Title | Abstract | Year Filter | PMID(sorted ascending) Filter |
esterase activity of zinc neutral proteases. | the hydrolysis of a series of depsipeptides demonstrates that the zinc neutral endopeptidases of bacteria are active esterases. esters such as bzgly-ophe-ala, bzgly-oleu-ala, and fa-gly-oleu-nh2 are hydrolyzed at rates three- to eightfold slower than are their exact peptide analogues, when hydrolyzed by thermolysin, bacillus subtilis neutral protease and the neutral protease from aeromonas proteolytica. ester hydrolysis by zinc neutral proteases follows the characteristic preference for hydropho ... | 1976 | 2276 |
comparative study of the proteinograms of vibrios and of closely related microorganisms by means of polyacrylamide gel disc electrophoresis. | proteinograms of 112 strains of vibrios and closely affiliated microorganisms were studied by disc electrophoresis in polyacrylamide gel. up to 25 protein peaks with definite mobility coefficients were revealed. the influence of the culture medium on the protein spectrum of the microbes was found. the frequency of peak formation was of great significance for the differentiation of the microbes under study. the quantitative characteristics of the peak area could not be used for differentiation. | 1976 | 7908 |
partial purification and characterization of a bacterial enzyme catalyzing reductive cleavage of anthracycline glycosides. | 1977 | 13796 | |
fever and antipyresis in the bluegill sunfish, lepomis macrochirus. | 1977 | 20274 | |
bacterial metabolism of anthracycline antibiotics. steffimycinone and steffimycinol conversions. | streptomyces nogalater, uc-2783, and streptomyces peucetius var. caesius, imru-3920/uc-5633, catalyze ketonic carbonyl reduction of steffimycinone (1, scheme 1). using cell-free preparations of s. nogalater, the process of ketonic carbonyl reduction has been shown to be tpnh linked. the product, steffimycinol (2), is reduced further by aeromonas hydrophila, 2c/uc-6303, by the process of microaerophilic conversion of anthracyclinones previously reported1,2) with the result being the formation of ... | 1977 | 20436 |
bacterial 2,3-butanediol dehydrogenases. | enterobacter aerogenes, aeromonas hydrophila, serratia marcescens and staphylococcus aureus possessing l(+)-butanediol dehydrogenase produced mainly meso-butanediol and small amounts of optically active butanediol; acetobacter suboxydans, bacillus polymyxa and erwinia carotovora containing d(-)-butanediol dehydrogenase produced more optically active butanediol than meso-butanediol. resting and growing cells of these organisms oxidezed only one enantiomer of racemic butanediol. the d(-)-butanedio ... | 1978 | 25056 |
studies of relationship among terrestrial pseudomonas, alcaligenes, and enterobacteria by an immunological comparison of glutamine synthetase. | antibody to purified glutamine synthetase from escherichia coli was prepared and used for an immunological comparison of glutamine synthetases from species of salmonella, citrobacter, enterobacter, serratia, proteus, erwinia, aeromonas, pseudomonas, acinetobacter, xanthomonas, alcaligenes, and paracoccus. the results of ouchterlony double diffusion experiments and quantitative microcomplement fixation studies indicated that the amino acid sequence of this enzyme was highly conserved in different ... | 1978 | 31146 |
prevalence and distribution of aeromonas hydrophila in the united states. | the abundance of aeromonas hydrophila was measured in 147 natural aquatic habitats in 30 states and puerto rico. viable cell counts were used to estimate density at all sites by using rimler-shotts medium, a differential presumptive medium for a. hydrophila. temperature, ph, conductivity, salinity, and turbidity were measured simultaneously with water sample collection. the density of a. hydrophila was higher in lotic than in lentic systems. saline systems had higher densities of a. hydrophila t ... | 1978 | 31839 |
precipitate produced by serratia marcescens on macconkey agar: useful diagnostic test. | the production of a precipitate by serratia marcescens on oxoid macconkey agar has proven useful as a laboratory diagnostic test. this phenomenon is specific for serratia within the enterobacteriaceae, although precipitate production is also given by acinetobacter anitratus and some pseudomonas, alcaligenes, and aeromonas species. precipitate production seems to be specific for certain batches of macconkey agar, and is probably related to a specific property of some batches of bile salts. | 1978 | 32188 |
enterotoxicity of aeromonas hydrophila: skin responses and in vivo neutralisation. | culture filtrates and partially purified enterotoxins of 6 strains of aeromonas hydrophila isolated from faeces of diarrhoeic and healthy persons, drinking water, sewage and faeces of domestic animals caused induration and increased capillary permeability in skin of adult albino rabbits. the activities were less in crude enterotoxins indicating partial loss during purification. heat treatment for 30 min at 60 degrees c and 56 degrees c inactivated the induration and permeability effects of cultu ... | 1978 | 34953 |
