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study of guinea pigs fed swiss chard grown on municipal sludge-amended soil. multi-element content of chard, field-grown on soil amended with 100 dry tons per acre of municipal sewage sludge from washington, dc, was fed to guinea pigs for 28 days. control animals were fed swiss chard grown on unfortified soi. forty-one elements were determined in the sludge, the plant material, and liver, kidney, muscle, adrenal, and spleen tissues by neutron activation and other methods. elevated concentrations of several elements found in the swiss chard grown on the sludge-soil mixture also appeared at ...19764038
influence of the addition of urea to a low-protein diet on plasma amino acids and other metabolites in growing bulls fed sugar beet silage. 197833511
[improvement in the quality of rape seed by combining silage with fodder sugar beets. 1. quality evaluation of the silages].industrial-scale studies showed that the addition of rape-seed flakes to half sugar mangels improves the feeding value and the quality of the silages. furthermore, it was found that the development of yeasts was inhibited and that the propagation of acidifiers was retarded as the proportion of rape-seed increased. the microbiological analysis indicates that the amount of rape-seed added to the half sugar mangels should not exceed 10%.197940133
preparation of high-fructose syrup from the tubers of the jerusalem artichoke (helianthus tuberosus l.fructose has recently received much attention due to renewed interest in natural sweeteners. in addition, fructose has some advantages to sucrose in sweetness, solubility, viscosity, and dental health characteristics. fructose is deposited as storage fructans of the inulin (beta-1,2) type in tubers and rhizomes of the compositae family. the utilization of the jerusalem artichoke (helianthus tuberosus) tuber as a source of fructose syrup is discussed. this plant has the potential to produce more ...197941685
diminishing rumen butyrogenesis in bulls and sheep fed sugar beets. 197943703
a new method of preparing insects for scanning electron microscopy.acidified 2,2-dimethoxypropane (dmp), used as an alternative to regular fixation and dehydration methods for insects, was found to be the only successful means of preparing the sugarbeet root maggot larva, tetanops myopaeformis (röder) (diptera:otitidae), for the scanning electron microscope. no morphological changes were evident when dmp treated sugarbeet root maggot adults were compared to fresh (unfixed) adults and glutaraldehyde-osmium tetroxide fixed adults. the method has been used with su ...197990409
fate of chloroalkylene-9-14c in carrots, sugar beets, and soil under outdoor conditions.immediately after application of chloroalkylene-9-14c to soil (1.32 ppm, based on dry weight of soil in the upper layer of 0 to 10 cm) under outdoor conditions, carrots were sown; in the following year, sugar beets were grown. about 80% of the radioactivity applied volatilized within one vegetation period. most of the remaining radioactivity was still in the upper soil layer; 0.8% had dispersed to a depth of 40 cm, and 3.3% was taken up by the carrot plants. in the second year, no more decreases ...2002120137
studies with 2,4',5-trichlorobiphenyl-14c and 2,2',4,4',6-pentachlorobiphenyl-14c in carrots, sugar beets, and soil. 2013121130
[causes of poisoning during work in sugar beet fields following the use of polychloropinene]. 1978146634
membrane-bound potassium and magnesium ion-stimulated inorganic pyrophosphatase from roots and cotyledons of sugar beet (beta vulgaris l).1. the 25 000-30 000 x g fraction from sugar beet leaf or roots contains, together with (na+ plus k+)-activated atpase, also k+-stimulated inorganic pyrophosphatase. 2. this inorganic pyrophosphatase is also stimulated by rb+ and to a lesser degree by li+ and na+. 3. na+ is at the same time an inhibitor to the k+-stimulation of the inorganic pyrophosphatase. 4. no signs of synergism for (na+ plus k+) were found. 5. optimum ph was at about 8.5.1975240414
quantitative study on anomeric forms of glucose produced by alpha-glucosidases.anomeric forms of glucose produced from phenyl alpha-maltoside, maltose, or phenyl alpha-glucoside have been determined quantitatively by simultaneous measurements of optical rotation and reducing power, for eight kinds of glucose-producing 1,4-alpha-glucosyl hydrolases, including glucose-forming amylase from human urine, and alpha-glucosidases from pig serum, honey bee, buckwheat seed, rice seed, sugar beet seed, flint corn seed, and brewer's yeast. all the eight enzymes studied were found to p ...1979376499
biochemical and serological comparisons between carnation yellow fleck virus and sugar beet yellows virus protein subunits. 1977402744
[effect of wood waste on the digestibility of glycides and level of volatile fatty acids in sheep].sheep were subject to an experiment concerning the effect of treated beech sawdust and thickened aqueous hydrolyzate of beech wood (xylocel) on the digestibility of glycides and on the level of volatile fatty acids (vfa) in the rumen content. the results prove that the use of treated beech sawdust as a replacer for ground barley straw favourably influenced the digestibility of monosaccharides, cellulose, lignin and total dry matter of the diet. sawdust reduced the concentration of total vfa in t ...1977413245
[new toxins from aspergillus fumigatus fresenius].a strain of aspergillus fumigatus fres., isolated from sugar-beet draffs, synthesizes in vitro four toxic metabolites which have not yet been described in these fungal species. toxic effects of the most abundant of these metabolites "fumitoxin a" have been studed on chick embryo. artemia salina larvae, cell cultures, and on mice.1978418904
superiority of a soil debris isolation method over a beet seed colonization method for assay of rhizoctonia solani at high soil inoculum densities.a quantitative soil debris isolation method (all debris from known weight of soil plated) and a garden beet seed saprophytic colonization method were compared over a 1-year period for assaying rhizoctonia solani population. four fields of different soil textures were selected. within each field four areas of healthy and four areas of diseases (rhizoctonia root and crown rot) sugarbeets were sampled bimonthly from august 1976 until june 1977. the maximum numbers of r. solani colonies obtained by ...1979427651
