposed flexor muscle was freed from the adjacent tissue ...19948195936
identification of trichinella isolates from naturally infected stray dogs in egypt.larvae of trichinella species recovered from the diaphragms of 2 stray dogs killed during a governmental antirabies campaign in cairo, egypt, were fed to white mice for production of adult worms and larvae for morphological and isoenzyme studies. comparisons were made with reference species of trichinella spiralis, trichinella nelsoni, trichinella nativa, and trichinella pseudospiralis. results indicated that the 2 trichinella specimens from the dogs were morphologically and biochemically identi ...19948308650
enteral and parenteral phases of trichinella nativa and trichinella pseudospiralis in the deer mouse, peromyscus maniculatus.trichinella nativa and trichinella pseudospiralis infections in a wild rodent host, the deer mouse (peromyscus maniculatus), were characterized. forty-six percent of 400 inoculated t. nativa were recovered on day 4 postinoculation (pi); 77% and 23% were found in the small and large intestines, respectively. thirty-one percent of the worms recovered on day 4 remained in the large intestine beyond day 20 pi. worms were embedded in the mucosa of the small intestine, cecum, and colon. females recove ...19938410546
concurrent infection with sibling trichinella species in a natural host.random amplified polymorphic dna (rapd) analysis of individual trichinella muscle larvae, collected from several sylvatic and domestic animals in estonia, revealed concurrent infection of a racoon dog with trichinella nativa and trichinella britovi. this finding provides strong support for their taxonomic ranking as sibling species. these 2 species appear uniformly distributed among sylvatic animals through estonia, while trichinella spiralis appears restricted to the domestic habitat.19958557472
trichinella infections in arctic foxes from greenland: studies and reflections on predilection sites of muscle larvae.studies were carried out to determine the predilection sites of trichinella nativa muscle larvae in arctic foxes (alopex lagopus) caught in greenland. the highest number of larvae per gram of tissue was found in the muscles of the eyes and the legs. with regard to predilection sites no significant differences were demonstrated either between age groups or between foxes with high and low total parasite burdens. predilection sites were comparable with those recorded earlier in experimentally infec ...19958583127
prevalence of trichinella nativa in lynx (felis lynx) from alaska, 1988-1993.lynx (felis lynx) carcasses were collected during the 1989 to 1990 through 1992 to 1993 trapping seasons in alaska (usa). seven areas were represented. tongue samples were removed from 1,065 carcasses. specimens were examined for the presence of trichinella nativa larvae by means of enzymatic digestion. overall prevalence was 21%. both prevalence and number of larvae per gram of host tissue were directly related to age of the host. age-specific prevalence ranged from 4% for kittens up to 59% for ...19958592350
clinical aspects of infection with trichinella spp.isolated cases and outbreaks of infection with trichinella spp. occur frequently throughout the world, sometimes resulting in fatalities. the clinical presentations of signs and symptoms are remarkably constant for most of the species of trichinella, but in infections with trichinella nativa and trichinella britovi, classical symptoms of trichinellosis may be absent. it is important to be able to correlate the clinical presentation of trichinellosis with the life cycle of these helminths in orde ...19968665476
immunological characteristics and localization of the trichinella spiralis glutathione s-transferase.trichinella spiralis glutathione s-transferase (tsgst) was isolated from crude extracts of l1 larvae by glutathione-affinity chromatography. two closely migrating polypeptides with molecular masses of 28.5 and 28 kda were identified by electrophoresis. three isoforms of pi 5.6, 5.8, and 6.0 were detected by isoelectric focusing. purified tsgst showed a low transferase activity as measured with 1-chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene; glutathione peroxidase activity was also demonstrated using cumene hydrope ...19979267403
distribution of sylvatic species of trichinella in estonia according to climate zones.a survey on trichinellosis among sylvatic and domestic animals from estonia revealed the presence of trichinella nativa (tn), trichinella britovi (tb), and trichinella spiralis (ts). muscle samples were collected from 776 sylvatic and 1,086 domestic animals. muscle larvae from 52 of the 74 positive samples were identified, using random-amplified polymorphic dna analysis; 19 samples showed tn, 27 samples tb, and 4 samples ts. a raccoon dog (nyctereutes procyonoides) and a red fox (vulpes vulpes) ...19989488368
pcr-sscp of rdna for the identification of trichinella isolates from mainland china.a polymerase chain reaction (pcr)-based single strand conformation polymorphism (sscp) analysis of the expansion segment 5 (domain iv) of the large subunit of ribosomal dna was employed to characterize seven isolates of trichinella from china (a-g), including six of pig origin from regions in dengxian (a), tianjin (b), harbin (d), baoshan (e), xinye (f) and xian (g), and one of canine origin from changchun (c). isolates a, d, e, f and g were classified as trichinella spiralis based on sscp patte ...19989584075
the detection of trichinella with polymerase chain reaction (pcr) primers constructed using sequences of random amplified polymorphic dna (rapd) or sequences of complementary dna encoding excretory-secretory (e-s) glycoproteins.diagnostic pcr primers for trichinella were constructed. twelve pairs of primers were designed based on the sequences of random amplified polymorphic dna, and 4 pairs of primers were designed based on the reported sequences of complementary dna encoding excretory-secretory glycoproteins. with these primers, 31 samples of dna from different strains of trichinella including 5 species (trichinella spiralis, trichinella britovi, trichinella nativa, trichinella nelsoni and trichinella pseudospiralis) ...19989778640
polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (pcr-rflp) for the identification of trichinella the present study, polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (pcr-rflp) analysis was developed to identify 5 species (trichinella spiralis, trichinella britovi, trichinella nativa, trichinella nelsoni and trichinella pseudospiralis) and 3 phenotypes of uncertain taxonomic status (trichinella t5, t6, and t8). eleven restriction endonucleases were used to restrict 3 dna fragments (1) a 2800 bp fragment of the 43 kda excretory-secretory (e-s) protein gene, (2) a 1250 bp ...199910028536
freeze tolerance, morphology, and rapd-pcr identification of trichinella nativa in naturally infected arctic foxes.arctic foxes (alopex lagopus) were collected from greenland and svalbard (n = 319). twenty-four were infected with trichinella (7.5%). molecular analysis (random-amplified polymorphic dna polymerase chain reaction) confirmed that all animals were infected with trichinella nativa. motile larvae were found in muscle tissue from all foxes after carcasses had been frozen for 1 yr at -18 c. infective larvae were found in 2 foxes after a total of 4 yr storage at -18 c, which is longer than any previou ...199910207384
trichinella nativa in sylvatic wild boars.of 17 trichinella isolates from domestic pigs and wild boars (sus scrofa) in regions where trichinella nativa is widespread among sylvatic animals, two wild boars from estonia were found to be naturally infected with this trichinella species. the other 15 animals were infected with trichinella spiralis. trichinella nativa is tolerant to freezing when in the muscles of carnivores. the biological characteristics and temperature tolerance of this species in swine need to be further investigated if ...199910431373
identification of trichinella isolates by polymerase chain reaction--restriction fragment length polymorphism of the mitochondrial cytochrome c-oxidase subunit i gene.we developed a polymerase chain reaction based approach using restriction fragment length polymorphisms of the mitochondrial cytochrome c-oxidase subunit i to identify nine genotypes (trichinella spiralis, trichinella britovi-european strains, trichinella britovi-japanese strains, trichinella nativa, trichinella nelsoni, trichinella t5, trichinella t6, trichinella t8 and trichinella pseudospiralis) in the genus trichinella. partial mitochondrial cytochrome c-oxidase subunit i genes of nine genot ...199910501621
autochthonous and imported trichinella isolates in germany.the study of trichinella isolates from wildlife in germany revealed the presence of trichinella spiralis and trichinella britovi in wild boars and foxes. t spiralis was detected in meat products imported from spain, which is one of the two endemic areas of domestic trichinellosis in the european union: it was also detected in meat from a grizzly bear marketed in alaska, and trichinella nativa was detected in a polar bear from the berlin zoo. these results stress the importance of examining for t ...200010622607
trichinella murrelli n. sp: etiological agent of sylvatic trichinellosis in temperate areas of north america.trichinella t5, collected from sylvatic carnivores in north america, was identified previously as a different phenotype of trichinella, with an uncertain taxonomic level due to the availability of only 2 isolates. cross-breeding experiments carried out with single female and male larvae of 2 strains of trichinella t5, with single female and male larvae of 2 strains of trichinella spiralis, trichinella nativa, trichinella britovi, trichinella pseudospiralis, trichinella nelsoni, and trichinella t ...200010701576
infectivity, persistence, and antibody response to domestic and sylvatic trichinella spp. in experimentally infected pigs.groups of pigs were inoculated with genotypes of trichinella belonging to: trichinella spiralis, trichinella nativa, trichinella britovi, trichinella pseudospiralis (from caucasus), t. pseudospiralis (from usa), trichinella murrelli, trichinella sp. (from north america), and trichinella nelsoni. the pigs were sacrificed between 5 and 40weeks p.i., and the number of muscle larvae per gram (l.p.g.) of tissue was determined as an average of 18 muscles. all trichinella genotypes were infective for p ...200010704604
clinical features of experimental trichinellosis in the raccoon dog (nyctereutes procyonoides).three groups of six raccoon dogs (nyctereutes procyonoides) were provided for the experiment: the first group was infected with pig-origin trichinella spiralis, the second with raccoon dog-origin trichinella nativa, and the third served as controls. infection dose for both parasite species was 1000 larvae/kg of body weight, which led to intense final infection. clinical signs, haematology and serum biochemistry with repeated blood samples were monitored up to 12 weeks post-infection. the most si ...200010889361
dna fingerprints of trichinella as revealed by restriction fragment length polymorphism and single-strand conformational polymorphism (rflp-sscp).a method was developed for gene fingerprinting, combining the principles of restriction fragment length polymorphism and single-strand conformational polymorphism (pcr-rflp-sscp). taking advantage of this method, we analysed the genotypes of 20 isolates from five species of trichinella (trichinella spiralis, trichinella britovi, trichinella nativa, trichinella murrelli and trichinella pseudospiralis) and two uncertain genotypes (trichinella t6 and trichinella t8). target genes for the analysis i ...200011040092
epidemiology of trichinellosis in asia and the pacific rim.the epidemiology of trichinellosis, species of trichinella present and the food and eating habits of people affected in asia and the pacific rim are reviewed with emphasis on japan, china and thailand. trichinella seems to be prevalent throughout this region although outbreaks of trichinellosis have not been reported in some areas. major outbreaks of the disease have been reported primarily in china and thailand. this is the result of three factors: (1) china and thailand are highly endemic area ...200011099839
factors affecting the flow among domestic, synanthropic and sylvatic cycles of trichinella.nematodes of the genus trichinella are maintained in nature by sylvatic or domestic cycles. the sylvatic cycle is widespread on all continents, from frigid to torrid zones, and it is maintained by cannibalism and scavenging behavior of carnivores. trichinella is primarily a parasite of carnivorous mammals, although one non-encapsulated species, trichinella pseudospiralis, has also been detected in birds. the anaerobic metabolism of larvae in nurse cells allows their survival in extremely decayed ...200011099840