characterisation and neutralisation of aeromonas hydrophila enterotoxin in the rabbit ileal-loop model. | cell-free culture filtrates and crude enterotoxin preparations from six strains of aeromonas hydrophila caused the accumulation of fluid in rabbit ileal loops. this activity was due to a non-dialysable, heat and acid-labile antigenic protein and was lost when culture filtrates and crude enterotoxin preparations were heated at 60 degrees c for 20 min. or 56 degrees c for 30 min. respectively. maximum activity was observed at ph 8.0-10.0; there was a gradual loss at lower ph and activity was aboli ... | 1979 | 38341 |
biosynthesis of ethylene from methionine. isolation of the putative intermediate 4-methylthio-2-oxobutanoate from culture fluids of bacteria and fungi. | methods are described for identifying the 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazones of 4-methylthio-2-oxobutanoate by means of t.l.c., n.m.r. and mass spectroscopy. by using these methods 4-methylthio-2-oxobutanoate, a putative intermediate in the biosynthesis of ethylene from methionine, has been identified in culture fluids of aeromonas hydrophila b12e and a coryneform bacterium d7f grown in the presence of methionine. relative to 4-methylthio-2-oxobutanoate, the yield of 3-(methylthio)propanal (methional) ... | 1979 | 42392 |
[bacteriological studies of the intestinal content of aquatic birds, fishes, and frogs with special reference to the presence of non-cholera vibrios (ncv) (author's transl)]. | in a screening study of surface waters, the authors were successful in culturing ncv in 2/3 of cases. since these organisms are incapable of multiplication in open waters and yet were present in water samples in considerable amounts, it was postulated that they persisted in certain forms of aquatic life. to elucidate this question, the intestinal contents and in some cases, the bile of a total of 110 animals belonging to 17 different bird, fish, and frog species from different habitata were exam ... | 1979 | 44627 |
[the methylene-blue-reduction-test (mr-test) and the micro-ttc-test for the determination of substances as sole source of carbon in the taxonomy of pseudomonas species (author's transl)]. | two methods are described for the determination of substances as sole source of carbon for taxonomic tools: the methylene-blue-reduction-test and the micro-ttc-test. both methods are giving results superior to the technique introduced by stanier and co-workers and used hitherto in the taxonomic classification of pseudomonas species. the evaluation of the comparative test results is based on the criterion that a substance is useful for taxonomic purpose provided that at least 90 per cent of the s ... | 1975 | 51553 |
[medium for determining the decarboxylase activity of vibnions]. | 1975 | 52753 | |
vibrio cholerae flagellar antigens: a serodiagnostic test, functional implications of h-reactivity and taxonomic importance of cross-reactions within the vibrio genus. | serodiagnostic tests for all serotypes of vibrio cholerae using h-antisera were investigated. activity motile cell lines of 155 stock and international reference cultures of human, animal, fish, and halophilic vibrios, aeromonas, comomonas, pseudomonas, salmonella, and escherichia were investigated. without exception, all cholera vibrios (including the nag serotypes) reacted with h sera. positive reactions were obtained specifically (a) within 2 hrs at 52 degrees c in the tube test using thick f ... | 1975 | 55952 |
[possible errors in bacteriological diagnosis of cholera]. | 1977 | 69759 | |
isolation of enterotoxigenic aeromonas from fish. | this paper reports two different enterotoxigenic classes of the genus aeromonas isolated from fishes. strains of a. sobria were isolated from healthy fishes only wheras strains of a. hydrophila were isolated from both healthy and moribund fishes. aeromonas sobria and hydrophilia strains produced a cytotoxic factor and were highly proteolytic. seventy-five percent (75%) of the a. sobria strains produced only one type of hemolysis on 5% blood agar, but 92% of the a. hydrophilia produced two types ... | 1977 | 71190 |
the effect of cyclohexane derivatives on selection of bacterial groups forming activated sludge microflora. | the effect of cyclohexanol, cyclohekxanon and cyclohexylamine on the selection of bacteria in a model population composed of bacteria isolated from activated sludge was examined. the initial population consisted of both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. the latter, which accounted for 90-97% of the population, belonged mainly to three pseudomonas groups and the enterobacteriaceae, vibrio-aeromonas, achromobacter-alcaligenes and flavobacterium groups. seven day growth in medium containing ... | 1978 | 80928 |
group f, a new vibrio? | 1977 | 95779 | |
[participation of r plasmids in the transfer of chromosome genes]. | 1978 | 96640 | |
immunochemical comparison between an oxacillin-hydrolyzing penicillinase of aeromonas hydrophila and those mediated by r plasmids. | antiserum against an oxacillin-hydrolyzing penicillinase of aeromonas hydrophila did not show immunochemical cross-reaction with four oxacillin-hydrolyzing penicillinases mediated by r plasmids. | 1978 | 97272 |
[antibiotic sensitivity of the bacterial flora in hemorrhagic septicemia in carp]. | 1978 | 99867 | |
sources of psychrotrophic bacteria on meat at the abattoir. | 1978 | 100487 | |
