Title | Abstract | Year Filter | PMID(sorted ascending) Filter |
effects of food dyes on paramecium caudatum: toxicity and inhibitory effects on leucine aminopeptidase and acid phosphatase activity. | 1977 | 14420 | |
calcium-activated adenosine triphosphatase activity of pellicles from paramecium caudatum. | pellicles were isolated from paramecium caudatum for a study of the properties of its insoluble atpase [ec] activity. pellicular atpase was solubilized by sonication and fractionated by sucrose density gradient centrifugation. the sedimentation coefficient of the atpase was about 9s. the atpase required ca2+ for maximum activation. addition of neutral salts to the assay medium inhibited the activity. substrate specificity for atp was low; other nucleoside triphosphates were hydrolyzed at ... | 1979 | 33975 |
a study on the toxicity of natural food dyes--toxicity and enzyme inhibition in paramecium caudatum. | the toxicity of 14 commercial natural dyes which are widely used as food additives in japan was studied on paramecium caudatum. laccaic acid and capsanthin were found to be very toxic to paramecium caudatum. some of the commercially available carminic acid and crocin were also toxic. the inhibitory effect of natural food dyes on leucine aminopeptidase, acid phosphatase and esterase in vitro was proportional to the toxic effect of the dyes on the survival time of paramecium caudatum. analyses of ... | 1978 | 39176 |
directional change of ciliary beat effected with mg2+ in paramecium. | two types of triton x-100 extracted model of paramecium caudatum were prepared and effects of the ionic compositions of the reactivating medium on the swimming behaviour of the extracted models were examined. type i, prepared by the method of naitoh and keneko, did not change swimming direction depending on the concentrations of mg2+ and k+ in the reactivating medium. type ii, prepared by a different method, however, reversed the swimming direction depending on the concentrations of mg2+ and k+ ... | 1979 | 119789 |
ciliary adenosinetriphosphatase from a slow swimming mutant of paramecium caudatum. | 1979 | 159301 | |
membrane behavior of exocytic vesicles. ii. fate of the trichocyst membranes in paramecium after induced trichocyst discharge. | a specific exocytic process, the discharge of spindle trichocyts of paramecium caudatum, was examined by means of the electron microscope. this exocytosis is induced by an electric shock simultaneously in nearly all of the trichocysts (ca. 6,000-8,000) of a single cell. single paramecia were subjected to the shock and then fixed at defined times after the shock so that the temporal sequence of the pattern of changes of the trichocyst membranes after exocytosis could be studied. the trichocyst va ... | 1995 | 177429 |
calcium-dependent repolarization in paramecium. | 1. intracellular injection, recording and current-passing methods were used to investigate the role of intracellular ca in the modulation of electrical behaviour in the ciliate paramecium caudatum.2. injection of egta converted graded regenerative responses ascribed to ca inward current to all-or-none action potentials. the egta injection also caused a discontinuity in the steady state i-v relations to outward current, but had little effect on hyperpolarizing current-voltage responses.3. the ove ... | 1975 | 415134 |
induction of autogamy by treatment with trypsin in paramecium caudatum. | firmly united conjugant pairs of p. caudatum were easily separated by treatment with trypsin, 0.025--1.0 mg/ml in 2 mm phosphate buffer at ph 7.2. cytological observations showed that pairs separated by this means undergo normal meiosis and subsequent prezygotic divisions. microspectrophotometric comparisons of g1 micronuclei in the parent with those in clones derived from prematurely separated conjugants indicate usually the same dna content in both. the stock dm -13, heterozygous for mating ty ... | 1979 | 422671 |
[effect of local uv irradiation of the generative nuclei of paramecium caudatum on the sexual functions of the cells]. | a study has been made of the functional pattern of the micronucleus (mi) during the sexual process in ciliates paramecium caudatum which are descendants of those individuals whose mi was locally irradiated with uv in dose of 3060 erg/mm2. it was demonstrated that these descendants (cells of uv-clones) were able to enter into the sexual process whatever morphological type of their mi might be. in 4 of 14 tested clones, the initial mating type got changed for the opposite one, which may be associa ... | 1979 | 432969 |
specificity of the immaturity substances in paramecium. | cytoplasm of paramecium caudatum syngen 3 in the period of sexual immaturity was effective in inducing immaturity when injected into mating-reactive cells of other syngens of p. caudatum. when immature cytoplasm of p. caudatum was injected into mature cells of p. multimicronucleatum, immaturity was also induced in the latter cells. when cytoplasm of p. bursaria in the immaturity period was injected into mature cells of the same species, the latter became immature. but immature cytoplasm of p. ca ... | 1979 | 457810 |
