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residual levels of ddts and pahs in freshwater and marine fish from hong kong markets and their health risk assessment. | axial and ventral muscle from 10 each species of freshwater and marine fish purchased from markets in hong kong were analyzed for dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (total ddts including dde, ddd and ddt) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (pahs). among the 10 freshwater fish species, rice field eel (monopterus albus) showed significantly higher levels of ddts in both ventral (125 ng/g wet wt) and axial muscle (127 ng/g wet wt) than the other species. the highest concentration of pahs was detecte ... | 2007 | 16870232 |
the measurement of bisphenol a and its analogues, perfluorinated compounds in twenty species of freshwater and marine fishes, a time-trend comparison and human health based assessment. | our previous study in 2011 reported the detection of bpa and pfaas in 20 species of marine and freshwater fishes. with an emerging evidence to suggest the metabolic-disrupting effects of bpa/pfaas in animals, the present study was aimed to provide a time-trend analysis to determine the current concentrations of pfaas and bpa in 20 commercially available hong kong species of fishes. since the manufacture and use of bpa is being prohibited in most nations, the introduction of bpa alternatives has ... | 2017 | 28552249 |