the occurrence and ecology of trichinella in marine mammals.trichinella in marine mammals has a circumpolar arctic distribution and a narrow range of host species. it is commonly found in polar bears (ursus maritimus), and increasingly in walruses (odobenus rosmarus) where it presents a significant zoonotic hazard. this has resulted in the implementation of food safety programs in some arctic communities to test harvested walrus meat for trichinella larvae prior to consumption. trichinella has been reported infrequently in bearded seals (erignathus barba ...200011099845
an outbreak of trichinellosis in farmed wild boar in finland.nine farmed wild boar out of 25 slaughtered from a single farm were condemned at meat inspection because of trichinellosis. with rapd-pcr, trichinella spiralis was identified in all positive wild boar. out of the available serum samples (n=7), all wild boar which had failed the meat inspection showed seroconversion in elisa and western blotting, as did one additional animal which had passed the inspection. the animals became infected during an invasion of rats from an improperly closed dump near ...200011252814
sylvatic and domestic trichinella spp. in wild boars; infectivity, muscle larvae distribution, and antibody response.thirty-six wild boars were inoculated with trichinella spiralis, trichinella nativa, trichinella britovi, trichinella pseudospiralis (ussr), t. pseudospiralis (usa), t. pseudospiralis (aust), trichinella murrelli, trichinella t6, and trichinella nelsoni. the wild boars were killed at 5 and 10 wk postinoculation (pi), and the number of muscle larvae per g (lpg) of tissue was determined for 18 muscles or muscle groups. five weeks pi, all trichinella genotypes had established as muscle larvae, but ...200111318560
first report of trichinella nativa in red foxes (vulpes vulpes schrencki) from otaru city, hokkaido, japan.forty-three red foxes (vulpes vulpes schrencki) and nine raccoon dogs (nyctereutes procyonoides viverrinus) were captured in otaru city, hokkaido, japan and examined by muscle digestion for the presence of trichinella sp. larvae. of the foxes, five (11.6%) were positive for larvae of trichinella nativa while none of the raccoon dogs were found to be positive. this finding suggests that the red foxes are important reservoir hosts of sylvatic trichinellosis in otaru, hokkaido. this is the first re ...200111438434
biological and genetic characteristics of two trichinella isolates in china; comparison with european species.the most recent taxonomic revision in trichinella genus included 10 taxa. trichinella spiralis (ts) is a thoroughly studied species but most of the isolates came from the europe or american continents. few information is available from china about the trichinella isolates and their diversity. in this report two chinese isolates were characterized and compared with european strains. the in vitro release of newborn larvae (nbl) was determined for the two species. nbl is observed in supernatant of ...200111484378
outbreaks of human trichinellosis caused by consumption of dog meat in meat has become an important source of trichinella infection for humans in china. the first documented outbreak of human trichinellosis resulting from the consumption of dog meat occurred in china in 1974. until 1999, the outbreaks with this source of infection occurred mostly in northeast of china (81 cases in five outbreaks in jilin and two in liaoning), beijing (six cases) and henan provinces (two cases). the epidemiological surveys were performed in nine provinces or autonomous regions o ...200111484389
high prevalence of trichinella nativa infection in wolf (canis lupus) populations of tvier and smoliensk regions of european russia.domestic and sylvatic trichinellosis have frequently been documented in european regions of russia, with the highest prevalence reported in wolves (canis lupus). from 1998 to 2000, 75 carcasses of wolves shot by hunters were tested for trichinella larvae, and 73 (97.3%) of them were found to be positive. this very high prevalence of infection, the highest ever detected in a natural population of carnivores, could be explained by the human impact on the natural ecosystem. in fact, the diet of wol ...200111484394
new patterns of trichinella infection.human and animal trichinellosis should be considered as both an emerging and reemerging disease. the reemergence of the domestic cycle has been due to an increased prevalence of trichinella spiralis, which has been primarily related to a breakdown of government veterinary services and state farms (e.g., in countries of the former ussr, bulgaria, romania), economic problems and war (e.g., in countries of the former yugoslavia), resulting in a sharp increase in the occurrence of this infection in ...200111516583
hunting practices increase the prevalence of trichinella infection in wolves from european russia.from 1998 to 2000, 184 animals (82 wolves, 29 red foxes, 55 mustelids, 5 raccoon dogs, and 13 domestic dogs), mainly shot by hunters in the tvier and smoliensk regions of northwest european russia, were tested for trichinella larvae; 98 animals (53.3%) were found to be positive. the highest prevalence was detected in wolf (97.5%). trichinella nativa was the most common species detected (98%). the diet of wolves was investigated by examining the stomach contents of 62 animals (75.6% of the total ...200111780851
predilection muscles and physical condition of raccoon dogs (nyctereutes procyonoides) experimentally infected with trichinella spiralis and trichinella nativa.the predilection muscles of trichinella spiralis and t. nativa were studied in 2 experimental groups of 6 raccoon dogs (nyctereutes procyonoides), the third group serving as a control for clinical signs. the infection dose for both parasites was 1 larva/g body weight. after 12 weeks, the animals were euthanized and 13 sampling sites were analysed by the digestion method. larvae were found in all sampled skeleton muscles of the infected animals, but not in the specimens from the heart or intestin ...200111957372
trichinella nativa and t. spiralis induce distinguishable histopathologic and humoral responses in the raccoon dog (nyctereutes procyonoides).three experimental groups of six male raccoon dogs (nyctereutes procyonoides) each were formed by placing one of three littermates from six litters into each group. one group was inoculated with pig-origin trichinella spiralis, the second was inoculated with raccoon dog-origin t. nativa, and the third served as a control group. the infective dose was 1,000 larvae/kg of body weight. every third week, biopsies from m. triceps brachii were taken, and serum samples were collected for up to 12 weeks ...200212009064
