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tubulin evolution: ciliate-specific epitopes are conserved in the ciliary tubulin of spite of their overall evolutionary conservation, the tubulins of ciliates display electrophoretic and structural particularities. we show here that antibodies raised against paramecium and tetrahymena ciliary tubulins fail to recognize the cytoplasmic tubulins of all the metazoans tested. immunoblotting of peptide maps of ciliate tubulins reveals that these antibodies react with one or very few ciliate-specific epitopes, in contrast to polyclonal antibodies against vertebrate tubulins, which ...19852416941
tubulin evolution: an electrophoretic and immunological analysis.this paper summarizes a survey of the electrophoretic behavior of the tubulins of 23 species (mostly protists) as well as their reactivity towards 4 anti-tubulin antibodies (raised against two ciliate tubulins and two vertebrate ones). some generalizations concerning the relative migration rates of alpha vs beta tubulin could be made, in particular the alpha/beta inversion, first described in physarum was extended to several ciliates. antivertebrate tubulin antibodies displayed a very broad spec ...19846203079
isolation and characterization of libraries of monoclonal antibodies directed against various forms of tubulin in paramecium.ciliates are very good models for studying post-translationally generated tubulin heterogeneity because they exhibit highly differentiated microtubular networks in combination with reduced genetic diversity. we have approached the analysis of tubulin heterogeneity in paramecium through extensive isolation and characterization of monoclonal antibodies using various antigens and several immunization protocols. eight monoclonal antibodies and 10 hybridoma supernatants were characterized by: i) immu ...19947531532
ultrastructural and cytochemical identification of peroxisomes in balantidium coli, ciliophora.peroxisomes of the trophozoites of balantidium coli isolated from pig intestine content were investigated, using ultrastructural and cytochemical techniques. the peroxisomes of b. coli trophozoites from pigs with subclinical balantidiasis are less then 0.8 mm in diameter whereas those from pigs with acute balantidiasis are greater than 0.8 micron in diameter. in all the trophozoites peroxisomes are round, oval or dumb-bell shaped. catalase as an indicative enzyme was detected by cytochemical tec ...19979643167
flagellates and ciliates.this article includes information on two human parasites, one protozoan flagellate, giardia lamblia, and one ciliate, balantidum coli. both are transmitted through ingestion of food and water contaminated with fecal material. g. lamblia may be the most common intestinal protozoan found in humans throughout the world and causes a wide range of symptoms, all of which can be confused with other infectious and noninfectious causes. although b. coli tends to be more restricted and associated with pig ...199910549429
the formation of primary and secondary lysosomes in balantidium coli, ciliata.trophozoites, vegetative forms of balantidum coli isolated from pigs affected by acute and asymptomatic balantidiasis were studied. lysosomes and food vacuoles were revealed by cytochemical detection of lysosomal marker, acid phosphatase. the cytoplasm of all the b. coli trophozoites examined was found to contain numerous structures which differed widely in shape, size and location in the cells. one of them was located among the rough endoplasmic reticulum membranes and another one in the vicini ...199910598328
cytochemical identification of mucocysts in balantidium coli trophozoites.the mucocyst ultrastructure in b. coli has not been described so far. as demonstrated in this work, cytoenzymatic assays on b. coli with the use of a reaction-detecting membrane-coupled hydrolase, i.e., atp-ase, permitted identification of the mucocysts in the ciliate studied. the shape, size, and location of mucocysts in b. coli trophozoites were found to correspond to descriptions of these structures in other ciliates. the mucocysts were more numerous in b. coli trophozoites isolated from the ...199910723937
listeria monocytogenes virulence factor listeriolysin o favors bacterial growth in co-culture with the ciliate tetrahymena pyriformis, causes protozoan encystment and promotes bacterial survival inside cysts.the gram-positive pathogenic bacterium listeria monocytogenes is widely spread in the nature. l. monocytogenes was reported to be isolated from soil, water, sewage and sludge. listeriolysin o (llo) is a l. monocytogenes major virulence factor. in the course of infection in mammals, llo is required for intracellular survival and apoptosis induction in lymphocytes. in this study, we explored the potential of llo to promote interactions between l. monocytogenes and the ubiquitous inhabitant of natu ...201020109168
can the parasitic fauna on nile tilapias be affected by different production systems?this study compared the parasitic fauna on nile tilapias kept with swine dejects and tilapia from fee fishing fed commercial ration. a total of 360 fish were analyzed from august 2003 to july 2004 in a facility situated in nova trento, santa catarina, brazil. no significant difference was observed in both systems. the parasite fauna in both systems were slightly similar, with the presence of the following parasites: trichodina magna and t compacta (ciliophora); cichlidogyrus sclerosus and cichli ...201020563429
genetic heterogeneity in internal transcribed spacer genes of balantidium coli (litostomatea, ciliophora).the species balantidium coli is the only ciliate that parasitizes humans. it has been described in other primates, and it has been proposed that the species b. suis from pigs and b. struthionis from ostriches are synonyms of b. coli. previous genetic analysis of pig and ostrich balantidium isolates found a genetic polymorphism in the its region but its taxonomic relevance was not established. we have extended the genetic analysis to balantidium isolates of pig, gorilla, human and ostrich origin. ...201121840258
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