[improvement in the quality of rape seed by combining silage with fodder sugar beets. 2. changes in glucosinolate derivatives and fat contents].industrial and laboratory-scale studies showed that the combined silage fermentation of rape-seed flakes with half sugar mangels leds to a very beneficial reduction in the content of glucosinolate derivatives, especially during the first week of fermentation and storage processes on the qualitative and quantitative fatty-acid parameters were but significant.1979492299
soil populations of rhizoctonia solani from areas of health and diseased beets within four sugarbeet fields differing in soil texture.both debris isolation and beet seed colonization methods were used to ascertain rhizoctonia solani populations in areas of healthy (ah) and rhizoctonia crown rot diseased (da) sugarbeets within four fields differing in soil texture over a 1-year period (august 1976 to july 1977). inoculum densities were initially (august-october) higher in da than in ah, but declined over the winter to levels similar to ah by june. as ascertained by the debris isolation method, ah populations remained low (mostl ...1990526886
polyploidy and domestication: the origin and survival of polyploids in cytotype mixtures.the origin and survival of a polyploid in a mixture of this polyploid and its parent(s) is reviewed. with several examples a picture is drawn of the interference of cytotypes in a mixture of cytotypes. some natural polyploids, both wild and domesticated, are very successful. they, like bread wheat and banana, largely replaced their parents. the same is true for some artificial polyploids like autotriploid hybride sugar beet in europe and autotetraploid perennial ryegrass. but when grown together ...1979550834
[effect of high-carbohydrate diet in the form of sugar beet on glucose and ketone body levels in the blood serum of highly pregnant and freshly lactating cows].in an experiment using 24 high-yielding cows (3rd and 6th lactations), group ii was fed sugar beet as carbohydrate source (2 kg dm per animal and day) for 4 weeks before and for 4 weeks after parturition, whilst group i was given the equivalent amount of dried spent beet pulp. sugar beet feeding during the dry period caused the glucose level in the blood to rise significantly from 48 to 55 mg/100 ml. on the 21st day of lactation the glucose concentration in group ii (27 mg) had declined more str ...1977564173
studies of the mycoparasitism in rhizosphere of emerging sugar-beet.pythium oligandrum drechsler was found as a very weak pathogen of emerging sugar-beet by means of the inoculation of the sterilized soil. the hyperparasitic ability of pythium oligandrum drechsler to relative species, viz. pythium ultimum trow and pythium debaryanum (hesse) were proved in rhizosphere of emerging sugar-beet. the rhizosphere soil inoculation by p. ultimum resulted in the sugar-beet emergence about 3% while the sugar-beet emergence achieved 110% if p. ultimum and p. oligandrum were ...1978576111
[adjustment of the ammonia level in the rumen by sorption on bentonite and dried beet pulp].the effect was studied of bentonite and spent sugar beet pulp on the ammonia level in the rumen juice sheep fed hay, ground barley and a urea supplementation. in comparison with a control trial, the nitrogen supply to the rumen juice proved more continuous, this fact improving the conditions for the microbial protein synthesis at the time fo the strongest fermentation. the interaction of bentonite, beet pectin and ammonium ions is attributed to the ion exchange.1977603395
fate of [14c]aldrin in crop rotation under outdoor conditions.[14c]aldrin was applied to soils (about 3kg/ha) in outdoor boxes at various locations (germany, england, and united states), and crops were cultivated (maize, wheat, sugar beets, and potatoes). in the following year, crop rotation experiments were carried out in the same soils without retreatment; in addition, wheat was grown in soils retreated with [14c]aldrin (3.5 kg/ha). after the harvest of both years, the distribution of aldrin and major metabolites (dieldrin; photodieldrin; hydrophilic met ...1977617099
elemental content of tissues of guinea pigs fed swiss chard grown on municipal sewage sludge-amended soil. 1978670582
parasitic relationships between pythium oligandrum drechsler and some other species of the oomycetes class.parasitic relationships between pythium oligandrum drechsler and some phytopathogenic species of the oomycetes class were investigated on agar plates. a high parasitic ability of pythium oligandrum on pythium ultimum trow, p. debaryanum hesse, and aphanomyces laevis de by species was proved in this study of relationships among these fungi, commonly populating the rhizosphere of emerging sugar beet. p. oligandrum produces numerous thin haustorial threads, searching the hyphae of host species and ...1978726706
relation of pythium oligandrum drechsler to bacteria, actinomyces, and several fungi inhabiting the rhizosphere of the emerging sugar-beet. 1978726707
biological protection of emerging sugar-beet against damping-off established by mycoparasitism in non-sterilized soil. 1978726716
[analytical evidences of sugar added to wine].in many countries addition of sugar to the grape must for increasing the alcohol concentration is autorized by regulation. this addition must be supervised by a priori and a posteriori controls. the saccharose from sugar beet contrains 100 mg/kg of betain, which can be determined in wine after purification by ion exchange and gas chromatography of a decomposition product of its butylester. methyl betaine has been used as internal standard to improve the method. the natural wine contains low quan ...1978754584
microflora and invert sugars in juice from healthy tissue of stored sugarbeets.bacterial populations increased in juice of healthy tissue of sugarbeet roots stored at 5 c. average counts showed a sixfold increase after 150 days of storage. invert sugar levels increased over threefold in "american 4 hybrid a" and remained fairly constant in "mono-hy d-2." the former cultivar also had significantly higher bacterial colony counts than the latter before 90 days of storage. of 36 isolates identified, 16 were pseudomonas spp. including p. chlororaphis; 6 bacillus spp. including ...1975808167
fate of 2,2-dichlorobiphenyl-14c in carrots, sugar beets, and soil under outdoor conditions. 2017821985