ultrastruct of red-sore lesions on largemouth bass (micropterus salmoides): associattion of the ciliate epistylis sp. and the bacterium aeromonas hydrophila. | epizootic outbreaks of red-sore disease in several reservoirs in the southeastern united states have been reported to cause heavy mortality among several species of fish having sport and commercial value. the etiologic agent is said to be the peritrich ciliate epistylis sp.; secondary infection by the gram-negative bacterium aeromonas hydrophila produces hemorrhagic septicemia which results in death. however, in recent studies on the largemouth bass micropterus salmoides, epistylis sp. could be ... | 1978 | 102785 |
diseases of chelonians: (1) necropsy survey of tortoises. | the results of necropsies of 144 tortoises of 17 species that died in captivity are presented. intestinal and nutritional disorders (27.0 and 22.2 per cent respectively) were the most common causes of death. nematode infestations were found in 43.8 per cent, but with exception of a few species the parasites were seldom pathogenic. infestations with other helminths appear to be very unusual. protozoan infections were relatively common (at least 22.9 per cent) but protozoa are probably seldom path ... | 1978 | 105454 |
[bacteria of current interest. 4. new infections caused by known bacteria-- beta group streptococcus, haemophilus influenzae, aeromonas and bacillus infections]. | 1979 | 110966 | |
a portable device for concentrating bacteriophages from large volumes of freshwater. | 1979 | 115828 | |
[microbiological aspects of stored hard-boiled eggs]. | hard-bioled eggs in the shell were without any pretreatment stored in air at 20 degrees c and 4 degrees c. furthermore the keeping quality of varnish-coated eggs stored in air at 20 degrees c and of untreated eggs stored in 100% carbon dioxide at the same temperature was studied. hard-boiled eggs stored at 4 degrees c and varnish-coated eggs stored at 20 degrees c were of excellent bacteriological quality up to 5 weeks. untreated eggs stored in air at 20 degrees c showed high microbiological con ... | 1979 | 121493 |
[antigenic relations between vibrio cholerae and aeromonas hydrophila]. | the antigenic relationships between vibrio cholerae and the oxidase-positive intestinal bacteria, agglutinated on slides by cholera antiserum, were investigated by the agglutination reaction. of the 478 oxidase-positive strains studied only strain 209 a, belonging to species aeromonas hydrophila was selected. evidence was found of common agglutinogenic fractions between vibrio cholerae and aeromonas hydrophila 209 a. attention is drawn to possible confusions in the preliminary stages of a labora ... | 1977 | 143704 |
[seasonal dynamics of the abundance of vibrios and related microorganisms in the don river]. | the density of bacteria of the vibrio, aeromonas and comamonas genera the don river was subject to seasonal variations. the maximal vibrio concentration was recorded at the water temperature of 22 degrees c, and of aeromonas and comamonas--at lower temperature. unlike aeromonas, vibrios displayed a reverse dependence of the density on the extent of water contamination. | 1977 | 146383 |
[enterotoxins of gramnegative intestinal bacteria (author's transl)]. | 1978 | 152163 | |
evidence for the subcellular localization and specificity of chlordane inhibition in the marine bacterium aeromonas proteolytica. | sublethal levels (10 to 100 micrograms/ml) of the chlorinated insecticide chlordane (1,2,4,5,6,7,8,8-octachloro-3a,4,7,7a-tetrahydro-4,7-methanoindan) were introduced into the growth medium of the marine bacterium, aeromonas proteolytica. chlordane inhibited the synthesis of an extracellular endopeptidase by almost 40% but exhibited no such inhibition of the extracellular aminopeptidase also produced during the growth cycle. studied with 14c-labeled chlordane demonstrated that the insecticide wa ... | 1979 | 156517 |
differential toxicities of mercury to bacteria and bacteriophages in sea and in lake water. | mixtures of anionic hgcl3-/hgcl4(2)-complexes were less toxic to terrestrial bacteria (erwinia herbicola, agrobacterium tumefaciens), to marine bacteria (acinetobacter sp., aeromonas sp.), and to bacteriophages (phi 11 m 15 of staphylococcus aureus and p1 of escherichia coli) than were equivalent concentrations of hg as cationic hg2+. the toxicity of 1 ppm hg to a. tumefaciens. aeromonas sp., and phi 11 m 15 was less in seawater than in lake water. inasmuch as the hg-cl species are formed in env ... | 1979 | 161510 |
interactions between aerolysin, erythrocytes, and erythrocyte membranes. | aerolysin, a hemolytic and lethal exotoxin of aeromonas hydrophila, was analyzed for amino acids. assuming 8 histidine residues/mol, the purified toxic protein has, by summation, a molecular weight of 49,000, a value in agreement with earlier estimates by other methods. erythrocytes from different animal species differ greatly in sensitivity to aerolysin's lytic action. there is some correlation between sensitivity and phosphatidyl choline content. erythrocyte membranes of different species bind ... | 1975 | 166917 |
the mode of regulation of bacterial citrate synthase as a taxonomic tool. | 1975 | 168310 | |
food poisoning--four unusual episodes. | four unusual outbreaks of food poisoning occurring in the dunedin health district during the period 1971-1973 are described. these involved a contaminated cordial, a death associated with a clostridium perfringens outbreak, salmonellosis and infectious hepatitis in persons eating uncooked shellfish and symptoms associated with the ingestion of a normally edible fish--the trumpeter. | 1975 | 170567 |