[photoreactivation of cells and phages injuried by ultraviolet radiation in the ecological long-wave band]. | photoreactivation (pr) was measured after inactivation by far (254 nm), middle (300-315 nm) and near (315-400 nm) uv radiation of paramecium caudatum and 8 strains of escherichia coli differing in pr and dark repair capability. pr volume was high and practically the same after irradiation by far and middle uv, but pr was not observed in near uv-inactivated cells of all the strains. it is proposed that pyrimidine dimers are not significant in near uv lethal lesions in cells, as near uv-irradiated ... | 1979 | 462548 |
stomatogenesis during sexual and asexual reproduction in an amicronucleate strain of paramecium caudatum. | amicronucleate cells of paramecium caudatum, whose micronuclei have been artifically removed by micropipetting, are characterized by the appearance of a deciliated area at the posterior part of the buccal opening. these cells form food vacuoles at a slightly lower rate than micronucleate cells. their mean interfission time is longer than that in micronucleates. the exconjugants of amicronucleate cells can not form food vacuoles and eventually die witout fission, though conjugation proceeds norma ... | 1979 | 469476 |
hydrostatic pressure reversibly blocks membrane control of ciliary motility in paramecium. | a hydrostatic pressure of only 68 atmospheres prevented swimming paramecium caudatum from "avoiding" or reversing direction; 170 atmospheres stopped or decreased forward velocity by more than 75 percent. a decompression of 40 atmospheres invoked a single reversal, even at ,80 atmospheres. in contrast, 170 atmospheres did not significantly affect swimming behavior of paramecium "models" that were reactivated in a solution containing adenosine triphosphate and magnesium ions after their membrane h ... | 1979 | 482945 |
internuclear control of dna synthesis in exconjugant cells of paramecium caudatum. | an exconjugant cell of paramecium caudatum has two kinds of macronuclei, fragmented prezygotic macronuclei and postzygotic new macronuclei (anlagen). although the dna synthesis in the fragmented prezygotic macronucleus continues until the third cell cycle after conjugation, selective suppression of the dna synthesis in the prezygotic macronucleus takes place at the fourth cell cycle. the inhibition of dna synthesis in prezygotic fragmented macronuclei is due to the presence of a postzygotic macr ... | 1979 | 487907 |
ionic conductances of membranes in ciliated and deciliated paramecium. | 1. paramecium caudatum was deciliated with ethanol. the ionic conductance of the membrane was investigated with constant current, voltage clamp and mechanical stimuli. 2. the resting potential was not modified by the removal of the cilia. the dependence of the resting potential on the extracellular concentrations of ca and k was the same in deciliated and control cells. 3. the input resistance in deciliated and ciliated cells increased after the ethanol treatment. 4. the membrane capacitance dec ... | 2004 | 529122 |
axenic paramecium caudatum. i. mass culture and structure. | to establish and grow paramecium caudatum in mass axenic culture the culture medium of soldo, godoy & van wagtendonk was modified by substituting phosphatidylethanolamine (pe) for tem-4t and by a 10-fold increase in folic acid. population densities of 4000 to 6000 cells/ml and a generation time of 20-26 h are regularly obtained. optimal growth is obtained with pe-stigmasterol ratios between 40:1 to 400:1. cells from 1-day-old axenic cultures have many lipid bodies aggregated in clumps (which dis ... | 1979 | 536935 |
behavioural mutants of paramecium caudatum with defective membranes electrogenesis. | 1978 | 625333 | |
transplantation of germ nucleus in paramecium caudatum, i. nuclei in the pre-meiotic s phase can enter into mitotic cycle. | 1978 | 627249 | |
method for the simultaneous establishment of many axenic cultures of paramecium. | a method is described for the simultaneous treatment of 42 (or more) stocks of paramecium, and their adaptation to growth in axenic culture. samples of dense cultures of these ciliates growing with enterobacter aerogenes are rendered bacteria-free by migration through 2 sets of tubes containing adaptation medium (peters' salts solution, stigmaterol, vitamins, and autoclaved e. aerogenes). the 2nd set of tubes contains adaptation medium plus antibiotics. bacteria-free samples containing approxima ... | 1978 | 660565 |
mutants of sexual maturity in paramecium caudatum selected by erythromycin resistance. | cells of paramecium caudatum, syngen 3 usually become sexually mature about 50 fissions after conjugation. in order to study the genetic mechanisms that control fission-department expression of maturity, an attempt was made to obtain early mature mutants by treatment with n-methyl-n'-nitro-n-nitrosoguanidine. a new cytoplasmic marker, erythromycin resistance, was used to eliminate nonconjugant and macronuclear regeneration clones. twenty early mature clones were obtained from five different muta ... | 1978 | 730047 |