determination of benomyl, carbendazim and 2-aminobenzimidazole (2-ab) in plant materials. part i: apples, red-currants, grapes, kale and sugar beets.benomyl and carbendazim are widely used fungicides with systemic activity. in the federal republic of germany the legal limits of benomyl and carbendazim lie between 0.1 and 7 ppm dependent on the substrate. a method for the determination of benomyl and carbendazim in apples, red-currants, grapes, kale, and sugar beets was developed. benomyl and carbendazim are extracted with ethyl acetate, saponified and determined as 2-aminobenzimidazole by thin-layer chromatography. the detection limits lie b ...1977855495
bacterial stalk rot of maize, its symptoms and host-range.stalk rot of maize, caused by erwinia carotovora f. sp. zeae sabet (re-designated as pectobacterium chrysanthemi pathovar. zeae by kelman 1974) showed first premature withering and drying up of the uppermost leaves which was soon followed by the lower leaves. the rot either extended from the base upwards (basal rot) or from the top downwards (top rot). in the case of basal rot, the leaves become yellow and the infected tissue becomes brown, soft, and water soaked. internally, the stalk turns int ...1977857508
[development of pollen tubes in self-fertile and self-sterile lines of sugar beets in isolation].studies in pollen germination on stigmas of isolated plants showed a great difference in this process in different forms. a rapid and steady growth of pollen tubes, their accumulation near the micropyle and penetration in it are observed in self-fertile plants. pollen tubes grow slowly, often forming thickenings and swellings in self-sterile forms. some of them penetrate deeper, reaching sometimes the seedbud but turn back without penetrating into it.2008941262
in field survival of rhizoctonia solani in soil and in diseased sugarbeets.persistence of rhizotonia solani in the field was investigated by ascertaining survival (competitive saprophytic activity) in soil and survival in diseased plants. except for one instance, low levels of r. solani survived overwinter in artificially and naturally infested soils. in a sandy loam soil, cropped to sugarbeets, inoculum density increased throughout the growing season from low early spring levels to high levels in july and august. in a silty clay soil, cropped to sugarbeets, inoculum d ...1976963618
organochlorine pesticide residues in sugarbeet pulps and molasses from 16 states, 1971.sugarbeet pulp and molasses from 57 processing plants in 16 states were sampled for pesticide residues. no molasses samples contained detectable pesticide residues, but about 15 percent of the pulp samples contained low levels of dieldrin, toxaphene, or ddt and its degradation products. sugarbeet pulp, when used as animal feed, can be a source of pesticidal contamination of human food.19761005059
[primary selection of active strains of penicillia and their utilization for controlling sugar beet black root]. 20061012078
[aneuploids from the progeny of triploid sugar beets].the crossing of sugar beet triploids with triploids (3x x 3x) produced 25.1 +/- 5.16% of aneuploids, the crossing of triploids with tetraploids (3x x 4x) resulted in 17.7 +/- +/- 2.66% of aneuploids, and the crossing of triploids with diploids (3x x 2x) yielded 12.4 +/- 2.36% of aneuploids. in the combinations 3x x 2x and 3x x 4x all the theoretically possible forms of aneuploids were observed. after free pollination of aneuploids with different numbers of chromosomes their progenies comprise 71 ...20081030859
[protein utilization of mixed feed rations in lactating pigs with reference to the essential amino acid content of the feed proteins. 2. report. utilization of the feed proteins in the use of soy bean extraction residue, waste liquor yeast, horse bean meal fish meal and maize gluten for a basic ration].nitrogen trials were performed on lactating pigs to investigate the utilization of protein from some feeding rations. the basal ration fed to the sows consisted of ground barley+oats+flaked potatoes or ground barley+sugar beet chips. the basal ration was supplemented with a protein source. the protein feeds used were extracted soya bean meal, horse bean meal, fish meal, maize gluten and waste liquor yeast. data for the average biological value of the dietary proteins were as follows (in the give ...19761035091
[intoxication in cattle caused by a batch of sugar beet pulp (author's transl)].during the period from dec. 7th 1972 to jan. 8th 1973 76 cattle deaths were reported in 20 herds on the island of møon and the adjacent south-eastern area of sealand. the disease was characterized by a sudden onset and a rapid and invariably fatal course. initially, there was a loss of appetite, depression, excessive salivation and incoordination. these symptoms progressed to paralysis and, in some animals, trmor and convulsions. death usually ensued less than 2 hours after the first observation ...19751181552
[influence of the cecum, in geese fed diets containing urea, on n-metabolism and digestibility of nutrients and on urea concentration in excrements and blood].balance experiments were performed on six normal young geese and on six geese with a ligated caecum. the ration consisted of 43.25% barley, 30% sugar beet slices, 20% cellulose, 1.4% maize germ oil, 3% mineral mixture, 1% concentrate of vitamins and growth factors, 1.25% urea and 0.1% lysine. daily nitrogen balance was similar in the two groups (average 1051 mg in the controls and 1090 mg in the experimental birds). crude protein digestibility was 82.4 +/- 1.1% in the controls and 84.9 +/- 1% in ...19751200751
[some problems of work hygiene in the use of polychlorocamphene in sugar beet growing]. 19751205221
[case of poisoning of animals with sugar beets and corn cobs]. 19751216648
[studies of the influence of nutritional factors on the ruminal mucosa. 1. structure and functional state of the ruminal mucosa after feeding of extreme rations and abrupt change in nutrition].different rations were used in successive experimental periods (dried green feeds (i), fresh green feed from sugar beet tops (ii), concentrates (iii, iv), and maize silage (v), to test the effect they have on the structure and oxidative functions of the ruminal mucosa in cattle. rations i, ii, iv, and v were both energy and protein equivalent. biopsy specimens from ruminal papillae were taken on the day when rations were suddenly changed and on the 21st and 22nd day of the feeding period; they w ...19751233943