history and present status of fish diseases. | 1975 | 172662 | |
[aeromonas punctata subsp. caviae as the causative agent of acute gastroenteritis (author's transl)]. | since in the past, aeromonas hydrophila had been isolated from all cases of human infection described. a. punctata and the anaerogenic sub-species were considered as apathogenic. from the case described, a close association between acute diarrhea with vomiting and the identification of a. punctata subsp. caviae becomes evident so that a conditional pathogenicity of this sub-species must be assumed. the question is discussed whether a preceding disturbance of the intestinal habitat in the presenc ... | 1975 | 175615 |
localization of selenium in bacterial cells using tem and energy dispersive x-ray analysis. | bacteria isolated from lake sediment samples reduced sodium selenite to elemental selenium. finestructural observations were made on a number of different bacterial species cultured in the presence of sodium selenite. examination of escherichia coli and a pseudomonas species revealed electron-dense deposits of irregular shape, composed of smaller units, within the cytoplasm but not on the cell wall and cell membrane. cells of aeromonas and flavobacterium species exhibited conspicuous intranuclea ... | 1976 | 175749 |
[procedure for the detection cytochrome-oxidase enzymes in bacteria (author's transl)]. | 1977 | 199818 | |
phosphatase activity of aerobic and facultative anaerobic bacteria. | 1115 strains of aerobic and facultatively anaerobic bacteria were tested for phosphatase activity by a conventional plate method and a microtest. the microtest was devised to allow results to be read after 4 h cultivation. phosphatase activity was found in wide range of species and strains. besides staphylococci, where the test for phosphatase is successfully used, it may be applied as one of the valuable tests for the differentiation of the following species: bacillus cereus, b. licheniformis, ... | 1978 | 216188 |
[sepsis caused by aeromonas in the course of bronchial asthma treated with corticosteroids]. | 1978 | 220739 | |
[gas producing intramuscular abscess in two patients with acute leukemia (author's transl)]. | 1978 | 279721 | |
septicemia due to aeromonas hydrophila in patients with acute leukemia: clinical and bacteriologial features and a possible beneficial effect on hematological remission. | 1978 | 281082 | |
behavioral fever in anuran amphibian larvae. | 1977 | 300138 | |
r plasmids in vibrionaceae - beta-lactamases in vibrio cholerae (nag-heiberg ii) and a. hydrophyla. | 290 natural isolates of aeromonas, plesiomonas and vibrio strains isolated from surface waters have been tested for antibiotic resistance, and 123 have been found resistant to various drugs, mostly beta-lactam antibiotics. 14 of them, with high-level of resistances, transfered antibiotic resistance using three recipient strains of enterobacteriaceae. one strain of vibrio nag (heiberg ii) transfered the resistance to ampicillin, carbenicillin and cephaloridin to both e. coli k12 3110 and s. typhi ... | 1978 | 311984 |
the effect of oxidase positive bacteria on total coliform density estimates. | the most probable number method for enumerating coliforms was shown to give a false estimate of the coliform density. the inflated estimates were due to lactose positive, non-coliform bacteria whose presence was detected by an oxidase test. thirty-six percent of all the samples examined contained oxidase positive bacteria that were able to produce gas from lactose. their presence resulted in coliform density overestimates which ranged from 2 to 33 times the true value. the frequency of occurrenc ... | 1977 | 323198 |
test reproducibility of the api (20e), enterotube, and pathotec systems. | thirty-three strains of bacteria (30 enterobacteriaceae and one strain each of aeromonas formicans, a. hydrophila, and plesiomonas shigelloides) were tested three times in each of 27 conventional tests and in the api, enterotube, and pathotec systems. the results obtained were analysed for test reproducibility within each kit, correlation of the kit tests with the equivalent conventional media, and the identification of the strains by the kits. difficulties in evaluation and comparison of identi ... | 1977 | 323296 |
pollution indicator bacteria associated with municipal raw and drinking water supplies. | a total of 3819 bacterial cultures isolated from municipal water samples were identified using a combination of enterotubules and confirmatory media. frequency distributions for the different genera or groups of bacteria were similar for raw water and drinking water isolations, except for escherichia organisms which doubled their frequency in raw water. differences between the membrane filter (mf) and presence-absence (p-a) test with regard to types of organisms isolated were limited to klebsiel ... | 1977 | 324588 |
an aeromonas species implicated in ulcer-disease of the cod (gadus morhua). | vibrio anguillarum is the most frequently isolated bacterial species involved in ulcer disease in salt water fish. however, an aeromonas species was very often incriminated in ulcers and septicaemia in cods (gadus morhua) in danish coastal areas. these aeromonas strains were very uniform in their biochemical activities only differing in growth on simmons citrate agar, and the mean value for the guanine + cytosine content of dna was 59 per cent with a standard deviation of 0.4. primary serologica ... | 1977 | 325501 |