associations between trichinella species and host species in finland.examination of 627 wild animals--raccoon dogs (nyctereutes procyonoides), red foxes (vulpes vulpes), european lynxes (lynx lynx), brown bears (ursus arctos), wolves (canis lupus), and badgers (meles meles)--revealed trichinella spp. the prevalence varied according to geographical region of finland (north; southwest, sw; and southeast, se) and was the highest among lynxes (70%, sw). the risk of trichinellosis was higher in the se (odds ratio, or, 19.4) and sw regions (or 14.3), as compared with t ...200212053985
expression of hsp90, hsp70 and hsp60 in trichinella species exposed to oxidative shock.stress response and phosphorylation of heat shock proteins (hsps) 60, 70 and 90 were studied in trichinella nativa, t. nelsoni, t. pseudospiralis and t. spiralis larvae at 30-min intervals following exposure to 20, 100 and 200 mm h2o2. there was a time- and dose-dependent differential survival for the infective stage larvae (l1) of these four trichinella species. immunoblotting analysis revealed that constitutive hsp60 and hsp70, but not hsp90, from test trichinella species are constitutively ph ...200212363374
molecular identification of natural hybrids between trichinella nativa and trichinella t6 provides evidence of gene flow and ongoing genetic date, there are no data available on the population genetics of trichinella due to the lack of genetic markers and the difficulty of working with such small parasites. in the arctic region of north america and along the rocky mountains, there exist two genotypes of trichinella, trichinella nativa and trichinella t6, respectively, which are well differentiated by biochemical and molecular characters. however, both are resistant to freezing, show other common biological characters (e.g. low or ...200312633658
an outbreak of trichinellosis due to consumption of bear meat infected with trichinella nativa, in 2 northern saskatchewan june 2000, bear meat infected with trichinella nativa was consumed by 78 individuals in 2 northern saskatchewan communities. interviews and blood collections were performed on exposed individuals at the onset of the outbreak and 7 weeks later. all exposed individuals were treated with mebendazole or albendazole, and symptomatic patients received prednisone. confirmed cases were more likely to have consumed dried meat, rather than boiled meat (p<.001). seventy-four percent of patients complete ...200312964114
tolerance to low temperatures of domestic and sylvatic trichinella spp. in rat muscle tissue.the present study was designed to investigate the tolerance to low temperatures of 9 trichinella isolates in rat muscle tissue. nine groups of 24 rats were infected with encapsulated trichinella spiralis, trichinella nativa, trichinella britovi, trichinella murrelli, trichinella t6, trichinella nelsoni, and 3 nonencapsulated trichinella pseudospiralis strains. six rats from each of the groups were necropsied at 5, 10, 20, and 40 wk postinfection (wpi). muscle tissues containing trichinella larva ...200314533685
biochemical analysis of encapsulated and non-encapsulated species of trichinella (nematoda, trichinellidae) from cold- and warm-blooded animals reveals a high genetic divergence in the genus.multilocus enzyme electrophoresis was used to analyse genetic variation in the genus trichinella. twenty-eight isolates belonging to eight species and six genotypes were analysed for 12 enzyme systems, producing 19 different phenotypes. according to jaccard's similarity index, the isolates clustered into two main groups, specifically, encapsulated species/genotypes and non-encapsulated species/genotypes. furthermore, the non-encapsulated species clustered into two other groups: the species infec ...200314557876
infectivity of trichinella nativa in traditional northern (country) foods prepared with meat from experimentally infected seals.the infectivity of trichinella nativa larvae in three traditional northern (country) foods was assessed. foods were prepared with meat from seals experimentally infected with trichinella nativa and evaluated over a 317-day period during which this food was fed directly to cats while mice were orally inoculated with larvae recovered following the digestion of the food in a solution containing 1% pepsin and 1% hcl at 37 degrees c. foods examined were igunaq (meat and blubber placed in a seal skin ...200314572224
experimental trichinella infection in seals.the susceptibility of seals to infection with trichinella nativa and the cold tolerant characteristics of muscle larvae in seal meat were evaluated. two grey seals, halichoerus grypus, were inoculated with 5000 (100 larvae/kg) t. nativa larvae and two grey seals with 50000 (1000 larvae/kg). one seal from each dose group and two control seals were killed at 5 and 10 weeks post-inoculation (p.i.). at 5 weeks p.i., infection was established in both low and high dose seals with mean larval densities ...200314572509
a preliminary investigation on the infectivity of trichinella larvae in traditional preparations of walrus meat.this study evaluated the infectivity of trichinella nativa in freshly frozen walrus meat and traditionally aged walrus meat (igunaq) associated with two human outbreaks of trichinellosis in the canadian arctic. trichinella larvae recovered from walrus meat stored at -20 degrees c for up to 20 months remained infective for guinea pigs inoculated with 135 or 716 larval doses. however, none of the 4-5 and 10-month-old igunaq preparations contained infective t. nativa larvae as measured by bioassays ...200415278445
intestinal establishment and reproduction of adult trichinella spp. in single and mixed species infections in foxes (vulpes vulpes).intestinal establishment and reproduction of adult trichinella spiralis, trichinella nativa, trichinella britovi and trichinella pseudospiralis were examined as single species or mixed species infections in foxes. this is the first study of intestinal dynamics of trichinella spp. in a carnivore model and the results suggest that the intestinal phase is relatively short as only very few worms were recovered 10 days post-inoculation (dpi). in mixed species infection with equal doses of t. nativa a ...200515925724
