
PMID(sorted ascending)
relative phase difference as an index of the quantity of the secretory material in the neurosecretory cell of iphita limbata. 19705444820
in vitro culture of ovary of the plant bug, iphita limbata stal. 19695814229
iphita limbata stal.: components of neurosecretory material.the median neurosecretory cells of the pars intercerebralis of iphita limbata seem to release two demonstrable components, probably representing allatotropin to the corpus allatum and myotropin to the aortic neurohemal site.19665940368
thoracic glands of iphita limbata stal. 195313111182
studies on the neurosecretory system of iphita limbata stal. (hemiptera). iii. the endocrine glands and the neurosecretory pathways in the adult. 195613393359
studies on the neurosecretory system of iphita limbata stal. vi. structural changes in the neurosecretory cells induced by changes in water content. 196014426243
primary structure of an adipokinetic neuropeptide from the rhinoceros beetle, oryctes rhinoceros l (coleoptera: dynastidae).neuropeptides play an important role in cellular communication in vertebrates. this is also true for insects in which many physiological, developmental and behavioral processes are affected by neuropeptides produced in neurosecretory cells of the retrocerebral complex. small neuropeptides of the adipokinetic hormone/red pigment concentrating hormone family (akh/rpch) are one of the important groups of peptides that regulate physiological homeostasis.201125205932
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