
PMID(sorted ascending)
prevalence of antibodies to toxoplasma gondii in wild mammals of missouri and east central kansas: biologic and ecologic considerations of transmission.sera from 273 wild mammals from missouri and kansas (usa), collected between december 1974 and december 1987, were tested for the presence of antibodies to toxoplasma gondii using the sabin-feldman dye test. sixty-five (24%) had antibodies at titers of > or = 1:8, including 38 (66%) of 58 carnivores, 14 (15%) of 94 omnivores, 13 (11%) of 117 herbivores, and none of four insectivores. the prevalence of antibodies in mice (mus musculus and peromyscus spp.) and rats (rattus norvegicus and sigmodon ...19957563419
host association and seasonal activity of amblyomma americanum (acari: ixodidae) in missouri.from june 1993 through june 1996, 2,260 adult, 4,426 nymphal, and 2,178 larval lone star ticks amblyomma americanum (l.) were collected in missouri from vertebrate hosts and by dragging a cloth over vegetation. prevalence, mean intensity, and relative abundance of each stage varied among hosts. the relative abundance of adult lone star ticks was highest on white-tailed deer, but this stage was also collected from raccoons, opossum, red fox, coyotes, and wild turkey. nymphs were collected from gr ...200011128501
host associations and seasonal occurrence of haemaphysalis leporispalustris, ixodes brunneus, i. cookei, i. dentatus, and i. texanus (acari: ixodidae) in southeastern missouri.hemaphysalis leporispalustris (packard), ixodes brunneus koch, ixodes cookei packard, ixodes dentatus marx, and ixodes texanus banks were collected during a 3-yr study of pathogen-tick-host interactions in southeastern missouri. h. leporispalustris was collected from the eastern cottontail rabbit, northern bobwhite, and carolina wren, and it was active all year. i. brunneus was collected by drag and from passerine birds during december, march, and april. i. cookei was collected from raccoons and ...200312597662
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