synthetic disaccharide-protein antigens for production of specific 04 and 09 antisera for immunofluorescence diagnosis of salmonella. | the synthetic disaccharides abequose 1 leads to a 3 mannose and tyvelose 1 leads to a 3 mannose, representative of salmonella o-antigen 4 and 9 respectively, were covalently linked to bovine serum albumin (bsa) . antisera from rabbits immunized with these immunogens were used in indirect immunofluorescence assay for the identification of group b (o-antigen 4) and d (o-antigen 9) salmonella. a total of 1030 enteric bacterial strains were tested, including 207 group b and 55 group d salmonella. th ... | 1977 | 327249 |
microbial aggregate contamination of water lines in dental equipment and its control. | water from some dental clinics has been examined and found to be discoloured, badly tasting and with a foul odour. moreover, brown or black flakes were often present in tap water, as well as in the water lines of dental equipment. examination by phase-contrast and electron microscope showed the flakes to consist of aggregated fungi and bacteria, and similar structures were found in a layer on the inner surfaces of the clinics water tubes and pipes. the ultrastructure of some aggregating microorg ... | 1977 | 329637 |
enteric pathogens: use of flow diagrams for identification. | a protocol is presented for the cultural processing of stool specimens. flow diagrams were developed which allow all stool cultures to be processed in a consistent and efficient manner. criteria have been established to indicate when definitive identification and antimicrobial susceptibility testing are required. a review of the food-poisoning syndrome and infective gastrointestinal disease due to bacterial agents is included. | 1977 | 329674 |
gastroenteritis in children: a two-year review in manitoba. i. etiology. | during two years, 1,217 children hospitalized with gastroenteritis at the children's centre in winnipeg, manitoba, canada were studied. bacterial pathogens were present in 25% of these children: enteropathogenic escherichia coli in 120, shigella in 139, salmonella in 24, and multiple pathogens in 18. rotavirus was detected in 54 (11%) of 472 patients examined. rotavirus and enteropathogenic e. coli were the most common pathogens in infants, and shigella was the most common in older children. bac ... | 1977 | 330769 |
the role of opportunistic bacteria in human disease. | 1977 | 334044 | |
cholera-like diarrhea in canada. report of a case associated with enterotoxigenic escherichia coli and a toxin-producing aeromonas hydrophila. | a 67-year-old indian patient was admitted with an acute cholera-like illness. toxigenic escherichia coli producing both heat-stable and heat-labile enterotoxins grew from cultures of feces. in addition, an aeromonas hydrophila producing a cytotoxic toxin was also isolated from this patient's feces. the unusual severity of this patient's illness may have resulted from coinfection with these two toxigenic organisms, although any role of the toxin produced by a hydrophila is speculative. | 1977 | 335999 |
septic arthritis of the glenohumeral joint. unique clinical and radiographic features and a favorable outcome. | seven patients (eight shoulders) with sepsis of the glenohumeral joint were studied clinically and radiographically. despite the advanced age of the patients, the presence of gram-negative organisms, and multiple risk factors in each patient (including serious chronic underlying diseases), needle drainage and parenteral antibiotics were all that were required for successful management, provided early diagnosis with prompt institution of antibiotics and drainage occurred. contrast arthrography sa ... | 1977 | 336053 |
[water and antibioresistant bacteria: an ecological study (author's transl)]. | the goal of this work is to describe the evolution of bacteria resistant to antibiotics in an aquatic environment and to compare their importance at different stages: human flora, sewage, surface water. coliforms, fecal coliforms and aeromonas are selected at test bacteria. the incidence of this difussion and influencing factors are discussed. | 1977 | 337871 |
on arginine splitting as a taxonomic criterion with special regard to the separation of aeromonas and vibrio. | an investigation of various methods and media intended for arginine testing of aeromonas or vibrio, showed that the method of thornley (1960) was superior to the others for this purpose because it showed the best conformity with the established taxonomy of a number of type strains and because it furthermore yielded the lowest percentage of false positive reactions from a number of aeromonas/vibrio-suspect strains of marine origin. | 1978 | 343065 |
human aeromonas infections: a review of the literature and a case report of endocarditis. | our patient, with cirrhosis and chronic renal failure, represents an example of the susceptibility of a compromised host to aeromonas infections. this patient, however, differs from previously reported cases in at least two important aspects. first, it is possible that her portal of entry was a fresh a-v fistula puncture site rather than an intestinal site. the temporal relationship of exposure to flood water prior to the onset of sepsis lends support to this possibility. epidemiologic investiga ... | 1978 | 347223 |