testing of amplified fragment length polymorphism (aflp) technique as a tool for molecular epidemiology of trichinella nativa.a total of nine trichinella nativa isolates were compared by amplified fragment length polymorphism (aflp). four hundred nanograms of genomic dna from a pool of 10--20 larvae were digested using hindiii and msei restriction endonucleases. of the 16 primer combinations initially tested, hind-c and mse-c primers showed rich polymorphism with approximately 40--90 bands in the range of 30--270 bp. genetic similarities were estimated visually. aflp provided discriminatory banding patterns and may the ...200515985333
trichinella nativa in a black bear from plymouth, new hampshire.a suspected case of trichinellosis was identified in a single patient by the new hampshire public health laboratories in concord, nh. the patient was thought to have become infected by consumption of muscle larvae (ml) in undercooked meat from a black bear killed in plymouth, nh in october 2003 and stored frozen at -20 degrees c fro 4 months. in january 2004, a 600 g sample of the meat was thawed at 4 degrees c, digested in hydrochloric acid and pepsin, and larvae were collected by sedimentation ...200515993540
effects of raw biles and their non-protein fractions from fox, pig, sheep and chicken on the survival of trichinella spp. in vitro.the in vitro differential effect of fox, pig, sheep and chicken bile and corresponding non-protein fractions at various concentrations on the motility of released muscle larvae of trichinella spiralis, trichinella nativa and trichinella nelsoni was examined. in many cases, the percentages of motile (live) larvae of the three trichinella species cultured in the presence of the non-protein fractions of bile from the study animals were significantly higher (p<0.001) compared to their respective con ...200516009493
prevalence of trichinella larvae and extra-intestinal nematodes in norwegian red foxes (vulpes vulpes).a survey of the parasitic fauna of the norwegian red fox (vulpes vulpes) population was carried out in 1994/1995 and 2002-2005. all foxes were killed during the licensed hunting season from october to april and, in total, 393 animals from all regions of the country were examined. the present study details the results of extra-intestinal nematode and trichinella larvae examinations. all individuals were examined for trichinella, using routine digestion methods. parasitological examination of the ...200616378689
comparative analysis of trichinella spiralis and trichinella nativa proteins by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis.trichinella spiralis and trichinella nativa are both common wildlife parasites in finland. however, they differ substantially in their resistance to below 0 degrees c temperatures in their natural hosts. t. nativa can live in frozen fox meat for years, whereas t. spiralis dies when frozen. in mouse muscle, the difference is not as evident; even t. nativa cannot maintain infectivity when kept at -20 degrees c for 1 week. crude larval protein extracts of these two parasite species were analyzed by ...200616380837
epidemiological investigations on trichinella infections in farmed fur animals of estonia.farming of fur animals represents an important income in estonia. even though trichinella worms does not induce a symptomatic disease in carnivores, the carcasses of skinned animals can increase the biomass of the parasite in the environment, if they are not properly destroyed. the aim of the present survey was to study the prevalence of trichinella worms in farmed fur animals of estonia. of 281 muscle samples from blue foxes (alopex lagopus), silver foxes (vulpes vulpes fulva), minks (mustela v ...200616564631
prevalence of helminthes in adult dogs in heilongjiang province, the people's republic of china.the prevalence of helminthes in adult dogs was investigated in heilongjiang province, the people's republic of china, between 1996 and 2004. a total of 178 adult farm dogs from representative geographical locations in heilongjiang province were killed and examined for the presence of helminthes using a helminthological approach. the worms were examined, counted, and identified to species according to existing keys and descriptions. a total of 17 species of helminthes were found to infect dogs, a ...200616715234
helminthologic survey of the wolf (canis lupus) in estonia, with an emphasis on echinococcus granulosus.carcasses of 26 wolves were collected during the 2000/2001 and 2003/2004 hunting seasons and examined for helminths. thirteen helminth species were recorded: one trematode (alaria alata), seven cestodes (diphyllobothrium latum, mesocestoides lineatus, taenia hydatigena, taenia multiceps, taenia ovis, taenia pisiformis, and echinococcus granulosus), and five nematode species (uncinaria stenocephala, toxascaris leonina, toxocara canis, trichinella nativa, and trichinella britovi). the most common ...200616870858
molecular characterization of trichinella genotypes by inter-simple sequence repeat polymerase chain reaction (issr-pcr).a bulk analysis of inter-simple sequence repeat-polymerase chain reaction (issr-pcr) provides a quick, reliable, and highly informative system for dna banding patterns that permit species identification. the present study evaluates the applicability of this system to trichinella species identification. after a single amplification carried out on a single larva with the primer 816([ca]nry) under high stringency conditions, which provide high reproducibility, we were able to identify by consistent ...200616884006
molecular epidemiology of trichinella spp. in three baltic countries: lithuania, latvia, and estonia.meat of domestic pigs and wild boars has been the significant source of emerged human trichinellosis in lithuania, latvia, and estonia over the past two decades. however, there is very little known on the occurrence of trichinella spp. in main wildlife reservoirs and its transmission in domestic and sylvatic cycles in these countries. the present study demonstrated considerably higher endemicity of trichinella spp. in main sylvatic reservoirs (28.9-42% in foxes (vulpes vulpes) and raccoon dogs ( ...200717013647
trichinella nativa and trichinella t9 in the hokkaido island, japan.trichinella sp. muscle larvae were isolated from the thigh muscle of two red foxes (vulpes vulpes) captured in sapporo and otofuke, hokkaido, japan, in 2003. multiplex pcr designed for genotyping the genus trichinella revealed that the sapporo isolate showed a specific pattern to t. britovi complex (t. britovi, trichinella t8 and trichinella t9) and the otofuke isolate showed that to t. nativa. nucleotide sequences of a part of the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit i (coi) gene and intern ...200617049300
