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tick-borne bacteria in free-living jaguars (panthera onca) in pantanal, brazil.abstract tick-borne bacteria were investigated in 10 free-living jaguars and their ticks in the pantanal biome, brazil. jaguar sera were tested by indirect fluorescent antibody assays using rickettsia rickettsii, rickettsia parkeri, rickettsia amblyommii, rickettsia rhipicephali, rickettsia felis, rickettsia bellii, ehrlichia canis, and coxiella burnetii as crude antigens. all 10 jaguar sera reacted (titer ≥64) to at least one rickettsia species; 4 and 3 sera reacted with e. canis and c. burneti ...201121612532
rickettsial infection in animals, humans and ticks in paulicéia, brazil.a previous study in paulicéia municipality, south-eastern brazil, reported 9.7% of the amblyomma triste ticks to be infected by rickettsia parkeri, a bacterial pathogen that causes spotted fever in humans. these a. triste ticks were shown to be associated with marsh areas, where the marsh deer blastocerus dichotomus is a primary host for this tick species. during 2008-2009, blood serum samples were collected from 140 horses, 41 dogs, 5 opossums (didelphis albiventris) and 26 humans in farms from ...201525643912
dynamics of exposure to rickettsia parkeri in cattle in the paraná river delta, argentina.several cases of human rickettsiosis caused by rickettsia parkeri were recently documented in the paraná river delta of argentina, where the tick vector is amblyomma triste koch. as cattle suffer recurrent a. triste infestations, they are at risk of becoming infected with r. parkeri herein we investigated the dynamics of r. parkeri and its a. triste vector in a herd of beef cattle. cattle were followed for 18 mo and samples were analyzed for the presence of antibodies against four rickettsia spe ...201626794232
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