differences between cephalothin and newer parenterally absorbed cephalosporins in vitro: a justification for separate disks. | the activities of cefamandole and cefoxitin in vitro were compared with that of cephalothin against staphylococci and gram-negative bacilli. cephalothin was the most active agent against staphylococci. cefamandole exhibited the greatest activity against the enterobacteriaceae, with the exceptions of serratia marcescens and indole-positive proteeae, against which cefoxitin was the most active antibiotic. the activity of newer cephalosporins that are resistant to the beta-lactamases of gram-negati ... | 1978 | 349096 |
[occurrence of r plasmids belonging to incompatibility group incc in aeromonas hydrophila strains isolated from sewage water (author's transl)]. | the susceptibility to antimicrobial agents of 321 strains of aeromonas hydrophila was studied: 319 strains were found to be resistant to one or several antibiotics. transfer of resistance markers was obtained from 24 strains. five plasmids from these strains were classified into incompatibility group incc. epidemiological consequences of r plasmid diffusion in water bacteria are discussed. | 1978 | 363014 |
diseases of the respiratory system in reptiles. | 1978 | 364816 | |
the variable response of bacteria to excess ferric iron in host tissues. | the enhancement by exogenous ferric iron, both systemic and local, of the infectivity of 120 strains of bacteria, representing 17 genera, was measured in the skin of guinea-pigs. systemic iron enhanced only 23% of 115 strains, and local iron 49% of 71 strains. systemic iron, by an apparently anti-inflammatory action, depressed the size of lesions produced by 27 of the non-enhanced strains from nine of the genera tested. for most strains, the degree of enhancement was small, ranging from 2- to 8- ... | 1979 | 372534 |
clinical involvement of aeromonas hydrophila. | aeromonas hydrophila has for some time been regarded as an opportunistic pathogen in hosts with impaired local or general defence mechanisms. infections in such individuals are generally severe. the organism is also being isolated with increasing frequency throughout the world from a variety of focal and systemic infections of varying severity in persons that are apparently immunologically normal. most commonly it causes acute diarrheal disease by producing an enterotoxin. thus the organism appe ... | 1979 | 373876 |
[carp-erythrodermatitis--isolation and classification of the agent (author's transl)]. | 1979 | 376269 | |
[occurrence of various strains of gram-negative bacteria: yersinia, klebsiella and aeromonas and their role in the etiology of food poisoning]. | 1979 | 384496 | |
[sensitivity of gram-negative microflora to lysozyme]. | sensitivity to lysozyme of the representatives of various species of gramnegative microflora (476 strains) was studied with a new modified procedure, which is more exact and economic as compared to the method of serial dilutions in agar. high resistance of eltor vibrio cholerae and pseudomonas to lysozyme was found. cultures of various sensitivity levels to lysozyme were detected among aeromonas, enteropathogenic e. coli and nag-vibrios. | 1979 | 386935 |
comparison of m-endo les, macconkey, and teepol media for membrane filtration counting of total coliform bacteria in water. | total coliform counts obtained by means of standard membrane filtration techniques, using macconkey agar, m-endo les agar, teepol agar, and pads saturated with teepol broth as growth media, were compared. various combinations of these media were used in tests on 490 samples of river water and city wastewater after different stages of conventional purification and reclamation processes including lime treatment, and filtration, active carbon treatment, ozonation, and chlorination. endo agar yielde ... | 1979 | 394678 |
rapid concentration of bacteriophages from aquatic habitats. | 1977 | 407206 | |
aeromonas hydrophila septicaemia producing ecthyma gangrenosum in a child with leukaemia. | a 4-year-old girl with leukaemia developed fever and ecthyma gangrenosum. aeromonas hydrophila was isolated from blood and skin lesions. ecthyma gangrenosum is often considered pathognomonic of pseudomonas aeruginosa septicaemia. as is evident from the case reported, it may also result from infection with a. hydrophila, which has different antibiotic sensitivities, and which is now being recognised more frequently as a serious pathogen in immunosuppressed patients. | 1977 | 408919 |
techniques for the assessment of growth of micro-organisms on plumbing materials used in contact with potable water supplies. | 1977 | 409706 | |
hyperthermia and human leukocyte functions: effects on response of lymphocytes to mitogen and antigen and bactericidal capacity of monocytes and neutrophils. | it has recently been demonstrated that fever, or hyperthermia, results in enhanced survival of lizards infected by aeromonas hydrophila. in the present study, the effects of hyperthermia on certain immune functions were assayed in vitro with purified human leukocytes. lymphocyte transformation responses to the mitogen phytohemagglutinin and the common antigen streptokinase-streptodornase were enhanced at 38.5 degrees c relative to 37 degrees c whether analyzed according to absolute counts per mi ... | 1977 | 412788 |
