
PMID(sorted ascending)
an epidemiological study on viral infantile diarrhoea in tirana.during the period may 1993-april 1994, an epidemiological survey was conducted on enteric viruses which cause gastroenteritis in infants and young children in tirana, albania. specimens from 321 cases were screened by direct electron microscopy and by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay specific for rotavirus group a antigen. by ultrastructural analysis, rotaviruses were detected in 10.3% of cases and adenoviruses in 0.6%, whereas small round structured viruses and small round viruses were foun ...19968673857
influence of enteric viruses on gastroenteritis in albania: epidemiological and molecular analysis.gastroenteritis is one of the most important diseases in developing country and viral infections are well documented. to understand better the epidemiological aspect of gastroenteritis in albania and especially viral gastroenteritis, one-year study was carried out with the cooperation of physicians working in the paediatric hospital in university hospital center "mother thereza" in tirana. three hundred thirteen stool samples were collected from children with diarrhoea and a questionnaire was fi ...200717935189
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