
PMID(sorted ascending)
characteristics of rhizobia nodulating beans in the central region of minnesota.until recently, beans (phaseolus vulgaris l.) grown in minnesota were rarely inoculated. because of this, we hypothesized that bean rhizobia collected in minnesota would either share characteristics identifiable with rhizobium etli of mesoamerican or andean origin, introduced into the region as seed-borne contaminants, or be indigenous rhizobia from prairie species, such as dalea spp. the latter organisms have been shown to nodulate and fix n2 with phaseolus vulgaris. rhizobia recovered from the ...200415714233
characteristics of the rhizobia associated with dalea spp. in the ordway, kellogg-weaver dunes, and hayden prairies.habitat fragmentation affects the biodiversity and function of aboveground organisms in natural ecosystems but has not been studied for effects on belowground species. in this paper, we consider the diversity of the rhizobia associated with the indigenous legume dalea purpurea in 3 residual prairie areas in minnesota and iowa. using dalea purpurea as a trap host, 218 rhizobia were recovered from these soils then characterized using boxa1r pcr. three major and 13 minor groups were distinguished b ...200515782230
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