mating-reactive membrane vesicles from cilia of paramecium caudatum. | membrane vesicles with a high mating reactivity were obtained from cilia of paramecium caudatum by treatment with a solution containing 2 m urea and 0.1 mm na2-edta. all processes of conjugation were induced in cells of the complementary mating type by approximately 10 mug/ml proteins of the vesicles. electron microscope observation showed that the membrane vesicles have a diameter of 100-150 nm. electrophoretic analysis on sds polyacrylamide gel revealed no significant difference in polypeptide ... | 1976 | 818093 |
localization of calcium channels in paramecium caudatum. | 1. electrical recordings from paramecium caudatum were made after removal of the cilia with chloral hydrate and during ciliary regrowth to study the electrical properties of that portion of the surface membrane enclosing the ciliary axoneme. 2. removal of the somatic cilia (a 50% reduction in membrane surface area) results in an almost complete elimination of the regenerative ca response, all-or-none ba2+ spike, and delayed rectification. 3. a twofold increase in input resistance resulted from t ... | 1977 | 915829 |
ciliary membranes and mating substances in paramecium caudatum. | cilia detached from mating reactive cells of paramecium caudatum were fractionated for the purpose of identifying the structural component bearing mating substances. purified axoneme fractions had no mating reactivity. the membrane fraction obtained by dialyzing against a solution of tris-edta (0.1 mm edta, 1 mm tris-hci, ph 7.6) and 0.6 m kci, and then by centrifuging over 40% (w/v) sucrose was strongly reactive. no mating reactivity was detected in the soluble fractions containing axonemal and ... | 1977 | 915845 |
electron microscopy and electron probe analysis of the ca-binding sites in the cilia of paramecium caudatum. | 1976 | 971754 | |
cytopathological effects of detergents on paramecium caudatum. | 1976 | 1020113 | |
complement consumption in fresh blood sera by double culture of paramecium caudatum and aerobacter cloacae compared with survival and stage of disease in some malignant tumors in man. | using the complement consumption test by double culture of paramecium caudatum and aerobacter cloacae (dpa) as antigen we examined blood sera and compared survival rates and stage of disease in 124 patients with carcinoma of cervix uteri, corpus uteri, ovaries and breast. the evidence suggests that bacteria aerobacter cloacae constitute the proper antigenically effective substances of dpa. the intensity of reaction and therapy the relative titres of antibodies detected by the test were expressed ... | 1976 | 1084486 |
[symbiotic bacteria of the macronucleus of paramecium caudatum]. | particles of a newly described endosymbiont of paramecium caudatum, clone m-115, here referred to as iota--particles, are gram--negative bacteria. the symbionts are only present within macronuclei and not in the cytoplasm or in the micronuclei. the cells of clone m-115 iota do not display any killer-effect when mixed with "clean" cultures of paramecia. in life cycle of the symbiont, there is an alternation of two morphological forms: a spindle-shaped form 2.0--2.5 microns long and a rod-shaped f ... | 1975 | 1118907 |
[characteristics of the cytodifferentiation of omega-particle symbiotic bacteria from the micronucleus of paramecium caudata clone m1-48]. | the structure of the omega-particle-bacteria, growing in the micronucleus of paramecium caudatum (ciliata, protozoa), was studied by electrom microscopy in the course of their life cycle. the cytoplasm of the spindle-shaped vegetative cells contains a large number of dense particles and transparent regions comprising the fibrillar material. such cells, via several intermediate stages, are transformed into elongated twisted cells that are regarded as spores. the spore consists of two parts: homog ... | 1975 | 1160642 |
[effect of local uv microirradiation on the nuclear apparatus and cytoplasm of the infusorian paramecium caudatum]. | the work is the first attempt to study nuclear dualism of ciliates with ultraviolet microbeam (uv-beam), which was not applied earlier for these purposes. the special advantage of the uv-beam is that it allow to inactivate selectively of the particular elements of nuclear apparatus of living ciliates is to observe consequences of operation on distant descendants of irradiated cell. on paramecium caudatum the ways of uv-beam have been devised specifically. the original rotocompression chamber was ... | 1975 | 1166524 |
[effect of a varying concentration of boron on the tempo of paramecium caudatum multiplication depending on the temperature of the medium]. | the rate of multiplication of paramecium caudatum was studied using individual cultures with media containing 0.001, 0.005, 0.008 and 0.01% borate, resp. at room temperature (20--21 degrees c) with two first concentrations of boron, the ciliates multiply normally over 4 months often surpassing the multiplication rate of the control line. with the increase of boron concentration up to 0.008%, the division rate in paramecia decreases significantly, reaching the control rate only by the end of the ... | 1975 | 1166527 |
a modifier gene involved in the expression of the dominant mating type allele in paramecium caudatum. | 1976 | 1278678 | |
