
PMID(sorted ascending)
histochemical visualization of ros and antioxidant response to viral infections of vegetable crops grown in azerbaijan.extremes of environmental conditions, such as biotic stresses, strongly affect plant growth and development and may adversely affect photosynthetic process. virus infection is especially problematic in crops, because unlike other diseases, its impact cannot be reduced by phytosanitary treatments. the vegetable crops (solanum lycopеrsicum l, cucurbita melo l., cucumis sativus l., piper longum l., solánum melongéna l., vicia faba l.) showing virus-like symptoms were collected from fields located i ...201424661407
detection of new viruses in alfalfa, weeds and cultivated plants growing adjacent to alfalfa fields in saudi arabia.a total of 1368 symptomatic plant samples showing different virus-like symptoms such as mottling, chlorosis, mosaic, yellow mosaic, vein clearing and stunting were collected from alfalfa, weed and cultivated plant species growing in vicinity of alfalfa fields in five principal regions of alfalfa production in saudi arabia. das-elisa test indicated occurrence of 11 different viruses in these samples, 10 of which were detected for the first time in saudi arabia. eighty percent of the alfalfa sampl ...201728855829
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