
PMID(sorted ascending)
observations on culex quinquefasciatus say in relation to transmission of filariasis due to subperiodic wuchereria bancrofti in samoa.observations on culex quinquefasciatus say in samoa during a study of the epidemiology and control of subperiodic bancroftian filariasis are reported. the man-biting rate of c. quinquefasciatus was comparable with that of aedes (finlaya) samoanus gruenberg in one indicator village and lower in another. the house-frequenting behaviour of the two species was similar. culex quinquefasciatus was active throughout the night with peak biting during midnight hours, and its survivorship, estimated by tw ...19921288433
culex fatigans from new-guinea and aedes polynesiensis from samoa as intermediate hosts of wuchereria bancrofti (periodic form). 195913844805
productivity of natural and artificial containers for aedes polynesiensis and aedes aegypti in four american samoan villages.six mosquito species were identified in a survey of containers associated with 347 households in four villages in american samoa. aedes polynesiensis marks (diptera: culicidae) and aedes aegypti (l) were the most abundant species, representing 57% and 29% of the mosquitoes identified. culex quinquefasciatus (say), culex annulirostris (skuse), aedes oceanicus (belkin) and toxorhynchites amboinensis (doleschall) were also found. aedes aegypti and ae. polynesiensis showed distinct differences in th ...200717373943
evaluation of three traps for sampling aedes polynesiensis and other mosquito species in american samoa.the efficacy of the recently developed bg-sentinel mosquito trap baited with bg-lure (a combination of lactic acid, ammonia, and caproic acid) was evaluated in american samoa against the omnidirectional fay-prince trap and the centers for disease control and prevention (cdc) light trap, both baited with carbon dioxide. the bg-sentinel trap captured the greatest number of the important filariasis and dengue vector aedes (stegomyia) polynesiensis at all 3 collection locations; however, its catch r ...200818666543
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