developmental expression of macronuclear specific antigen in paramecium caudatum. | we obtained a monoclonal antibody (ma-1) specific for macronuclei of the ciliate paramecium caudatum and p. dubosqui. immunoblotting showed that the antigen was a polypeptide of 50 kilodalton (kda). during the process of nuclear differentiation in p. caudatum, the ma-1 antigens appeared in the macronuclear anlagen immediately after four out of eight post zygotic nuclei differentiated morphologically into the macronuclear anlagen. afterwards, the antigens could be detected in the macronucleus thr ... | 1992 | 1395142 |
the interface between air and water: a perturbation source eliciting adaptive behaviour in ciliates. | interference with the water-air interface, both direct (by contact with a flat, rigid surface) and indirect (by inducing a meniscus) caused the ciliated protozoa we investigated to actively collect in the water column or on the substrate directly under the area of altered surface tension. a crowding effect is observed in this "rest area" reaching plateau values within one hour after onset of the experiment. the simple experimental procedures described here induced analogous behaviour in both par ... | 1992 | 1403987 |
the unique structure of the paramecium caudatum hemoglobin gene: the presence of one intron in the middle of the coding region. | the gene encoding hemoglobin (hb) in the ciliated protist, paramecium caudatum, has been cloned and sequenced. a single hb locus was detected on an isolated genomic fragment with a size of approx. 15 kbp. this gene contained 443 bp. the 5' transcriptional regulatory region contained tata box- and caat box-like sequences which resemble the structure of the promoter region in higher eukaryotic genes. the amino acid sequence deduced from the gene agreed precisely with that of the major hb component ... | 1992 | 1420365 |
dihydroxy-carotenoid liposomes inhibit phototoxicity in paramecium caudatum. | the phototoxic effects of hematoporphyrin derivative, using paramecium caudatum as a model system, are significantly reduced in the presence of carotenoid-containing liposomes. multilammelar large or small unilammelar vesicles, containing specific carotenoids, were effective in protecting the organism, whether administered exogenously in the bathing solution, or via incubation of paramecia in starved culture media containing carotenoid liposomes. the effectiveness of the carotenoids as inhibitor ... | 1992 | 1438577 |
the soret magnetic circular dichroism of ferric high-spin myoglobins. a probe for the distal histidine residue. | to find a simple criterion for the presence of the distal (e7) histidine residue in myoglobins and hemoglobins, the soret magnetic-circular-dichroic spectra were examined for ferric metmyoglobins from various species. a distinct and symmetric dispersion-type curve was obtained for myoglobins containing the distal histidine, whereas a relatively weak and unsymmetric pattern was observed for myoglobins lacking this residue, such as those from three kinds of gastropodic sea molluscs, a shark and th ... | 1992 | 1446682 |
a simple method for cultivating freshwater copepods used in biological control of aedes aegypti. | a simple method for indoor and outdoor cultivation of mesocyclops aspericornis, macrocyclops albidus and mesocyclops n. sp. copepods is presented. this method utilizes chilomonas sp., paramecium caudatum and fresh lettuce as food sources for copepod cultures. steps for initiating and maintaining copepod cultures are provided. | 1992 | 1474389 |
stable and unstable transformation by microinjection of macronucleoplasm in paramecium. | transformation by microinjection of macronucleoplasm in paramecium caudatum was investigated. macronucleoplasm with three genetic markers (behavior, trichocyst, and mating type) was injected into the macronucleus. to facilitate microinjection, in most cases, paramecia were immobilized in a gelatin (7.5%) solution. the injected cells began to express a dominant gene (cnra+ or cnrb+) of the donor 9-24 hr after injection. expression did not require cell division suggesting injected macronucleoplasm ... | 1992 | 1499153 |
inter- and intrasyngenic variations of the hemoglobin components in paramecium caudatum. | the ciliated protozoan paramecium contains hemoglobin in heterogeneous monomeric forms. in particular, paramecium caudatum is characterized by the presence of a major component called hb10 and a basic component named bhb. we found that in p. caudatum both of these hemoglobin components show some variation according to stock. the types and distributions of these hemoglobin components were examined on 16 stocks in five different syngens and one stock in an unidentified syngen using high performanc ... | 2008 | 1522547 |
behavioral hypothermia and survival of hypoxic protozoans paramecium caudatum. | hypoxia has been shown to elicit behavioral hypothermia in a number of different metazoan species, all with nervous systems. the protozoan, paramecium caudatum, has no nervous system and was not expected to display behavioral hypothermia. however, this species was also found to select a lower temperature in a thermal gradient under hypoxic conditions. this response proved to be beneficial as survival of hypoxic paramecia was greatly increased at lower temperatures. this unicellular species may p ... | 1992 | 1542790 |