a simplified procedure for the examination of drinking water for bacteria of public health significance: the differential hydrobacteriogramme. | a new method is described which can be used for the examination of piped drinking water. it is also suitable for monitoring water which was initially of potable quality, and is intended for reuse in the food industry. the method is based on clark's "p-a test" and, because this allows many bacterial types to be detected, i.e. enterobacteriaceae, e. coli, p. aeruginosa, aeromonadaceae and lancefield group d streptococci it is called differential hydrobacteriogramme. a preliminary resuscitation tre ... | 1977 | 416629 |
physiological responses of bacteria to cytochalasin a: effects on growth, transport, and enzyme induction. | cytochalasin a at 5 to 25 microgram/ml (1.0 x 10(-5) to 5.2 x 10(-5) m) inhibited the growth of three gram-positive bacteria, arthrobacter sialophilus, staphyloccus aureus, and bacillus amyloliquifaciens, but had little or no effect on the growth of three gram-negative bacteria, excherichia coli, pseudomonas maltophilia, and aeromonas proteolytica. a. sialophilus and s. aureus recovered spontaneously from cytochalasin a-mediated growth inhibition after a considerable lag period, which was depend ... | 1979 | 422516 |
incidence of "oxidase-variable" strains of aeromonas hydrophila. | certain strains of aeromonas hydrophila are oxidase negative when grown on gram-negative selective and differential media. of 100 strains of a. hydrophila examined, 8 were found to possess this characteristic. information is provided on how to detect these common variants of a. hydrophila. | 1979 | 429544 |
induction of l-serine dehydratase in aeromonas punctata. | 1979 | 438109 | |
cytotoxic enterotoxin produced by aeromonas hydrophila: relationship of toxigenic isolates to diarrheal disease. | ninety-six aeromonas hydrophila isolates were tested for cytotoxin and hemolysin production. sixty-six (69%) of the isolates were both cytotoxic and hemolytic, whereas the rest produced neither cytotoxin nor hemolysin. no evidence of a separate cytotonic activity could be found in any of the isolates. cytotoxin activity correlated with enterotoxic activity. of four cytotoxin-producing strains tested in the isolated rabbit ileal loop, three were definitely positive and one was borderline, whereas ... | 1979 | 457260 |
open fracture of the tibia and fibula complicated by infection with aeromonas hydrophila. a case report. | 1979 | 457729 | |
pril-xylose-ampicillin agar, a new selective medium for the isolation of aeromonas hydrophila. | 1979 | 458841 | |
fatal aeromonas hydrophila sepsis and meningitis in a child with sickle cell anemia. | 1979 | 463829 | |
aeromoniasis--from snakes? | 1979 | 472862 | |
[use of the a-2 elective medium for the differentiation of aeromonas from related microorganisms]. | the trial of culture medium a-2, proposed for the identification of aeromonas on the basis of the nutritional utilization of gelatin as the only source of nitrogen and starch as the source of carbon in view of the limited content of mineral components in the medium, revealed that no other species of the family vibronaceae grew in this medium, and it could be used in an additional test for the differentiation of vibrios from aeromonas. a group of strains isolated from human feces, surface water a ... | 1979 | 474006 |
deoxyribonucleic acid relationships among members of the genus aeromonas. | polynucleotide sequences among 24 motile and 11 non-motile aeromonads were studied by analysis of deoxyribonucleic acid - deoxyribonucleic acid (dna-dna) duplexes with endonuclease s1. in addition, dna base composition (mole % guanine and cytosine (g + c)) and relative genome sizes were determined for selected strains. large variations in genome size were found and % gc ranged from 57.1 to 62.9%. on the basis of the strains examined, the genus aeromonas consists of two genotypically legitimate g ... | 1979 | 476540 |
chemotactic attraction of lumbricus terrestris coelomocytes to foreign tissue. | 1979 | 478076 | |
isolation of aeromonas hydrophila from the american alligator, alligator mississippiensis. | aeromonas hydrophila was isolated from the internal organs of nine adult alligators, alligator mississippiensis, which died without apparent cause, suggesting the bacterium may have been a factor. one hundred and twenty-three alligators ranging in age from six months to over 10 years were captured from five locations in the southeastern united states and sampled for a. hydrophila. the bacterium was isolated from the oral cavity of 85% of the animals, on the external jaw area from over 50% and fr ... | 1979 | 480514 |
membrane filter procedure for enumeration of aeromonas hydrophila in fresh waters. | a membrane filter method (ma) for the enumeration of aeromonas hydrophila in natural water samples was developed. the complex, primary medium employs trehalose as a fermentable carbohydrate and ampicillin and ethanol as selective inhibitors. after 20 h of incubation at 37 degrees c, an in situ mannitol fermentation test followed by an in situ oxidase test is used to further differentiate a. hydrophila from other aquatic and terrestrial microorganisms present in freshwaters. the primary medium de ... | 1979 | 485147 |
