
PMID(sorted ascending)
[intestinal parasitosis of the canine population in the principate of asturias].a study is made of coprological samples from 354 dogs, 252 of them male and 102 female. parasitism was found in 94 dogs (26.5%), of which 14 (15%) showed two or more associated parasites. the councils with the highest degree of parasitism were: peñamellera baja (77.7%), ribadedeva (57.1%), castropol (53.8%), ribadesella (50%), piloña (46.6%), and tapias de casariego (44.4%). the parasites most frequently isolated were: anciostoma caninum (19.2%), trichuris vulpis (8.2%), cystoisospora canis (3%) ...19892635797
seroprevalence of neospora caninum and abortion in dairy cows in northern spain.the seroprevalence of neospora caninum infection was estimated from a sample of 889 cattle from 43 dairy herds in three counties in the asturias region of spain. the true prevalence of infection was estimated to be 30.6 per cent (95 per cent confidence interval (ci) 27.6 to 33.6). seropositivity was associated with abortion during the previous year (odds ratio (or)=3.31, p<0.001) and was slightly higher among purchased cattle (37.6 per cent), than among cattle raised on the farm (29.1 per cent) ...199910460027
bcg immunization at birth and atopic diseases in a homogeneous population of spanish schoolchildren.the role of immunization with bacillus calmette-guérin (bcg) in the prevalence of asthma, hay fever and atopic dermatitis is not definitely established and seems to be influenced by ethnic background. the aim of this study was to analyze the relationship between this immunization and the prevalence of those diseases in a homogeneous population of spanish schoolchildren.200515970638
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