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epidemiology of paratuberculosis in wild ruminants studied by restriction fragment length polymorphism in the czech republic during the period 1995-1998. | in two studies carried out during the period 1995-1998, paratuberculosis was diagnosed in domestic and wild ruminants in the czech republic. the isolated mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis strains were analysed by standardised restriction fragment length polymorphism (rflp) [pavlik, i., horvathova, a., dvorska, l., bartl, j., svastova, p., du maine, r., rychlik, i., 1999. j. microbiol. methods 38, 155-167]. in december 1992, 19 late pregnant charolais heifers were imported to the cz ... | 2000 | 11118709 |
paratuberculosis in free-ranging fallow deer in spain. | paratuberculosis was diagnosed in a population of approximately 1,000 free-ranging fallow deer (dama dama) sampled from 1997-98 in the regional hunting reserve of el sueve (asturias, spain). five of eight animals observed with diarrhea were diagnosed as having paratuberculosis on the basis of gross lesions at postmortem examination and histopathology. in two deer, mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis was cultured and identified by polymerase chain reaction. indirect enzyme-linked immunoso ... | 2002 | 12238386 |
paratuberculosis in farmed and free-living wild ruminants in the czech republic (1999-2001). | due to the occurrence of the infection of mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis among domestic ruminants and the rapid development of farmed deer industry and the market of cloven-hoofed game we have carried surveys of paratuberculosis, beginning in 1997, in the most common four species of wild ruminants in the czech republic [pavlik et al., vet. microbiol. 77 (2000) 231-251]. from 1999 the prevalence of paratuberculosis has been slightly reduced in all three types of husbandry of wild ... | 2004 | 15261995 |
mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis in fallow deer and wild boar in spain. | 2005 | 15747660 | |
[mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis in wild animal species and cattle in styria/austria]. | infections with mycobacterium ovium ssp. paratuberculosis (m. paratuberculosis) are increasingly recognised worldwide. in addition to an increased prevalence of paratuberculosis in austrian cattle herds, recent years have also shown a rise in infections with m. paratuberculosis in wild red and roe deer, chamois and mouflon. during the period from june 2002 to september 2004, mesenteric lymph nodes were taken from a total of 483 wild animals hunted or found dead and from 338 deceased cattle. samp ... | 2005 | 16048043 |
histopathological classification of lesions observed in natural cases of paratuberculosis in free-ranging fallow deer (dama dama). | ninety-five adult fallow deer, legally hunted in the regional hunting reserve of el sueve (northern spain), were subjected to a post-mortem examination for paratuberculosis, samples being taken from the proximal and distal jejunum, proximal and distal ileum, ileocaecal valve and associated lymph nodes. the lesions were divided into four categories. focal lesions (n=19 cases) consisted of small granulomas, mainly in the jejunal and ileal lymph nodes. multifocal lesions (n=4) consisted of well-dem ... | 2008 | 18342877 |
mycobacterial infections in free-living cervids in germany (2002-2006). | we examined 1,022 free-living roe deer, red deer, and fallow deer for mycobacteria in germany, 2002-2006. retropharyngeal lymph nodes and other tissues were processed for culture and isolates were identified with the use of polymerase chain reaction and dna sequencing. mycobacteria were found in 18.3% of deer, with mycobacterium avium in 14.8%. other atypical mycobacteria were detected in 5.3%. members of the mycobacterium tuberculosis complex were not detected. | 2011 | 22102674 |
quantification of mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis strains representing distinct genotypes and isolated from domestic and wildlife animal species by use of an automatic liquid culture system. | quantification of 11 clinical strains of mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis isolated from domestic (cattle, sheep, and goat) and wildlife (fallow deer, deer, wild boar, and bison) animal species in an automatic liquid culture system (bactec mgit 960) was accomplished. the strains were previously isolated and typed using is1311 pcr followed by restriction endonuclease analysis (pcr-rea) into type c, s, or b. a strain-specific quantification curve was generated for each m. avium subsp. pa ... | 2012 | 22649014 |
mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis isolates from sheep and goats show reduced persistence in bovine macrophages than cattle, bison, deer and wild boar strains regardless of genotype. | assessment of the virulence of isolates of mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (map) exhibiting distinct genotypes and isolated from different hosts may help to clarify the degree to which clinical manifestations of the disease in cattle can be attributed to bacterial or to host factors. the objective of this study was to test the ability of 10 isolates of map representing distinct genotypes and isolated from domestic (cattle, sheep, and goat), and wildlife animal species (fallow deer, d ... | 2013 | 23415474 |
sensitive and specific enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for detecting serum antibodies against mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis in fallow deer. | the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) is the diagnostic test most commonly used in efforts to control paratuberculosis in domestic ruminants. however, commercial elisas have not been validated for detecting antibodies against mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis in wild animals. in this study, we compared the sensitivities and specificities of five elisas using individual serum samples collected from 41 fallow deer with or without histopathological lesions consistent with paratube ... | 2014 | 24872517 |
mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis isolates induce in vitro granuloma formation and show successful survival phenotype, common anti-inflammatory and antiapoptotic responses within ovine macrophages regardless of genotype or host of origin. | the analysis of the early macrophage responses, including bacterial growth within macrophages, represents a powerful tool to characterize the virulence of clinical isolates of mycobcaterium avium susbp. paratuberculosis (map). the present study represents the first assessment of the intracellular behaviour in ovine monocyte-derived macrophages (mdms) of map isolates representing distinct genotypes (c, s and b), and isolated from cattle, sheep, goat, fallow deer, deer, and wild boar. intracellula ... | 2014 | 25111300 |