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trichiniasis among the animals in north eastern iran (1), 1969, 1976, 1969, 1976 and 1977, 1,039 rodents and carnivores collected from north east iran were examined for trichinella spiralis. eighty four per cent of golden jackals, 30 per cent of red foxes and nine per dent of dogs were found to be infected. the importance of wild boar sus scrofa as the source of infection is discussed.1979318000
trichinella infections in different host species of an endemic district of serbia.trichinella infections are endemic in the balkan region of europe. though trichinellosis and agents thereof are serious problems for human health and animal husbandry, only a limited number of trichinella isolates from serbia have been identified at the species level so far. the aim of the present study was the surveillance and monitoring of trichinella in domestic pigs and wild animals from the endemic district of branicevo. investigations performed during the 2009-2010 period revealed trichine ...201323453823
echinococcus multilocularis and trichinella spiralis in golden jackals (canis aureus) of hungary.over the last decades the distribution area of the golden jackal (canis aureus) has increased significantly in europe, particularly in the balkan peninsula and in central europe. vagrant individuals were described in many european countries. herein, we report echinococcus multilocularis (total worm count: 412) and trichinella spiralis (101 larvae/g for muscles of the lower forelimb) infections in two golden jackals shot in hungary. it is a new host record of e. multilocularis and t. spiralis in ...201323688637
a large-scale study of the trichinella genus in the golden jackal (canis aureus) population in serbia.over the last decades the golden jackal (canis aureus) has significantly expanded its range throughout southeast and central europe, and the balkan peninsula is considered to be a core area of the species distribution in this part of the range. due to its increasing number, ability of long distance movement through a wide range of landscapes and opportunistic feeding habits, the golden jackal may represent an important reservoir and transmitter of a variety of zoonotic agents, including parasite ...201526260409
high prevalence of trichinella spp. in sylvatic carnivore mammals of latvia.trichinella spp. are zoonotic parasites transmitted to humans by the consumption of raw or insufficiently cooked meat of different animal species. carnivore mammals are important reservoir hosts of these nematodes. the aims of this work were to establish the prevalence of trichinella spp. and infection intensity in sylvatic carnivore mammals of latvia, to identify the etiological agents at the species level and their circulation in the latvian regions. from 2010 to 2014, muscle samples were coll ...201627091108
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