myoglobin in a cyanobacterium. | myoglobin was found in the nitrogen-fixing cyanobacterium nostoc commune. this cyanobacterial myoglobin, referred to as cyanoglobin, was shown to be a soluble hemoprotein of 12.5 kilodaltons with an amino acid sequence that is related to that of myoglobins from two lower eukaryotes, the ciliated protozoa paramecium caudatum and tetrahymena pyriformis. cyanoglobin is encoded by the glbn gene, which is positioned between nifu and nifh-two genes essential for nitrogen fixation-in the genome of nost ... | 1992 | 1609281 |
identification in situ and phylogeny of uncultured bacterial endosymbionts. | the use of koch's technique to isolate bacteria in pure cultures has enabled thousands of bacterial species to be characterized. but for the many microorganisms that have never been cultivated, dna amplification in vitro using the polymerase chain reaction is now making their genes accessible. here we use this technique to study bacteria of the genus holospora, which live in ciliates and whose phylogenetic relationship has remained unknown because they are impossible to cultivate. species of hol ... | 1991 | 1709451 |
behavior of germinal micronuclei under control of the somatic macronucleus during conjugation in paramecium caudatum. | in conjugating pairs of paramecium caudatum, the micronuclear events occur synchronously in both members of the pair. to find out whether micronuclear behavior is controlled by the somatic macronucleus or by the germinal micronucleus, and whether or not synchronization of micronuclear behavior is due to intercellular communication between conjugating cells, the behavior of the micronucleus was examined after removal of the macronuclei from either or both cells of a mating pair at various stages ... | 1992 | 1730388 |
molecular cloning of the cdna for the major hemoglobin component from paramecium caudatum. | nucleotide sequence of the cdna for the major hemoglobin component of paramecium caudatum was determined. an oligonucleotide was synthesized on the basis of the amino acid sequence, and the paramecium cdna library constructed in phage lambda gt11 was screened with it. three positive clones, of which insert sizes were 0.4, 0.6, and 0.9 kbp, were obtained. sequence analysis made clear that the 0.4-kbp cdna retains a full length of the nucleotides encoding 116 amino acid residues, and that in the c ... | 1992 | 1731779 |
identification and localization of major stage-specific polypeptides of infectious holospora obtusa with monoclonal antibodies. | with the help of monoclonal antibodies (mabs) we investigated the occurrence of six polypeptides throughout parts of the life cycle of holospora obtusa, a bacterium infecting the macronucleus of the ciliate paramecium caudatum. the polypeptides of interest formed major bands in the protein pattern of the infectious form (if) of h. obtusa. all mabs used recognized individual polypeptide bands of the if proteins separated by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. three polypept ... | 1991 | 1856177 |
rhizocticin a, an antifungal phosphono-oligopeptide of bacillus subtilis atcc 6633: biological properties. | rhizocticin a, the main component of the antifungal, hydrophilic phosphono-oligopeptides of bacillus subtilis atcc 6633, was used for sensitivity testing and experiments into the molecular mechanism of the antibiotic action. budding and filamentous fungi as well as the cultivated nematode caenorhabditis elegans were found to be sensitive, whereas bacteria and the protozoon paramecium caudatum were insensitive. rhizoctonia solani was inhibited in agar dilution tests but not in diffusion tests. th ... | 1990 | 2110446 |
protozoan hemoglobin from tetrahymena pyriformis. isolation, characterization, and amino acid sequence. | a hemoprotein that can be defined as hemoglobin based on oxygen binding was isolated from tetrahymena pyriformis. the protein exists in monomeric form and is separated into four fractions (ia, ib, iia, and iib) on a cm-cellulose column. from examinations of the absorption spectra and the n-terminal sequence, fractions ia and ib were assigned to the oxy-form and its met-form, respectively, of the one protein, while iia and iib corresponded to those of the other one. the complete amino acid sequen ... | 1990 | 2111321 |
changes in fine structure and polypeptide pattern during development of holospora obtusa, a bacterium infecting the macronucleus of paramecium caudatum. | the development of the bacterium holospora obtusa, which infects the macronucleus of paramecium caudatum, was investigated in the course of a new infection from the infectious form into the reproductive form and vice versa. in parallel with a complete structural reorganization of the bacterium, the protein pattern changed gradually in this development. during the differentiation of the infectious form into the reproductive form, the voluminous periplasm was gradually reduced and the cytoplasm ex ... | 1990 | 2211504 |
protozoan myoglobin from paramecium caudatum. its autoxidation reaction and hemichrome formation. | native oxymyoglobin (mbo2) was isolated directly from the cells of paramecium caudatum with complete separation from metmyoglobin (metmb) on a deae-cellulose column. it was examined for its spectral and stability properties. when compared with sperm whale mbo2 used as a reference, paramecium mbo2 was found to be much more susceptible to autoxidation over a wide range of ph (4-11) in 0.1 m buffer at 25 degrees c. kinetic analysis has revealed that a proton-catalyzed displacement of o2- from mbo2 ... | 1990 | 2226448 |
