
PMID(sorted ascending)
the environmental impacts of four insecticides on non-target organisms in the gezira irrigation scheme canals of sudan.the toxic effects of the insecticides endosulfan, decamethrin, dimethoate and dursban on the aquatic fauna of some of the gezira irrigation canals were studied. the animal groups selected were fishes, arthropods and snails. endosulfan was found to be highly toxic, particularly to gambusia affinis, under field and laboratory conditions. all animals proved to be less sensitive to decamethrin in the field probably because this insecticide reacted with the organic matter and hence its toxicity was r ...19852411946
the food of the larvivorous fish gambusia affinis (baird and girard) and oreochromis (formerly tilapia) niloticus (linnaeus) in gezira irrigation canals.the food of both gambusia affinis and oreochromis niloticus was studied. organisms eaten by both species of fish are tabulated, together with the amounts eaten during the various months of the year. g. affinis larger than 25 mm are carnivorous and become more so with age. food selection by g. affinis depends on the availability of food items rather than choice. it showed a marked preference for mosquito larvae. o. niloticus smaller than 150 mm were markedly carnivorous, but this decreased with a ...20102863390
mosquitofish gambusia affinis holbrooki as a malaria vector control agent in gezira irrigation canals of the sudan. 19853880271
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