[methods and tools for parasite differentiation within the genus trichinella].this review summarizes the major biological, biochemical and molecular methods which have been developed during last 20 years to distinguish parasites of the genus trichinella. from the time of the discovery of trichinella in 1835 until the 1970, it was assumed that trichinellosis was caused by a single species of parasite, trichinella spiralis. many biological parameters have been compared to differentiate the parasite, such as host specificity, geographical distribution, reproductive abilities ...200617432239
trichinella t6 and trichinella nativa in wolverines (gulo gulo) from nunavut, canada.infection of trichinella spp. is common among animals in the canadian arctic. we determined the prevalence of trichinella spp. infection in wolverines (gulo gulo) from nunavut, canada. diaphragms from 41 wolverines were examined by artificial digestion. trichinella spp. larvae were detected in 36 (87.8%) examined animals. trichinella t6 was detected in 33 (91.7%), trichinella nativa in only one (2.8%), and a mixed trichinella t6 and t. nativa infections were detected in two (5.6%) wolverines. th ...200818516722
high tolerance to repeated cycles of freezing and thawing in different trichinella nativa isolates.trichinella nativa is the most frequent trichinella species in arctic wildlife and also the predominating species seen in norwegian fauna. the adaptation of t. nativa to a cold climate is reflected by the well-documented freeze tolerance of its muscle larvae. the ability of the larvae to survive repeated freezing and thawing events has not however been elucidated and was investigated in the present study, using an alaskan isolate and two isolates from coastal and inland norway, respectively. eac ...200818594862
human dispersal of trichinella spiralis in domesticated investigate the human impact on the evolutionary ecology of animal pathogens, we compared genetic diversity of severe foodborne parasites contracted by eating infected pork or wild game. in particular, we characterized trichinella spp. from twenty-eight countries and four continents by genotyping nine microsatellite loci and sequencing one-fifth of the mitochondrial genome. all specimens of trichinella spiralis, a swine parasite that can infect many species of wildlife, were remarkably unifor ...200818718558
a nonhealing ulcerative skin lesion associated with trichinella nativa infection in a cat.trichinella spp. can infect various domestic and wild species, including companion animals. infection occurs because of the ingestion of raw meat (e.g., infected prey). in experimental studies, cats have been found to be a very susceptible host to infection by trichinella spp.; naturally occurring feline infections have also been reported. however, clinically apparent disease seems to be a rare manifestation of this infection in cats. the skin biopsy of an 8-year-old, neutered, male, domestic ca ...200818987243
species identification of trichinella isolates from china.two species of trichinella were identified from china by means of pcr amplification of the mitochondrial small subunit ribosomal dna and the expansion segment v region of the ribosomal dna. seven isolates originating from domestic pig and one isolate originating from dog showed identical dna banding pattern to trichinella spiralis, and two isolates from dog showed dna banding pattern identical to trichinella nativa. sequence analysis of the 5s rdna inter-gene spacer region from the ten trichinel ...200919036522
synanthropic trichinella infection in finland.the first three human trichinellosis cases in finland were recorded around 1890, and altogether eight cases were registered until 2008. the first infected finnish swine was found in 1954. from the early 1980s, an increasing trend in the number of infected swine was seen, with the highest number registered in 1996, after which a decrease has been observed. infected pigs were found yearly until 2004. since 1954, all slaughtered pigs have been tested for trichinella, regardless of subsequent export ...200919054618
serological detection of anti-trichinella antibodies in wild foxes and experimentally infected farmed foxes in norway.trichinella surveillance in wildlife has relied on the detection of muscle larvae using digestion techniques. serology has been proposed as more suitable for large-scale epidemiological studies in wildlife. in this study, 328 individual sera from wild red foxes and 16 sera from experimentally infected farmed foxes were serologically tested with both excretory/secretory antigen (e/s) and the synthetic beta-tyvelose glycan antigen, in indirect elisa tests. the wild red foxes (vulpes vulpes) had pr ...200919380206
sylvatic trichinella spp. infection in finland.although human infections caused by trichinella sp. have not been reported in finland for several decades and trichinella sp. infection in pork has become virtually extinct in the last decade, sylvatic trichinella spp. infection is still highly prevalent in finland. muscle digestion of 2,483 carnivorous wild animals from 9 host species during 1999-2005 showed 617 positive animals (24.8%). molecular identification from 328 larval isolates revealed 4 different endemic trichinella species, i.e., t. ...201019731970
trichinella nativa in iceland: an example of trichinella dispersion in a frigid most arctic and subarctic regions, trichinella nativa is a common zoonotic pathogen circulating among wild carnivores. the polar bear (ursus maritimus) is one of the most important reservoirs for t. nativa in frigid zones. in iceland, trichinella infection has never been detected in the local wildlife, despite the presence of one of the host species, the arctic fox (alopex lagopus). in 2008, one of two polar bears that had swum to iceland's coast was found to have been infected with trichinel ...201019732473
a 10-year wildlife survey of 15 species of canadian carnivores identifies new hosts or geographic locations for trichinella genotypes t2, t4, t5, and t6.a survey of wild carnivores in canada was conducted over a 10-year period to determine the prevalence and genotypes of trichinella. muscle samples collected from 1409 animals representing 15 hosts species were enzymatically digested to recover trichinella larvae. larvae were recovered from a total of 287 (20.4%) animals and pcr identified four genotypes of trichinella. trichinella nativa was found in 5 host species and was the most commonly found genotype. trichinella t6 was present in 7 species ...201019926223