slow inactivation of the calcium current of paramecium is dependent on voltage and not internal calcium. | the isolated ca2+ current from paramecium caudatum was examined under voltage clamp with long conditioning depolarizations lasting for up to 5 min. the isolated transient ca2+ current inactivates with tens of milliseconds due to ca2+ -dependent ca2+ -channel inactivation (brehm & eckert, 1978). when this fast inactivation was blocked by internally delivered egta, a much slower inactivation of the ca2+ current was discovered. this slow inactivation had time constants of tens of seconds, depending ... | 1985 | 2411920 |
cytotoxicity of certain organic solvents and organophosphorus insecticides to the ciliated protozoan paramecium caudatum. | responses of paramecium caudatum, a ciliated protozoan, to acute exposures of certain organic solvents and organophosphorus insecticides (opi) were studied by determining their lethal concentration (10 min-lc100) and median lethal concentration (4 h-lc50). the solvents and opi evoked a distinct sequence of responses. among the five solvents tested, acetone proved most toxic [lc-2.9% and lc50-0.68% (v/v)], while dimethyl sulphoxide (dmso) showed least toxicity [lc-11.0% and lc50-3.16% (v/v)]. the ... | 1989 | 2593868 |
protozoan myoglobin from paramecium caudatum. its unusual amino acid sequence. | a protozoan myoglobin (or monomeric hemoglobin) was isolated from paramecium caudatum, and its complete amino acid sequence determined. it consists of 116 amino acid residues with a molecular mass of 12,565 daltons, this being much smaller than sperm whale myoglobin by 37 residues and even smaller than a bacterial hemoglobin from vitreoscilla by 30 residues in terms of the monomer unit. a computer search showed no notable sequence homology with other hemoproteins. it contains two histidine resid ... | 1989 | 2769763 |
combined treatment of immune nephropathies with plasmapheresis and immunosuppressants. | the treatment of patients with immune nephropthies is discussed: rapidly progressive nephritis, lupus nephropathy, wegener granulomatosis, goodpasture syndrome, schonlein-henoch nephritis. a combined treatment of plasmapheresis and immunosuppressants is applied. a definite result, specially with the cases of wegener granulomatosis, is registered for certain number of the patients. together with the usual tests: cic, immunoglobulins, complement, etc. a method for controlling of the detoxic effici ... | 2006 | 3252939 |
characterization of caedibacter endonucleobionts from the macronucleus of paramecium caudatum and the identification of a mutant with blocked r-body synthesis. | cytology, dna and host-symbiont relationships of x-like endosymbionts from paramecium caudatum are described. the symbionts (caedibacter caryophila, sp. nov.) live in the macronuclei of their hosts. they confer the killer trait upon their hosts and appear well adapted to their endonucleobiotic way of life. r bodies (proteinaceous ribbons associated with killing) are produced, but differ significantly from any of the four r-body classes previously described. c. caryophila and their r bodies were ... | 1988 | 3335230 |
inhibition of paramecium caudatum by an alteromonas luteoviolacea antibiotic. | an antibiotic factor obtained from alteromonas luteoviolacea was shown to kill paramecium caudatum. this substance was shown to be destroyed by boiling, sonication, or freezing. it passed through a 0.45-micron-pore-size filter and was not precipitated from a culture supernatant with ethyl alcohol. its production varied with a. luteoviolacea strains and medium constituents. it was also shown to be distinct from the a. luteoviolacea antibiotic that affects bacterial cells. | 1986 | 3767343 |
log-normal variation belts for growth curves. | prediction (confidence) or tolerance belts compound the uncertainty of sample estimates with the estimated extent of individual variation. the latter is therefore better described by variation belts, in which sample estimates are simply substituted for population parameters. variation belts can provide valuable graphical indications concerning the goodness of fit of postulated error models. while multiplicative least-squares (mls) methods appear appropriate in principle for biological growth, th ... | 1986 | 3814723 |
isolation and characterization of macronuclei of paramecium caudatum infected with the macronucleus-specific bacterium holospora obtusa. | macronuclei from paramecium caudatum infected with holospora obtusa may be isolated on sucrose step gradients. macronuclei containing primarily infectious forms can be separated from those bearing predominantly reproductive forms. rna polymerase activity in infected macronuclei is greater by a factor of 5 than that in uninfected macronuclei. proteinase activity is also significantly higher. | 1985 | 3894389 |