[studies on the suitability of solid materials in porcine feces for use in the fattening of cattle. 1. procedure and results of fattening trials].mixtures of pelleted fool containing 30% or 50% of solid material from pig semi-liquid manure were fed to fattening bulls in a 252-day feeding trial. the controls (comprising 9 animals each) received pelleted straw concentrates. the digestibility of the pellets used in these trials was tested on sheep. the animals accepted these pellets readily after a period of adjustment (consumption of dry matter per animal per day: 7.58 kg and 8.20 kg). the daily weight gains of the experimental animals were ...19751233977
[fungus diseases of sugar beet leaf and root aphids]. 20061240578
[studies with ammonized straw pellets used as a sole basal diet in the feeding of ruminants. 1. feeding trials with dairy cows fed ammonized straw pellets as a sole basal diet].feeding trials were performed with two groups of dairy cows receiving ammonized straw pellets supplemented with varying levels of concentrates as sole basal diet. the trials were carried out over periods of 546 days and 120 days. an annual milk production of 4217.9 kgs (calculated on the basis of 3.5% of milk fat) per cow was achieved in group i by feeding 3060.6 kgs of straw pellets and 2014.7 kgs of concentrates per animal. after subtracting all additives an amount of 2641.1 kgs of pure straw ...19751241939
the effect of frequency of feeding on milk secretion in the ayrshire cow.four ayrshire cows in their second lactation were used in a 4 x 4 latin square experiment to determine the effects of frequency of feeding on milk secretion. the animals were given a diet consisting of hay, sugar-beet pulp and dairy concentrates (34-9:19-7:45-5 on a dry-matter basis) either in 2 equal meals/d at 07.00 and 17.00 h or with the hay in 4 meals at 07.00, 12.00, 17.00 and 22.00 h and the sugar-beet pulp and concentrates in 24-h meals. each feeding frequency was tested at 2 levels of f ...19761262561
efficiency of bacterial protein synthesis in the rumen of sheep receiving a diet of sugar beet pulp and barley. 19761263457
comparative evaluation of the enzyme multiplicity in a diploid, a triploid and a tetraploid sugar beet variety. 19911263460
anaphylactoid reactions in connection with infusion of invert sugar solutions are due to macromolecular contaminants.13 untoward mold anaphylactoid reactions were observed in patients infused with invert sugar solutions in sweden during a 7-month period in 1973: an incidence of 1/31,000 infusions. immunological and physicochemical analysis of invert sugar solutions and of the raw material, sucrose, revealed traces of native alpha-1,6-glucan with molecular weight of 10-100 millions as contaminant. this indicates, that the sucrose had been exposed to microbial contamination during its manufacture from sugar-beet ...19761270158
characterization of aliphatic amine 1,4-diazobicyclo (2,2,2) octane-induced stimulation of beet spinach thylakoid electron transport.electron transport activity of beet spinach thylakoids was enhanced in the presence of aliphatic amine, dabco (1,4-diazobicyclo (2,2,2) octane), a hydrophilic proton trapping agent. the extent of stimulation was ph-dependent and similar to the effect of the uncoupler ammonium chloride on electron transport. the stimulation of whole-chain (h2o-->mv) electron transport activity was observed only at high (rate-saturating) light intensity. the light-induced proton uptake coupled to electron transpor ...19921294467
diet, alcohol, smoking, serum beta-carotene, and vitamin a in male nonmelanocytic skin cancer patients and controls.a case-control study was conducted in melbourne, australia of 88 consecutive males admitted for the surgical removal of a nonmelanocytic skin cancer (histologically confirmed basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma) and of 88 male control patients admitted for small elective surgical procedures. in both cases and controls, previous diet, alcohol consumption, and smoking habit were investigated and serum beta-carotene and vitamin a levels were measured. a statistically significant invers ...19921296197
[the energetic utilization of rations with molasses, dried sugar beets, apple pectin and lucerne leaves by adult swine].the energetic utilization of 6 rations with molasses, dried sugar beets, apple pectin and lucerne leaves was measured in 8 adult pigs by means of the respiration test technique. the energy digestibility of the rations ranged from 74 to 88%, the partial utilization of the metabolizable energy from 66 to 78%. from the results with apple pectin a mean energy deposition value of 7.2 +/- 12.5 kj/g digestible pectin was derived. taking into consideration results from previous recorded experiments and ...19921296555
comparison of energy deposition and utilization of feedstuffs and rations between growing and adult pigs.the effect of energy deposition and the utilization of feedstuffs and rations were compared between growing and adult pigs. the good agreement in the data leads to the conclusion, that the energy deposition effect of feedstuffs and rations in growing pigs can be estimated with an equation based on measurements in adult pigs. exceptions are feedstuffs which are digested bacterially to a relatively high part in the large intestine, as e.g. sugar beet pulp, raw potatoes or similar feed.19921297301
ochratoxigenic moulds and ochratoxin a in forages and grain feeds.the contamination of forages and grain feeds with ochratoxigenic moulds and ochratoxin a was examined. the investigations were carried out over a period of three years in all seasons. feeds were found to be contaminated with moulds at a high level throughout the three research years. the highest percentage (95 to 100) of contaminated feed samples was noticed during the second year. total viable counts of moulds established in 1 g of feed samples ranged from 0.5 to 7.8 x 10(6). penicillium spp. w ...19921298163
distribution of aflatoxin-producing moulds and aflatoxins in dairy cattle feed and raw milk.distribution of aflatoxigenic moulds and aflatoxin b1 in yugoslav dairy cattle feeds as well as the presence of aflatoxin b1 and m1 in raw milk, was tested. the experiments were carried out through three years (in all seasons). samples were taken from state and private farms in vojvodina. feeds were contaminated in 83-100% with moulds. fungi of farms in vojvodina. feeds were contaminated in 83-100% with moulds. fungi of aspergillus flavus-oryzae group were present permanently and the highest inc ...19921307441