survival of north american genotypes of trichinella in frozen pork.north american genotypes of trichinella spiralis (t-1), trichinella nativa (t-2), trichinella pseudospiralis (t-4), trichinella murrelli (t-5), and trichinella t-6 were examined for susceptibility to freezing in pork using time-temperature combinations that have been proven to inactivate t. spiralis. infections were established in 3-month-old pigs of mixed sex and breed by oral inoculation of 10,000 muscle larvae (ml) (all genotypes, rodent-derived ml), 20,000 ml (t-1, t-4, and t-5; cat-derived ...200920003740
[biological properties of trichinella spp. isolated from the central region of the russian federation].the biological properties of trichinella isolated from the muscles of a common fox inhabiting in the central region of the russian federation have been studied. the paper presents the results of passaging this isolate of trichinella on laboratory rats and mice, shows morphometric variability in relation to the change of trichinella habitat. evidence is provided that the shape and size of trichinella capsules depend on the strain of the parasite and the species of an animal host the muscles of wh ...200920120369
trichinella infection in a hunting community in east greenland.trichinella nativa infection (trichinellosis) is highly prevalent in arctic wildlife, but the human burden of trichinellosis in present-day greenland is unknown. the study aimed to determine trichinella seroprevalence in an eastern greenlandic hunting community and to evaluate risk factors for seropositivity. overall, 998 inhabitants aged 10 years in the ammassalik municipality were tested for trichinella-specific igg antibodies. background information was obtained from questionnaires. seroposit ...201020144253
[role of birds in the epizootology of trichinosis in arctic marine mammals].studies were conducted to investigate viability and preservation of the invasive properties in the larvae of reference (t2) and arctic strains of trichinella nativa after their passage through the avian digestive system. it is shown that there is a rapid expulsion of the bulk of helminths due to the fact that quail intestinal cells secrete abundant mucus in response of parasite infestation. the environmentally deposited heminths preserve their infestative properties for a long time, suggesting t ...201020873375
trichinella nativa in grey seal halichoerus grypus - spill-over from a highly endemic terrestrial ecosystem.abstract trichinella infections of marine mammals pose a human health risk in arctic regions where game meat is important part of the diet. in the last decade, the grey seal population of the subarctic baltic sea has reached a level at which hunting is possible and seal meat is now available for food. we conducted a survey on the occurrence of trichinella spp. in grey seals halichoerus grypus (n = 171) and ringed seals phoca hispida botnica (n = 56) of the baltic sea in the coastal waters of fin ...201121506828
Molecular identification of three Trichinella isolates from Heilongjiang Province, People's Republic of China.DNAs of Trichinella dog isolate (HC), Trichinella swine isolate (HH) and Trichinella cat isolate (SW), obtained from Heilongjiang Province, were amplified by the fragments of 18S rDNA and ITS2. Two reference strains, Trichinella spiralis (ISS3) and Trichinella nativa (ISS10) were used for sequence comparison. Sequence and dendrogram analysis indicated that HC belonged to T. nativa and HH together with SW belonged to T. spiralis. This method permits rapid species identification of Trichinella iso ...201121864533
discernible but limited introgression has occurred where trichinella nativa and the t6 genotype occur in sympatry.the genetic diversity within and among parasite populations provides clues to their evolutionary history. here, we sought to determine whether mitochondrial and microsatellite dna variation could be used to evaluate the extent of differentiation, gene flow and historical reproductive isolation among the freeze resistant parasites trichinella nativa and the trichinella t6 genotype infecting wolverines (gulo gulo) in nunavut, canada. to this end, we genotyped trichinella isolates derived from the ...201222266240
from science to action and from action to science: the nunavik trichinellosis prevention program.during the 1980s, walrus-meat consumption caused infections with the parasite trichinella nativa in nunavik inhabitants. in response to these events, stakeholders set up the community-based nunavik trichinellosis prevention program (ntpp). the objectives of the present communication are to review the ntpp, describe how science and action were interwoven in its development and identify its assets and limitations. study design. descriptive study.201222789519
the different infectivity of trichinella spiralis and trichinella nativa in rat does not solely localize to enteral or parenteral phase.rats are selective hosts for trichinella nativa; infection levels in their muscles remain low when compared to trichinella spiralis. to identify in which phase of the life cycle the selective responses take place, rats were infected perorally (p.o.) and intravenously (i.v.) with t. spiralis and t. nativa. six rats were placed in each group; three rats served as uninfected controls. the infection intensities were examined 5 or 6 weeks after the infection. t. spiralis muscle larva burden was 57 ti ...201222915271
[analysis of the diagnostic efficiency of excretory-secretory antigens of trichinella spiralis and trichinella nativa with sera from rats experimentally infected with arctic trichinella, by using elisa].the diagnostic efficiency of excretory-secretory antigens of trichinella spiralis and trichinella nativa with sera from wistar rats experimentally infected with arctic trichinella was comparatively tested. trichinella derived from the muscles of wild carnivorous mammals inhabiting the biocenoses of chukotka were used to infest animals and to obtain the antigen. there was a considerable excess of the effectiveness of enzyme immunoassay when the antigen derived from t. native larvae was used to an ...201523088143