infection and maintenance of holospora obtusa, a macronucleus-specific bacterium of the ciliate paramecium caudatum. | the gram-negative bacterium holospora obtusa is a macronucleus-specific symbiont of the ciliate paramecium caudatum, which invades the host cell via a food vacuole, infects its macronucleus and grows exclusively in the nucleus. from infection experiments, we showed that a property of the macronucleus that is necessary for it to be recognized and infected by h. obtusa is commonly provided by p. caudatum, p. multimicronucleatum and 14 species of the p. aurelia complex, but not by p. jenningsi, p. ... | 1985 | 3905836 |
intracellular positional control of survival or degeneration of nuclei during conjugation in paramecium caudatum. | the survival or degeneration of nuclei produced after meiosis in paramecium caudatum depends upon their position in the cytoplasm. the surviving nucleus lies in the paroral region, which is the region around the cytostome. in this study, this was confirmed by quantitative measurements of the location of surviving nuclei in both stained and living conjugating cells. observation of nuclear behaviour in living cells shows that there is an active mechanism for localizing one of the four meiotic prod ... | 1985 | 3914481 |
x-ray microanalysis in cryosections of natively frozen paramecium caudatum with regard to ion distribution in ciliates. | cells of paramecium caudatum were shock-frozen without pretreatment for cryoultramicrotomy and freeze-dried for subsequent x-ray microanalysis. na, mg, p, s, cl, k, and ca were detected in different amounts in several subcellular compartments. in particular, calcium was localized below the cell surface (pellicle). trichocysts were found to contain significant amounts of na in their base but not in the tip. na, mg, p, s, cl, k, ca were found in electron dense deposits within the lumen of the cont ... | 1985 | 4001861 |
modulation of the digestive lysosomal system in paramecium caudatum. ii. physiological effects of cytochalasin b, colchicine and trifluoperazine. | the heterophagic pathway of the digestive lysosomal system in paramecium caudatum includes at least four steps: digestive vacuole (dv) formation, acidification-condensation, lysosomal fusion-digestion, and defecation. the second and the third require about 20 min, during which dvs are not egested. because these steps occur at predictable intervals, the mechanism for each can be explored by exposing labeled dvs to different drugs prior to each step. in this study the effects of cytochalasin b (cb ... | 1985 | 4029169 |
modulation of the digestive lysosomal system in paramecium caudatum. iii. morphological effects of cytochalasin b. | morphological explanations for the effects of cytochalasin b (cb) on the digestive vacuole system of paramecium caudatum were sought using electron-microscopic studies. cytochalasin b (0.3 mm) essentially stopped vacuole release without stopping vacuole growth. acidosome fusion with the new vacuoles was inhibited and was accompanied by the formation of discoidal vesicle-lined clumps of microfilament-like material next to these vacuoles. vacuole membrane retrieval at the open cytoproct was inhibi ... | 1985 | 4029170 |
rapid and sensitive assays for phagosomal acidification in paramecium and tetrahymena. | biochemical and cytochemical procedures were developed to measure the rate of phagosomal acidification for phagosomal ph ranging from 5 to 2.5. these assays were based on the ph-dependent inactivation with time of horseradish peroxidase (hrp) activity, a result attributable to the dissociation of this enzyme to a colorless protein and ferriprotoporphyrin in acidic solutions. when preincubated in buffers of varying ph, the rate of hrp inactivation followed a sigmoid curve, with the highest rate o ... | 1985 | 4043094 |
a gamma ray-induced non-excitable membrane mutant in paramecium caudatum: a behavioral and genetic analysis. | 1985 | 4065563 | |
fine structure of membranous and microfibrillar systems in the cortex of paramecium caudatum. | an electron microscope study of the cortex of paramecium caudatum has revealed new details pertinent to several unresolved problems. the lateral boundaries of the alveoli do not regularly follow the crests of the polygonal ridges and thus their staining with silver cannot account for the external lattice seen by light microscopists. a granulo-fibrillar material is present, however, within the peaks of the ridges, which would account for the external lattice if so stained. perforations are presen ... | 1971 | 4102004 |
inhibition of ciliary movements by ni-2+ions in triton-extracted models of paramecium caudatum. | 1974 | 4142702 | |
[intensive disproportionate flow culture of paramecium caudatum]. | 1973 | 4205167 | |
[action of the gamma radiation of thorium on the growth of paramecium caudatum and paramecium aurelia grown under radioprotective apparatus]. | 1966 | 4225079 | |
[observations on the ultrastructural changes of micronuclei during their transformations into macronuclei in paramecium caudatum]. | 1967 | 4229126 | |
the cytoproct of paramecium caudatum: structure and function, microtubules, and fate of food vacuole membranes. | 1974 | 4364579 | |