various dietary fibers have different effects on lipase-catalyzed hydrolysis of tributyrin in vitro.the ability of various dietary fibers to impede lipase-catalyzed hydrolysis of tributyrin was studied in vitro. conditions (temperature, kind and concentration of constituents, ph, agitation) were chosen to mimic, as closely as possible, those prevailing in the human duodenum. lipolysis was monitored at ph 6.0 and 37 degrees c using a constant ph titrimeter. some fibers inhibited lipolysis (red wheat bran, white wheat bran, oat bran and sugarbeet fiber), whereas most did not (psyllium seed, pect ...19921310109
effects of dietary fermentable fiber on fatty acid synthesis and triglyceride secretion in rats fed fructose-based diet: studies with sugar-beet an attempt to elucidate the role of the dietary fermentable fiber in reduction of hyperlipidemia, we substituted 30% wheat starch with 30% sugar-beet fiber in rats fed a fructose-based (41% fructose), low-fat (2% corn oil) diet. male wistar rats ate the test diets for 3 weeks. feeding the sugar-beet fiber (sbf) diet resulted in a significant enlargement of the cecum; it also increased the concentration of volatile fatty acids compared with rats fed a fiber-free (ff) diet. feeding sbf decrease ...19921311452
bile acid metabolism in rats fed two levels of corn oil and brans of oat, rye and barley and sugar beet fiber.high concentrations of fecal bile acids are associated with a higher incidence of colon cancer. dietary changes that alter bile acid metabolism are therefore of interest. here, we report the effect of feeding diets containing four fiber sources and two fat levels for 7 wk on bile acid excretion and small intestinal bile acids (an index of pool size) in rats. the fiber sources were oat bran, rye bran, barley bran and sugar beet fiber. fiber-containing diets were 8% dietary fiber and contained eit ...19921311754
the effects of sugar-beet fibre supplementation for five weeks on zinc, iron and copper status in human subjects.the present study was conducted to evaluate the effects of fibre supplementation on zinc, iron and copper status in human subjects. ten males (53 +/- 8 years of age) participated in this study which consisted of three phases: baseline-1 period (2 weeks) in which subjects were on their normal, habitual dietary intake, followed by a period of fibre supplementation (5 weeks) in which subjects were supplemented with 26 g dietary fibre/d, and baseline-2 period (4 weeks) in which fibre supplement was ...19921313763
feeding value of dried sugar beet pulp from egyptian production.dried sugar beet pulp was fed to sheep in mixture with molasses (bpm), molasses plus urea (bpmu) or with hay (bph) in comparison to whole diet of hay (h) in four metabolic trials. there were no significant differences among the four rations although bpmu reflected the highest digestibility of nutrients. the bph had the highest feeding value (total digestible nutrients "tdn" and metabolizable energy) and caused the highest retention of nitrogen. blood profile revealed that there were no significa ...19921338357
extramarital sex amongst the beets--evidence for gene exchanges between sugar beet (beta vulgaris l.) and wild beets: consequences for transgenic sugar beets. 19921360265
cytoplasmic chloride regulates cation channels in the vacuolar membrane of plant cells.this study is concerned with the characterization of the ionic currents in the vacuolar membrane (tonoplast) of plant cells. voltage patch-clamp experiments at the whole vacuole and single channel levels were employed to study the effects of cytoplasmic chloride on the tonoplast inward rectifying currents of sugar beet cultured cells. whole vacuole experiments showed that removal of cytoplasmic chloride induced a decrease in the level of the inward currents, an effect that was reversed upon retu ...19921372938
cloning and characterization of a pathogen-induced chitinase in brassica napus.a chitinase cdna clone from rapeseed (brassica napus l. ssp. oleifera) was isolated. the cdna clone, chb4, represents a previously purified and characterized basic chitinase isozyme. the longest open reading frame in chb4 encodes a polypeptide of 268 amino acids. this polypeptide consists of a 24 amino acid n-terminal signal peptide, a cysteine-rich domain and a catalytic domain. the primary structure of the mature chb4 shows a low degree of identity with class i and ii chitinases, 43-48% and 35 ...19921391771
[analysis of resins in the air, water and sugar beet leaves and roots by the method of thin layer chromatography]. 20061398185
sugarbeet minicircular mitochondrial dnas: high-resolution transcript mapping, transcript abundance and copy number determination.three minicircular mitochondrial dnas have been studied to address several aspects of transcription in sugarbeet mitochondria. high-resolution transcript mapping experiments have shown that sequences at the 5' termini of minicircle transcripts are highly homologous and resemble sequences at the 5' termini of sugarbeet mainband mitochondrial genes (atpa, atp6). in addition, they show homology to transcript termini of mitochondrial genes from other dicotyledonous plants, suggesting they may functi ...19921406592
a dna library from an individual beta patellaris chromosome conferring nematode resistance obtained by microdissection of meiotic metaphase chromosomes.we have used a standard protocol established for human chromosomes to create a chromosome-specific plasmid library from a beta patellaris chromosome conferring nematode resistance. a monosomic addition line was chosen carrying 18 sugar-beet (beta vulgaris l.) and one wild-beet (b. patellaris) chromosome. the wild-beet chromosome can readily be identified as a univalent during metaphase i of meiosis. highly synchronized meiotic material was used to excise the univalents from four pollen mother ce ...19921421153
toxin production by fusarium species from sugar beets and natural occurrence of zearalenone in beets and beet fibers.fifty-five fusarium isolates belonging to nine species were collected from fungus-invaded tissue of stored sugar beets and identified as f. acuminatum (11 isolates), f. avenaceum (1 isolate), f. culmorum (1 isolate), f. equiseti (23 isolates), f. graminearum (4 isolates), f. oxysporum (1 isolate), f. solani (4 isolates), f. sporotrichioides (7 isolates), and f. subglutinans (2 isolates). all isolates were cultured on autoclaved rice grains and assayed for toxicity by feeding weanling female rats ...19921444361
