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blood parasites in sage-grouse from nevada and oregon.peripheral blood smears from 196 adult and yearling female greater sage-grouse (centrocercus urophasianus) were examined for blood parasites (167 from the breeding and 29 from the brood-rearing season) to determine prevalence of blood parasites, to attempt to correlate infection with chick survival, and to establish base-line values of prevalence in sage-grouse from nevada and oregon (usa). birds were captured and released on two study areas during 1999-2001; sheldon national wildlife refuge (sn ...200312685084
fitness and nutritional assessment of greater sage grouse (centrocercus urophasianus) using hematologic and serum chemistry parameters through a cycle of seasonal habitats in northern nevada.bird health can significantly affect spring reproductive fitness. a better understanding of how female sage grouse health varies with seasonal nutrition changes provides insight for determining if specific nutritional habitats are limiting bird productivity. in 2004, greater sage grouse adult and yearling hens were captured, and blood samples collected, during breeding (march: march 15 to april 11; n = 22), early brood rearing (may: may 20 to june 22; n = 21), and on summer range (july: july 7 t ...200919368237
site and age class variation of hematologic parameters for female greater sage grouse (centrocercus urophasianus) of northern nevada.decreases in greater sage grouse (centrocercus urophasianus) numbers throughout the western united states have been attributed to declining habitat quantity and quality. improving our understanding of how interannual ecologic site variability affects nutritional status and fitness of different bird age classes will lead to improved land management and conservation strategies. greater sage grouse were sampled from two population management units located in northern nevada, united states: tuscaror ...201020090013
fine-scale genetic structure among greater sage-grouse leks in central nevada.mating systems that reduce dispersal and lead to non-random mating might increase the potential for genetic structure to arise at fine geographic scales. greater sage-grouse (centrocercus urophasianus) have a lek-based mating system and exhibit high site fidelity and skewed mating ratios. we quantified population structure by analyzing variation at 27,866 single-nucleotide polymorphisms in 140 males from ten leks (within five lek complexes) occurring in a small geographic region in central nevad ...201627301494
a serosurvey of greater sage-grouse ( centrocercus urophasianus ) in nevada, better understand the potential avian diseases in greater sage-grouse ( centrocercus urophasianus ) in the great basin in nevada, us, we collected 31 blood samples march-april 2014 and tested for antibodies to eight viruses and two bacteria. specifically, sera were tested for antibodies to avian leukosis virus type a, b, and j (alv-a, alv-b, and alv-j, respectively), infectious bursal disease virus, infectious bronchitis virus, reticuloendothelial virus, avian influenza virus (aiv), west nile ...201727705104
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