food vacuole membrane growth with microtubule-associated membrane transport in paramecium. | evidence from a morphological study of the oral apparatus of paramecium caudatum using electron microscope techniques have shown the existence of an elaborate structural system which is apparently designed to recycle digestive-vacuole membrane. disk-shaped vesicles are filtered out of the cytoplasm by a group of microtubular ribbons. the vesicles, after being transported to the cytostome-cytopharynx region in association with these ribbons, accumulate next to the cytopharynx before they become f ... | 1974 | 4373478 |
[the possibility of increasing the specific growth rate of a culture of paramecium caudatum during disproportionate-flow cultivation]. | 1974 | 4463472 | |
the photosensitizing action of carcinogens. i. the action of 2-naphthylamine on escherichia coli k-12 and paramecium caudatum. | 1974 | 4595739 | |
the structure of trichocysts in paramecium caudatum. | 1972 | 4648510 | |
[omega-particles, symbiotic bacteria of the micronucleus of paramecium caudatum clone m1-48 infusoria]. | 1972 | 4654537 | |
[electron microscope study of omega-particles--symbiotic bacteria of the micronucleus--and the nuclear apparatus of paramecium caudatum clone ml-48]. | 1973 | 4687325 | |
[viability of the descendants of irradiated cells (experiments on paramecium caudatum and amoeba proteus)]. | 1973 | 4728524 | |
control of ciliary activities by adenosinetriphosphate and divalent cations in triton-extracted models of paramecium caudatum. | 1973 | 4732944 | |
[species infectious specificity of omega-particles, symbiotic bacteria of the micronucleus of paramecium caudatum infusoria]. | 1973 | 4762276 | |
[significance of the toxic effect of the irradiated medium on the postradiation death of cells. 2. experiments on paramecium caudatum]. | 2003 | 4763048 | |
the relations between membrane potential and parameters of ciliary beat in free-swimming paramecium caudatum. | 1973 | 4764411 | |
potassium: a factor necessary for the expression of mating reactivity in paramecium caudatum. | 1974 | 4827159 | |
[characteristics of the reaction to extreme ph values of elongated cell-"spores" of symbiotic bacteria in paramecium caudatum macronucleus]. | 1974 | 4848253 | |
[the dependence of some dehydrogenases activities in paramecium caudatum, adapted to lowered and raised temperatures, on the age of the mass culture]. | 1968 | 4887842 | |
[effect of aflatoxin b1 on paramecium caudatum and paramecium bursaria]. | 1971 | 4931381 | |
interaction of blood sera with the culture of paramecium caudatum. ii. individual sensitivity to medium lethal x-ray doses determined by the consumption of complement by the culture of paramecium caudatum. | 1966 | 4957705 | |
serotypes and immobilization antigens in paramecium caudatum. | 1966 | 4958003 | |
effect of certain cations on activity of leucine naphthylamidases of paramecium caudatum. | 1967 | 4964170 | |
ionic control of the reversal response of cilia in paramecium caudatum. a calcium hypothesis. | the duration of ciliary reversal of paramecium caudatum in response to changes in external ionic factors was determined with various ionic compositions of both equilibration and stimulation media. the reversal response was found to occur when calcium ions bound by an inferred cellular cation exchange system were liberated in exchange for externally applied cations other than calcium. factors which affect the duration of the response were (a) initial amount of calcium bound by the cation exchange ... | 1968 | 4966766 |
[action of several inhibitors of metabolism on the resistance to nickel salts in paramecium caudatum]. | 1967 | 4967521 | |
control of the orientation of cilia by adenosinetriphosphate, calcium, and zinc in glycerol-extracted paramecium caudatum. | the predominant orientation of cilia in glycerol-extracted paramecium is toward the posterior of the specimen in a kcl solution. the cilia became reoriented toward the anterior shortly after transfer of the extracted cell to a mixture of atp, calcium, and zinc. the degree of response was graded as a function of the concentration of each of the three essential factors. minimum concentrations for the maximum response were 0.2 mm in atp, 0.8 mm in calcium, and 0.0002 mm in zinc. the observations su ... | 1969 | 4976855 |
[biologic action of natural irradiation: study of the growth of paramecium aurelia and paramecium caudatum in a subterranean laboratory]. | 1969 | 4982844 | |
[effect of medium rate on the density, productivity and specific growth rate of a paramecium caudatum culture]. | 1972 | 5022983 | |
[complement consumption by paramecium caudatum culture and survival time of patients with malignant tumors]. | 1972 | 5046002 | |
[stability of radiation injury in a cell population (experiments on paramecium caudatum)]. | 1972 | 5083482 | |
[polymorphism of the micronuclei of paramecium caudatum. 3. cytofluorometric study of dna content]. | 1971 | 5117434 | |
[polymorphism of paramecium caudatum micronuclei. iv. comparative analysis of nuclear reorganization in the process of division of maturation in 4 morphological types]. | 1971 | 5133749 | |
[paramecium caudatum as indicator for the effect of surface active agents]. | 1970 | 5269684 | |
complement consumption by paramecium caudatum culture in normal fresh sera and its significance in the prognosis of radiation sickness in rats. | 1968 | 5303817 | |
the mechanism of the regeneration of surface structures of paramecium caudatum. | 1966 | 5330521 |