construction and characterisation of a yeast artificial chromosome library containing two haploid beta vulgaris l. genome equivalents.we have constructed a yeast artificial chromosome (yac) library using high-molecular-weight dna prepared from agarose-embedded protoplasts of a sugar beet (beta vulgaris l.) cell suspension line, ar+. this library contains 15,000 clones with an average insert size of 140 kb. based on a sugar beet haploid genome size of 1.1 x 10(3) mb it should represent approximately two haploid genome equivalents. the library is organised as an ordered array in duplicate microtitre plates. high-density filters, ...19921446818
exploitation of gene(s) involved in 2,4-diacetylphloroglucinol biosynthesis to confer a new biocontrol capability to a pseudomonas strain.tn5 mutagenesis and complementation analysis were used to clone a 6-kb genomic fragment required for biosynthesis of 2,4-diacetylphloroglucinol (phl) from fluorescent pseudomonas sp. strain f113. a recombinant plasmid, pcu203, containing this region partially complemented a phl production-negative mutant (f113g22) derived from strain f113. when sugar beet seeds were sown into an unsterilized soil, in which sugar beet was subject to damping-off by pythium ultimum, the emergence of sugar beet seed ...19921476431
[liver diseases of fattening bulls].the authors report on occurrence, causes and diagnostics of liver affections observed in fattening bulls in ukrainia between 1982 and 1988. for this purpose, 2747 bulls in 10 fattening plants had been controlled clinically once during the last month of their final fattening period (lasting, according to the feeding schedule, from the 4th until the 12th, or from the 6th until the 18th month of life), and 1318 of them were controlled for eventual hepatic lesions at slaughter. the authors found an ...19921505364
asymmetric somatic cell hybridization in plants. i. the early effects of (sub)lethal doses of uv and gamma radiation on the cell physiology and dna integrity of cultured sugarbeet (beta vulgaris l.) investigation into the possible application of uv radiation as a pretreatment for the donor cells in asymmetric plant cell hybridization protocols has been carried out. a comparison was made between the effects of uv doses in the range 700-4200 j/m2 and those of 60co gamma radiation over the range 0.15-1 kgy on beta vulgaris suspension cell protoplasts. the investigation had two aspects. firstly, alterations to cell physiology (cell wall resynthesis, viability, division and colony formation) ...19921508155
asymmetric somatic cell hybridization in plants. ii. electrophoretic analysis of radiation-induced dna damage and repair following the exposure of sugarbeet (beta vulgaris l.) protoplasts to uv and gamma part of an investigation into whether it would be possible to use uv radiation as a suitable pretreatment of the donor cells in asymmetric hybridization experiments, the effects of this treatment on sugarbeet (beta vulgaris l.) protoplast dna have been determined and compared with those of gamma radiation. both nuclear and mitochondrial dnas have been examined. the dose ranges chosen had previously been determined to be potentially applicable for fusion experiments. pulsed field gel electroph ...20061508156
gene rescue in plants by direct gene transfer of total genomic dna into study the possibility of gene rescue in plants by direct gene transfer we chose the arabidopsis mutant gh50 as a source of donor dna. gh50 is tolerant of chlorsulfuron, a herbicide of the sulfonylurea class. tobacco protoplasts were cotransfected with genomic dna and the plasmid php23 which confers kanamycin resistance. a high frequency of cointegration of the plasmid and the genomic dna was expected, which would allow the tagging of the plant selectable trait with the plasmid dna. after tran ...19921508682
tissue print-immunoblotting reveals an uneven distribution of beet necrotic yellow vein and beet soil-borne viruses in uneven distribution of the coat protein antigens of beet necrotic yellow vein (bnyvv) and beet soil-borne (bsbv) viruses in tap roots of naturally infected sugarbeets and of bnyvv coat protein antigen in leaves and petioles of mechanically inoculated sugarbeet seedlings was detected by means of tissue print-immunoblotting. bnyvv antigen-containing areas in the tap roots were usually found underneath a root beard. occasionally bnyvv antigen was detected predominantly, but not exclusively in th ...19921524497
a number of subgenomic dnas are produced following agroinoculation of plants with beet curly top addition to ss and ds genomic dna, agroinoculation of nicotiana benthamiana plants with the logan strain of the geminivirus beet curly top virus (bctv) consistently resulted in de novo production of subgenomic dnas on initial passage. single-stranded and dsdna forms representing at least seven size classes (0.8 to 1.8 kb) of subgenomic dna were observed in total dna extracts from inoculated plants. extracts from infected sugar beet and tomato contained variable but usually smaller amounts of ...19921538189
the sucrose carrier of the plant plasmalemma. iii. partial purification and reconstitution of active sucrose transport in liposomes.the proteins from plasma membranes from sugar beet leaves were solubilized by 1% chaps and separated by size exclusion chromatography and by ion-exchange chromatography. the fractions enriched in sucrose transporter were monitored in three ways: differential labeling, elisa, and reconstitution in proteoliposomes. when the plasma membranes were differentially labeled by n-ethylamaleimide in the presence of sucrose, a major peak of differential labeling was found at 120 kda upon gel filtration. wh ...19921543711
dna markers closely linked to nematode resistance genes in sugar beet (beta vulgaris l.) mapped using chromosome additions and translocations originating from wild beets of the procumbentes section.genes conferring resistance to the beet cyst nematode (heterodera schachtii schm.) have been transferred to sugar beet (beta vulgaris l.) from three wild species of the procumbentes section using monosomic addition and translocation lines, because no meiotic recombination occurs between chromosomes of cultured and wild species. in the course of a project to isolate the nematode resistance genes by strategies of reverse genetics, probes were cloned from dna of a fragmented b. procumbens chromosom ...19921557034
