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methanethiol: a morphogenetic factor produced from l-methionine by phomopsis viticola sacc.phomopsis viticola produces methanethiol on a synthetic medium enriched with l-methionine (mmgs). the growth rate is comparable, during 12 days of culture, to that on the same medium without l-methionine (mgs). only sterile bodies are formed on mmgs and no pycnidia appeared. the morphogenetic effect of mmgs medium is attached to the volatile methanethiol produced from l-methionine introduced into the medium. this volatile product is identified using several different methods of analysis. the rol ...19807407712
antifungal clerodane diterpenes from macaranga monandra (l) muell. et arg. (euphorbiaceae).hexane and ethyl acetate phases of the methanol extract of macaranga monandra showed fungal growth inhibition of colletotrichum acutatum, c. fragariae and c. gloeosporioides, fusarium oxysporum, botrytis cinerea, phomopsis obscurans, and p. viticola. bioassay-guided fractionation led to the isolation of two active clerodane-type diterpenes that were elucidated by spectroscopic methods (1d-, 2d-nmr, and ms) as kolavenic acid and 2-oxo-kolavenic acid. a 96-well microbioassay revealed that kolaveni ...200314664515
antifungal activity of thiophenes from echinops ritro.extracts from 30 plants of the greek flora were evaluated for their antifungal activity using direct bioautography assays with three colletotrichum species. among the bioactive extracts, the dichloromethane extract of the radix of echinops ritro (asteraceae) was the most potent. bioassay-guided fractionation of this extract led to the isolation of eight thiophenes. antifungal activities of isolated compounds together with a previously isolated thiophene from echinops transiliensis were first eva ...200616506815
isolation and identification of antifungal fatty acids from the basidiomycete gomphus floccosus.bioautography of extracts of the fruiting bodies of the basidiomycete gomphus floccosus (schw.) singer indicated the presence of fungitoxic compounds in the ethyl acetate fraction against the plant pathogens colletotrichum fragariae, colletotrichum gloeosporioides, and colletotrichum acutatum. bioassay-guided fractionation of this fraction resulted in the isolation of the bioactive fatty acids (9 s,10 e,12 z)-9-hydroxy-10,12-octadecadienoic acid (1), (9 e,11 z)-13-oxo-9,11-octadecadienoic acid ( ...200818557621
osmotin and thaumatin from grape: a putative general defense mechanism against pathogenic fungi.abstract little information is available concerning the expression of pathogenesis-related (pr) proteins in grapevine (vitis vinifera) and their effect properties on the major fungal pathogens of grape. a systematic study was performed on the effect of total or individual grape proteins on mycelial growth, spore germination, and germ tube growth of uncinula necator, phomopsis viticola, and botrytis cinerea. two proteins, identified as pr proteins by immunological methods and by n-terminal sequen ...200318943614
transformation of phomopsis viticola with the green fluorescent protein.phomopsis viticola is the causal agent of phomopsis cane and leaf spot on vitis spp., a persistent and economically important disease in temperate regions. here we describe the transformation of this fungus with two different constructs (pbht2_sgfp and pigpapa) containing the green fluorescent protein (gfp) and the hygromycin b resistance gene (hph). protoplast-mediated transformation yielded mitotically stable transformants with no change in virulence on grape internodes and leaves in compariso ...200919927750
triterpenoidal saponins: bioactive secondary metabolites from zygophyllum coccineum.phytochemical investigation of the aerial parts of zygophyllum coccineum l. led to the isolation of nine ursane-type triterpene saponins (1- 9), including the new one; zygophylloside s (1), together with a known flavonoid glycoside (10) and a sterol glycoside (11). the isolated compounds were tested for antifungal activity against several important plant pathogens and for insecticidal activity against two important mosquito species. among the isolated compounds 1, 3, 5, 6, and 9 showed 32-77 % f ...201020979023
grapevine trunk diseases associated with fungi from the diaporthaceae family in croatian vineyards.grapevine trunk diseases (gtd) have a variety of symptoms and causes. the latter include fungal species from the family diaporthaceae. the aim of our study was to determine diaporthaceae species present in the woody parts of grapevines sampled from 12 vine-growing coastal and continental areas of croatia. the fungi were isolated from diseased wood, and cultures analysed for phenotype (morphology and pathogenicity) and dna sequence (its1, 5.8s, its2). most isolates were identified as phomopsis vi ...201223334042
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