distribution of aeromonas hydrophila in natural and man-made thermal effluents. | densities of aeromonas hydrophila showed distinct thermal optima (25 to 35 degrees c) and thermal maxima (45 degrees c) when measured along thermal gradients created by geothermal and nuclear reactor effluents. survival of a. hydrophila never exceeded 48 h at temperatures of greater than 45 degrees c. thermophilic strains could not be isolated at any site. | 1979 | 485151 |
aeromonas primary wound infection of a diver in polluted waters. | two separate species of aeromonas, a. sobria (not listed as a species in bergey's manual of determinative bacteriology, 8th ed.) and a. hydrophila, were primary pathogens isolated from the leg wound of a diver conducting operations in polluted waters. this is the first recorded instance of a primary infection of soft tissue in a human caused by two species of aeromonas, one of which was resistant to tetracycline. because of the very rapid development of this wound infection, cytotoxicity of thes ... | 1979 | 500794 |
identification of isobutyronitrile and isobutyraldoxime o-methyl ether as volatile microbial catabolites of valine. | g.l.c.--mass-spectral analysis of headspace above cultures of aeromonas and moraxella spp. indicates the presence of isobutyronitrile, isobutyraldoxime o-methyl ether, methacrylonitrile and possibly methacrylaldoxime o-methyl ether. accumulation of these catabolites is maximal under low oxygen concentrations and is enhanced by enrichment of the medium with valine. isobutyraldoxime o-methyl ether is established as the compound observed but not identified in previous studies with other bacterial s ... | 1979 | 508302 |
comparison of antibodies in marine fish from clean and polluted waters of the new york bight: relative levels against 36 bacteria. | fish from polluted waters are subject to increased prevalence of disease. because they respond to bacterial pathogens by producing serum antibodies, it was possible to construct a seasonal serological record in three fish species from clean and polluted waters of the new york bight. antibody levels were determined by testing sera for agglutinating activity against 36 strains of bacteria. evaluation of 5,100 antibody titrations showed the following. during warm months, summer flounder (paralichth ... | 1979 | 518084 |
[characterization of aeromonas strains isolated from fresh water fishes and various reptiles]. | 1979 | 532476 | |
[activity of antibiotics and heavy metals against "aeromonas" isolated from aquatic environments: phenotypic and genetic transfers (author's transl)]. | in this study, 64% of the 197 strains of aeromonas isolated from different stages of aquatic environment (surface water, sewage...) were resistant to one or two antibiotics, and 20% to four or more antibiotics. these multiresistant strains were only isolated from sewage and their resistances were transferable by conjugation to different species of gram-negative bacilli. the incidence of these results is discussed. | 1979 | 533074 |
furunculosis of salmonids: vaccination attempts in rainbow trout (salmo gairdneri) by formalin-killed germs. | two immunization trials were performed in rainbow trout, using a formalin killed aeromonas salmonicida suspension. in the first experiment, 200 g fish were administered orally or intraperitoneally. circulating antibodies were elicited in injected animals only, but no protection was found when they were challenged with a highly virulent strain. rough and smooth bacteria have provided similar agglutinins titers. in the second study, fingerlings were vaccinated by injection, but experimental diseas ... | 1979 | 539775 |
bacterial flora of the schistosome vector snail biomphalaria glabrata. | the aerobic heterotrophic bacterial flora in over 200 individuals from 10 wild populations and 3 laboratory colonies of the schistosome vector snail biomphalaria glabrata was examined. internal bacterial densities were inversely proportional to snail size and were higher in stressed and laboratory-reared snails. the numerically predominant bacterial genera in individual snails included pseudomonas, acinetobacter, aeromonas, vibrio, and several members of the enterobacteriaceae. enterobacteriacea ... | 1979 | 539821 |
value of coliform tests for assessing meat quality. | 1979 | 541302 | |
medium for the presumptive identification of aeromonas hydrophila and enterobacteriaceae. | a medium was devised for the rapid presumptive identification of aeromonas hydrophila. it also offered good differentiation of klebsiella, proteus, and other enteric species. mannitol fermentation, inositol fermentation, ornithine decarboxylation and deamination, indole production, motility, and h2s production from sodium thiosulfate and cysteine could be recorded in a single tube of the medium. | 1979 | 543697 |
rainbow trout complement fixation used for titration of antibodies against several pathogens. | since it is impossible to fix guinea pig complement (c) with rainbow trout (salmo gairdneri) antibodies, whereas it is possible with brown trout (salmo trutta) antibodies, a c fixation test has been designed which uses haemolysin and c from rainbow trout. immunization of trout against lysed sheep red blood cells (srbc) elicited production of haemolytic igm. normal trout serum (nts) can be used as a source of c at a dilution at which its "natural" haemolytic activity (against various homeotherms ... | 1979 | 547824 |
[isolation of aeromonas hydrophila in human infections (author's transl)]. | 1979 | 551504 |