early trichinella spiralis and trichinella nativa infections induce similar gene expression profiles in rat jejunal mucosa.trichinella spiralis causes a significantly higher parasite burden in rat muscle than trichinella nativa. to assess whether the difference in infectivity is due to the early intestinal response, we analyzed gene expression changes in the rat jejunum during trichinella infection with a whole-genome microarray. the rats were euthanized on day five of infection, and their jejunal mucosa was sampled for microarray analysis. in addition, intestinal histology and hematology were examined. against our ...201323932900
trichinella nativa in red foxes (vulpes vulpes) of germany and poland: possible different germany and poland, the high population density of the red fox (vulpes vulpes) is considered a public health risk since this wild canid is one of the main reservoirs of trichinella spp. in 2010 in poland, a program to monitor the prevalence of trichinella spp. in the red fox population was launched. after two years, trichinella spp. larvae were detected in 44 (2.7%) out of 1634 foxes tested. in germany in the period 2002-2011, trichinella spp. larvae were in 27 foxes. the trichinella species ...201324011650
occurrence and genotypic analysis of trichinella species in alaska marine-associated mammals of the bering and chukchi seas.the zoonotic parasite trichinella is the causative agent of trichinellosis outbreaks in the circumpolar arctic. subsistence communities are particularly prone to trichinellosis due to traditional meat preparation methods and regional presence of a freeze-tolerant trichinella species (trichinella nativa). this study is the first application of a validated artificial digestion method in determining incidence of trichinella sp. in alaskan mammals. infection incidence in pinniped species (erignathus ...201424373515
polymerase chain reaction - restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis for the differentiation of trichinella nativa and trichinella britovi.recently, trichinella nativa was identified in foxes in germany and poland, indicating that the geographical distribution of t. nativa is not restricted to areas north of the isotherm -4°c in january. in the european union, legislation requires that a regular monitoring of the occurrence of trichinella spp. in indicator animals such as foxes or raccoon dogs be carried out. the trichinella isolates must also be identified on a species level. the multiplex pcr recommended by the community referenc ...201424572044
genetic evidence of interspecies introgression of mitochondrial genomes between trichinella spiralis and trichinella britovi under natural conditions.trichinellosis is a zoonotic disease caused by trichinella muscle larvae (ml) through ingestion of raw or undercooked meat. to date, 12 taxa are recognized in this genus, of which four are circulating in europe (trichinella spiralis, trichinella nativa, trichinella britovi and trichinella pseudospiralis). t. spiralis and t. britovi circulate in european wildlife and occur simultaneously in the same host species. the possibility of hybrid formation between t. britovi and t. spiralis has hardly be ...201526458526
innovative molecular diagnosis of trichinella species based on β-carbonic anhydrase genomic sequence.trichinellosis is a helminthic infection where different species of trichinella nematodes are the causative agents. several molecular assays have been designed to aid diagnostics of trichinellosis. these assays are mostly complex and expensive. the genomes of trichinella species contain certain parasite-specific genes, which can be detected by polymerase chain reaction (pcr) methods. we selected β-carbonic anhydrase (β-ca) gene as a target, because it is present in many parasites genomes but abs ...201626639312
hybridization is limited between two lineages of freeze-resistant trichinella during coinfection in a mouse model.hybridization between two closely related but distinct genetic lineages may lead to homogenization of the two lineages with potentially novel phenotypes, or selective pressure to avoid hybridization if the two lineages are truly distinct. trichinella nativa and trichinella t6 are zoonotic nematode parasites which can be distinguished genetically despite occasional hybridization. here, using an experimental murine model, we attempt to determine whether there are barriers to hybridization when siz ...201626721624
high prevalence of trichinella spp. in sylvatic carnivore mammals of latvia.trichinella spp. are zoonotic parasites transmitted to humans by the consumption of raw or insufficiently cooked meat of different animal species. carnivore mammals are important reservoir hosts of these nematodes. the aims of this work were to establish the prevalence of trichinella spp. and infection intensity in sylvatic carnivore mammals of latvia, to identify the etiological agents at the species level and their circulation in the latvian regions. from 2010 to 2014, muscle samples were coll ...201627091108
trichinella nativa haplotypes in russia show diversity in cytochrome oxidase mtdna gene.partial nucleotide sequences of the two mitochondrial genes (cytb and coi) were obtained for 13 trichinella isolates from different regions of the russian federation. all the cytb mtdna sequences were identical with the sequences of t. nativa from canada, showing no nucleotide differences between isolates. analysis of partial coi mtdna sequence confirmed the species identification and revealed differences between the studied isolates. two t. nativa haplotypes, represented in the studied material ...201627575457
trichinella nativa outbreak with rare thrombotic complications associated with meat from a black bear hunted in northern ontario.although trichinellosis is known to cause thrombotic disease, serious thrombotic events are rare and have not been previously associated with trichinella nativa infection.201728329274
from science to action and from action to science: the nunavik trichinellosis prevention program.during the 1980s, walrus-meat consumption caused infections with the parasite trichinella nativa in nunavik inhabitants. in response to these events, stakeholders set up the community-based nunavik trichinellosis prevention program (ntpp). the objectives of the present communication are to review the ntpp, describe how science and action were interwoven in its development and identify its assets and limitations.201228417730
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