structural determinants in substrate recognition by proton-amino acid symports in plasma membrane vesicles isolated from sugar beet leaves.amino acids are actively transported across the plasma membrane of plant cells by proton-coupled symports. previously, we identified four amino acid symports in isolated plasma membrane vesicles, including two porters for the neutral amino acids. here we investigated the effect of amino acid analogues on neutral amino acid transport to identify structural features that are important in molecular recognition by neutral system i (isoleucine) and neutral system ii (alanine and leucine). d-isomers o ...19921567208
a comparison, using dsrna analysis, between beet soil-borne virus and some other tubular viruses isolated from sugar beet.double-stranded rna preparations from chenopodium quinoa leaves inoculated with two english isolates of beet soil-borne virus (bsbv), bsbv-n and bsbv-452n, a french isolate of beet necrotic yellow vein virus (bnyvv), a swedish isolate of a tubular beet virus (86-109) or a belgian isolate of a similar virus (1530) were compared following separation on non-denaturing polyacrylamide gels. the dsrnas of bnyvv differed in mobility from those isolated from tissue infected with the other four tubular b ...19921588330
occupational asthma in a beet sugar processing plant.a patient with occupational asthma in the beet sugar processing industry is described. symptomatology, skin testing, immunologic testing, and specific bronchoprovocation testing indicate exposure to moldy sugar beet pulp was the cause of the patient's occupational asthma. cooperation between the treating physician and public health authorities is encouraged.19921600801
apolipoprotein b gene expression in rat intestine. the effect of dietary fiber.the effect of the dietary fiber on apo b mrna level was studied in the intestine of rats that were fed either fiber-free or high-fiber (30% sugar-beet fiber) low-fat diets for 3 weeks. the fiber diet studied does not affect jejunal apo b mrna levels but decreases the level of ileal apo b mrna. in the rat cecum, in both fiber-free and fiber groups, we failed to detect the apo b mrna. the test fiber diet feeding markedly increased fecal bile salt and cholesterol excretions. we suggest that dietary ...19911647973
genomic organization and sequence analysis of the cytochrome oxidase subunit ii gene from normal and male-sterile mitochondria in sugar beet.we have cloned and sequenced the cytochrome oxidase subunit ii (coxii) gene from both normal and cytoplasmic male-sterile (cms) sugar beet. the normal coxii (designated ncoxii) locus was found to be located 1491 bp upstream from the gene for cytochrome oxidase subunit i (coxi) on the same dna strand and to have a 1463 bp intron which split the coding sequence into two exons (382 and 398 bp). the coxii protein contains 260 amino acid residues. we have also found two copies of the coxii gene (scox ...19911651175
the effects of sugar-beet fibre and wheat bran on iron and zinc absorption in rats. 19911652283
the cytochrome oxidase ii gene in mitochondria of the sugar-beet beta vulgaris l.we have cloned and analyzed the sugar-beet mitochondrial gene for cytochrome oxidase subunit ii (coxii). the sugar-beet and its deduced amino acid sequence were compared to its homologous coxii gene sequences from both monocot and dicot plants. it was found to be highly conserved (89-95%) compared to homologue in other plant species. the 780 bp coding sequence of the sugar beet coxii gene is interrupted at position 383 by a 1463 bp intron. this intron contains an additional 107 bp sequence that ...19911653062
identification of a 170-kda protein associated with the vacuolar na+/h+ antiport of beta vulgaris.the effect of the addition of amiloride to the growth medium was tested on the na+/h+ antiport activity of tonoplast vesicles isolated from sugar beet (beta vulgaris l.) cell suspensions. cells grown in the presence of nacl and amiloride displayed an increased antiport activity. analysis of the kinetic data showed that while the affinity of the antiport for na+ ions did not change, the maximal velocity of the na+/h+ exchange increased markedly. these results suggest the addition of more antiport ...19911662387
effects of dietary protein-energy interrelationships on holstein steer performance and ruminal bacterial fermentation in continuous vivo and in vitro 3 x 2 factorial experiments were conducted concurrently to evaluate the incorporation of 0, 15, or 30% sugar beet pulp (sbp) as an energy source in diets fed to growing holstein steers with either soybean meal (sbm) or alcohol-treated, defatted soybean flakes (atsbf) as primary supplemental protein sources. three groups of 42 holstein steers each were fed six different diets from 54 kg initial bw to 320 kg in three experimental periods. there were no overall sbp level x prot ...19911667012
structure and expression of tomato mitochondrial genes coding for trna(cys) (gca), trna(asn) (guu) and trna(tyr) (gua): a native trna(cys) gene is present in dicot plants but absent in monocot plants.the nucleotide sequences of trna(asn) (guu) and trna(tyr) (gua) genes from tomato mitochondria and their flanking regions have been determined. the tomato mitochondrial trna(asn) gene is located 2.1 kb downstream from the trna(cys) gene reported previously (izuchi and sugita 1989) and shows a nearly complete identity with the corresponding chloroplast gene. the trna(tyr) gene, which shows only 73% homology with the corresponding chloroplast gene, has to be considered a "native" mitochondrial trn ...19901701109
swiss chard hypersensitivity: clinical and immunologic study.allergy to vegetables and fruits seems to be more prevalent in atopics, especially in birch pollen-sensitized individuals. we report a case of a grass pollen-sensitized woman, in whom the inhalation of vapor from boiling swiss chard precipitated rhinoconjunctivitis and asthma. type i hypersensitivity to swiss chard was demonstrated by means of immediate skin test reactivity, specific ige determination by rast, basophil degranulation, histamine release test, and an immediate bronchial provocation ...19911720290
biologically active transcripts of a large satellite rna from arabis mosaic nepovirus and the importance of 5' end sequences for its replication.synthetic transcripts of a satellite rna associated with a lilac isolate of arabis mosaic nepovirus (armv) were made from cdna clones. transcripts having either six (m1r) or 29 (m3r) extra nucleotides at their 5' ends replicated in the presence of armv genomic rna in manually inoculated chenopodium quinoa plants, even though m1r also differs from the native sequence at nucleotide position 2. transcript 12r, which has 11 guanosyl residues and 27 other nucleotides not present in the natural satell ...19911722500
