
PMID(sorted ascending)
epizootic and zoonotic helminths of the bobcat (lynx rufus) in illinois and a comparison of its helminth component communities across the american midwest.a total of 6257 helminths of 19 taxa were recovered from the digestive tract and lungs of 67 bobcats in illinois. infections caused by alaria mustelae, diphyllobothrium latum, and macracanthorhynchus ingens are reported for the first time in bobcats. from all the taxa recovered, only three species occurred in high prevalence and caused intense infections: taenia rileyi, alaria marcianae, and toxocara cati, with prevalence and mean intensity of 70% and 6; 42% and 193, and 25% and 14 individuals, ...201424521984
modelling potential presence of metazoan endoparasites of bobcats (lynx rufus) using verified records.helminth parasites of wild and domestic felines pose a direct or potential threat to human health. since helminths depend on multiple environmental factors that make their transmission possible, it is imperative to predict the areas where these parasites may complete the transmission to potential hosts. bobcats, lynx rufus (schreberer), are the most abundant and widely-distributed wild felid species in north america. the increase of population densities of bobcats raises concerns about their imp ...201425549497
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