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ticks on domestic animals in pernambuco, northeastern brazil.the objective of this article was to discuss some aspects of ticks associated with domestic animals in the state of pernambuco, northeastern brazil, based on a literature review and present new data obtained from recent tick collections carried out in this northeastern brazilian state. from august 2007 to june 2008, 1,405 ticks were collected and five species were identified: amblyomma cajennense (fabricius, 1787), amblyomma ovale koch, 1844, dermacentor nitens neumann, 1897, rhipicephalus (boop ...200919772771
occurrence of antibodies to toxoplasma gondii in mules and donkeys in the northeast of brazil.the aim of the present study was to investigate antibodies to toxoplasma gondii in the serum of mules and donkeys bred in the northeast of brazil. in total, 483 samples were used (395 mules and 88 donkeys) from 4 states (pernambuco, rio grande do norte, paraíba, and sergipe). the indirect immunofluorescence reaction (ifi) technique was used to investigate antibodies to t. gondii with a cut-off point of 64. positive frequencies of 23.8% and 43.2% were recorded for mules and donkeys, respectively. ...201322924911
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