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across the great divide: genetic forensics reveals misidentification of endangered cutthroat trout populations.accurate assessment of species identity is fundamental for conservation biology. using molecular markers from the mitochondrial and nuclear genomes, we discovered that many putatively native populations of greenback cutthroat trout (oncorhynchus clarkii stomias) comprised another subspecies of cutthroat trout, colorado river cutthroat trout (oncorhynchus clarkii pleuriticus). the error can be explained by the introduction of colorado river cutthroat trout throughout the native range of greenback ...200717727621
acute toxicity of zinc to several aquatic species native to the rocky mountains.national water-quality criteria for the protection of aquatic life are based on toxicity tests, often using organisms that are easy to culture in the laboratory. species native to the rocky mountains are poorly represented in data sets used to derive national water-quality criteria. to provide additional data on the toxicity of zinc, several laboratory acute-toxicity tests were conducted with a diverse assortment of fish, benthic invertebrates, and an amphibian native to the rocky mountains. tes ...201221811884
responses of benthic insect communities to effluent from the abandoned ferris-haggarty copper mine in southeast wyoming, usa.six criteria were used to evaluate 12 metrics for their sensitivity to effluent flowing from the ferris-haggarty copper mine into haggarty creek and then into battle creek west fork. through the evaluation process, we found that the shannon-wiener index, the random runs value, and ephemeroptera taxa richness appeared to best reflect the impacts that have occurred in both haggarty creek and battle creek west fork. in addition, ephemeroptera/plecoptera/trichoptera taxa richness, total taxa richnes ...201122432316
fragmentation and thermal risks from climate change interact to affect persistence of native trout in the colorado river basin.impending changes in climate will interact with other stressors to threaten aquatic ecosystems and their biota. native colorado river cutthroat trout (crct; oncorhynchus clarkii pleuriticus) are now relegated to 309 isolated high-elevation (>1700 m) headwater stream fragments in the upper colorado river basin, owing to past nonnative trout invasions and habitat loss. predicted changes in climate (i.e., temperature and precipitation) and resulting changes in stochastic physical disturbances (i.e. ...201323505098
analysis of regional scale risk of whirling disease in populations of colorado and rio grande cutthroat trout using a bayesian belief network model.introduction and spread of the parasite myxobolus cerebralis, the causative agent of whirling disease, has contributed to the collapse of wild trout populations throughout the intermountain west. of concern is the risk the disease may have on conservation and recovery of native cutthroat trout. we employed a bayesian belief network to assess probability of whirling disease in colorado river and rio grande cutthroat trout (oncorhynchus clarkii pleuriticus and oncorhynchus clarkii virginalis, resp ...201424660663
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