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daily foraging routines and feeding effort of a small bird feeding on a predictable resource.according to theory, a small diurnal bird living in a predictable environment should have the highest feeding effort as late as possible in the day in order to minimize the time it carries large and costly reserves. the feeding effort should also decline with increasing food availability. we tested both these ideas with the lesser spotted woodpecker (dendrocopos minor). for most of the year, this bird feeds on wood-living insects in dead tree branches. this food supply is likely to be highly pre ...200010983831
behavioural flexibility in the mating system buffers population extinction: lessons from the lesser spotted woodpecker picoides minor.1. in most stochastic models addressing the persistence of small populations, environmental noise is included by imposing a synchronized effect of the environment on all individuals. however, buffer mechanisms are likely to exist that may counteract this synchronization to some degree. 2. we have studied whether the flexibility in the mating system, which has been observed in some bird species, is a potential mechanism counteracting the synchronization of environmental fluctuations. our study or ...200616638006
the conservation value of traditional rural landscapes: the case of woodpeckers in transylvania, use change is a major threat to global biodiversity. forest species face the dual threats of deforestation and intensification of forest management. in regions where forests are under threat, rural landscapes that retain structural components of mature forests potentially provide valuable additional habitat for some forest species. here, we illustrate the habitat value of traditional wood pastures for a woodpecker assemblage of six species in southern transylvania, romania. wood pastures ar ...201323840322
variability of patch type preferences in relation to resource availability and breeding success in a bird.this paper investigates how variability in partial foraging preferences for patch types can be used as a behavioral indicator of the energetic value of that patch type, and of overall food availability in the territory. the species studied was the lesser spotted woodpecker (dendrocopos minor) and the patch types it uses are four groups of tree species (oak quercus robur, birch betula pendula, b. pubescens, alder alnus glutinosa, and lime tilia cordata), in which it feeds upon wood-living insect ...200128547114
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