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development of biomarkers of endocrine disrupting activity in emerging amphibian model, silurana (xenopus) tropicalis.because amphibians show peculiar ecological features and interesting responses to some hormones, it is conceivable that amphibians are very useful animals for assessing the toxic effects of environmental contaminants, including endocrine disrupters. to develop methods of detecting endocrine toxicity of environmental chemicals in amphibians, we have started to assemble a biomarker tool kit for an emerging amphibian model, silurana (xenopus) tropicalis. we isolated full-length cdnas encoding estro ...200718030284
supercritical fluid extraction and ultra performance liquid chromatography of respiratory quinones for microbial community analysis in environmental and biological samples.microbial community structure plays a significant role in environmental assessment and animal health management. the development of a superior analytical strategy for the characterization of microbial community structure is an ongoing challenge. in this study, we developed an effective supercritical fluid extraction (sfe) and ultra performance liquid chromatography (uplc) method for the analysis of bacterial respiratory quinones (rq) in environmental and biological samples. rq profile analysis i ...201222391598
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