
PMID(sorted ascending)
a new isospora sp. from carduelis tristis (aves: fringillidae) from ontario, canada.isospora gryphoni n. sp. is described from oocysts found in the feces of the american goldfinch, carduelis tristis, from guelph, ontario, canada. the oocysts are spherical to subspherical, with a double-layered, smooth, colorless oocyst wall, 29.2 x 30.7 microm (25-33 x 28-34; n = 30) with 2-4 rice-grain-shaped polar bodies; no micropyle or residuum. sporocysts are ovoid, 22.2 x 13.4 microm (15-25 x 12-14.5; n = 30) with a small stieda body, indistinct substiedal body, and prominent sporocyst re ...19989488354
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