
PMID(sorted ascending)
echovirus 19 infection in infants under six months.twenty-four infants under 6 months infected with echovirus 19 are described, they were the youngest of the many children admitted to hospitals in newcastle and gateshead during an epidemic in the north-east of england in 1974. generally, the younger the child the more severe the illness, which affected the upper respiratory tract, the gut, the skin, and the meninges, and sometimes caused as state of collapse resembling septicaemic shock. polymorphonuclear pleocystosis of the cerebrospinal fluid ...1976962374
epidemic of echovirus 19 in the north-east of england.we report the first large-scale outbreak of echovirus 19 infection. it occurred in the north-east of england during the summer and autumn of 1974. the virus was isolated from 268 patients in the region. the infection spread from the urban to more rural areas, reaching a peak in mid-august. males were affected more often than females in the ratio 1-6:1. half of the patients were under eight years of age, relatively few were over 35 years. aseptic meningitis and upper respiratory infections were t ...19761063219
primary biliary cirrhosis: geographical clustering and symptomatic onset seasonality.patients with primary biliary cirrhosis (primary non-suppurative destructive cholangitis) in the north east region of england were studied over a five year period and, to evaluate epidemicity, compared with two contemporaneous disease series of known occurrence. these were: terminal renal failure, all causes (low or absent epidemicity n = 106) and an outbreak of echovirus 19 disease (high epidemicity n = 201). eight primary biliary cirrhosis-affected men and 109 women from an estimated catchment ...19836618273
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