salt-inducible betaine aldehyde dehydrogenase from sugar beet: cdna cloning and expression.members of the chenopodiaceae, such as sugar beet and spinach, accumulate glycine betaine in response to salinity or drought stress. the last enzyme in the glycine betaine biosynthetic pathway is betaine aldehyde dehydrogenase (badh). in sugar beet the activity of badh was found to increase two- to four-fold in both leaves and roots as the nacl level in the irrigation solution was raised from 0 to 500 mm. this increase in badh activity was paralleled by an increase in level of translatable badh ...19921731961
factors affecting the production of saccharomyces cerevisiae from sugar beet pulp.factors affecting the production of s. cerevisiae from sugar beet pulp after acid hydrolysis were investigated. maximum yield and economic coefficient were obtained at sugar concentration of 7.15% after an incubation period of 72 h at 30 degrees c and ph 6.0 using a mixture (1:1) of ammonium sulphate and ammonium nitrate (0.2 g/g sugar) as nitrogen source. hplc analysis of beet pulp hydrolyzate showed that hexoses especially glucose serve as the most suitable sugars with regard to s. cerevisiae ...19911787848
[the pharmacist ludwig franz bley (1801-1868) and his influence on the development of technology].bley is one of the pharmacists who is nearly forgotten today. his scientific work is very extensive and diversified (535 paper in 12 scientific journals). the present article gives a short biography and shows bley contributions in the field of technological development (for example using of sugarbeet) in germany in the 19th century.19911798731
a nondestructive method for peptide bond conjugation of antigenic haptens to a diphtheria toxoid carrier, exemplified by two antisera specific to acetolactate synthase.a method for the preparation of an activated protein carrier is described: protein carboxyl groups are transformed into n-hydroxysulfosuccinimide esters, a structure that will react with primary amino groups under amide bond formation. although the activated ester is unstable under aqueous conditions, a significant amount of hapten molecules can be bound covalently to the carrier under very mild conditions. ligands can be peptides or other molecules possessing a primary amino group. the method a ...19911799217
induction, purification and characterisation of arabinases produced by aspergillus niger.the induction of arabinases in aspergillus niger n400 was studied on different simple and complex carbon sources. sugar beet pulp was found to be an inducer of three arabinan degrading enzymes (alpha-l-arabinofuranosidase a, alpha-l-arabinofuranosidase b and endoarabinase). these enzymes were purified from a. niger culture fluid after growth of the fungus in medium employing sugar beet pulp as the carbon source and were characterised both physico-chemically (mw 83,000, 67,000, 43,000 da and, pi ...19911814275
the detection of beet western yellows virus and beet mild yellowing virus in crop plants using the polymerase chain reaction.oligonucleotide primers were synthesised corresponding to conserved sequences between three isolates of beet western yellows virus (bwyv), flanking a 913 base fragment of bwyv genomic rna. using the polymerase chain reaction (pcr), these primers successfully amplified the target fragment in total rna extracts from two oilseed rape plants infected with different isolates of bwyv. the pcr products were readily detected by staining with ethidium bromide following agarose gel electrophoresis, but th ...19911816257
application of scale-down experiments in the study of citric acid biosynthesis.problems associated with the development of submersed citric acid biosynthesis on sugar beet molasses for process improvement were solved by scale-down experiments: the determination of optimal temperature profile, optimal ph value, influence of otr and inoculum quality. the optimal ph value at the start of the process was 6.4 with 3% of inoculum volume and temperature profile between 28-30 degrees c. in the case of otr which is scale-dependent, we prefer to use doc pilot plant data for the tran ...19911821875
vacuolar proton-pumping pyrophosphatase in beta vulgaris shows vectorial activation by potassium.previous work with membrane vesicles has demonstrated an absolute dependence on k+ for proton translocation by the inorganic pyrophosphatase (h(+)-ppase: ec from the vacuolar membrane (tonoplast) of higher plants. using intact vacuoles from sugar beet (beta vulgaris) storage tissue, we have monitored pp1-dependent currents by patch clamp in 'whole vacuole' mode. serial k+ substitutions were made at both tonoplast faces. the results show that k+ activation occurs only at the cytosolic fa ...19911847114
serum lipid and fecal bile acid changes with cereal, vegetable, and sugar-beet fiber feeding.thirty-four subjects consumed six controlled formula diets for 3 wk each, supplemented with 0 g added fiber, 10 and 30 g dietary fiber as wheat bran (wb), 10 and 30 g dietary fiber as mixed vegetable fiber (vf), and 30 g dietary fiber as sugar-beet fiber (sbf). serum cholesterol changes for fiber free, 10 g wb, 30 g wb, 10 g vf, 30 g vf, and 30 g sbf (-0.13, -0.18, -0.05, -0.17, -0.24, and -0.70 mmol/l, respectively) were significant for 30 g vf and 30 g sbf. reduction in total cholesterol with ...19911850577
fermentability of various fiber sources by human fecal bacteria in vitro.certain beneficial effects of fiber in the human diet may be mediated by short-chain fatty acids (scfas) produced during anaerobic fermentation in the colon. two studies, both involving in vitro incubations with human fecal bacteria as inoculum, were conducted to assess fermentation of various fiber sources and to quantitate the scfas produced. in experiment 1, substrate fermentability based on total scfa production ranked as follows: citrus pectin greater than soy fiber greater than sugarbeet f ...19911852091
reconstitution of active sucrose transport in plant proteoliposomes.the proteins of purified plasma membranes from sugar beet (beta vulgaris l.) leaf were solubilized and separated on a size exclusion column. the fractions eluted from the column were monitored by elisa with antibodies directed to a putative sucrose carrier protein. the peak most reactive in elisa was approximately 120 kda, and yielded a 40 kda peak after denaturation by sds. the 120-kda peak was recovered and used for reconstitution experiments with asolectin. upon imposition of an artificial ph ...19911864359
Displaying items 1 - 100 of 2767