
PMID(sorted ascending)
gastrointestinal helminths of fish-eating birds from chiloe island, chile.of four species of fish-eating birds from chiloé island (chile), three were infected with eight species of helminths. tetrabothrius sp. was found in larus scoresbii. tetrabothrius cylindraceus, profilicollis antarcticus, anomotaenia dominicanus, stephanoprora denticulata, capillaria sp. and p. antarcticus were found in larus dominicanus. contracaecum rudolphii and corynosoma sp. infected phalacrocorax olivaceus. with the exception of s. denticulata, c. rudolphii and capillaria sp., the above hel ...19912023322
altered dopamine levels induced by the parasite profilicollis antarcticus on its intermediate host, the crab hemigrapsus crenulatus.a serotonergic pathway is apparently involved in parasite-host interactions. previous studies conducted in our laboratory showed increased rates in oxygen consumption and alterations in body posture in the crab hemigrapsus crenulatus parasitized by the acanthocephalan, profilicollis antarcticus. such changes may be related to the functions described for biogenic amines in crustaceans. during the infective stage the acanthocephalans live freely in the hemocelomic cavity, suggesting that the possi ...200516238104
alloxenic distribution of cystacanths of two profilicollis species in sympatric crustacean hosts in chile.the taxonomic status of profilicollis ( = falsifilicollis webster, 1948) species in crustaceans in chile is examined. mole crabs, emerita analoga (stimpson 1857), living in the splash zone of a sandy beach at lenga off the coast of central chile, harbor polymorphus (profilicollis) bullocki mateo, córdova and guzmán 1982, while the estuarine crabs, hemigrapsus crenulatus (milne-edwards, 1837), living in an oligohaline inlet at the same site, harbor profilicollis spp. cystacanths which cannot be d ...200919374470
morphological and molecular evidence on the existence of a single estuarine and rocky intertidal acanthocephalan species of profilicollis meyer, 1931 (acanthocephala: polymorphidae) along the atlantic and pacific coasts of southern south america.profilicollis chasmagnathi holcman-spector, mañé-garzón & dei-cas, 1977 (acanthocephala: polymorphidae) has been reported to parasitise different grapsid species as intermediate hosts along the south atlantic shores, i.e. cyrtograpsus angulatus (dana) and neohelice granulata (dana) in uruguay and cyrtograpsus altimanus (rathbun) in argentina. larvae of a similar acanthocephalan described as profilicollis antarcticus zdzitowiecki, 1985 were recorded in the crab hemigrapsus crenulatus (milne-edwar ...201728337681
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