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epidemiological studies on cystic echinococcosis in china--a the four decades from 1951 to 1990, the six provinces or autonomous regions (xinjiang, gansu, qinghai, ningxia, xizang and nei monggol) reported a total of 26,065 surgical cases of hydatid disease, most of which were reported in the recent decade. about one third of the patients was children and adolescents under 15 years old. so far, cystic hydatid infections of local origin have been confirmed in 22 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities in the whole nation. findings of x-ray exam ...19957546341
an epidemiological survey of cystic echinococcosis among tibetan school pupils in west china.human cystic echinococcosis (ce) caused by infection with a larval stage of echinococcus granulosus is a serious public health problem in west china. because ce is a zoonosis, dogs and livestock are important hosts in transmission. tibetans, especially teenagers, have a natural relationship with these definitive and intermediate hosts in west china and although some areas of tibet are therefore ce-endemic, few, if any, detailed community studies have been reported. a total of 451 tibetan school ...200111579862
survey on cystic echinococcosis in tibetans, west china.human cystic echinococcosis (ce) is a serious public health problem in west china. the tibetan has a nature relation with these definitive and intermediate hosts in west china. although tibet is ce endemic, a few community studies have been reported. eight hundred and eighty two tibetans residing in the three rural communes of tianzhu county, gansu province of west china were investigated by serology and ultrasound scanning. 11.2% serum antibody positive rate in elisa test was found out, and a 1 ...200212039679
trichinellosis in china: epidemiology and control.the first outbreak of human trichinellosis in china, according to official national publication, was registered in tibet in 1964. since then, more than 500 outbreaks, numbering 25161 cases with 240 deaths, have been recorded. however, this reported quantity is probably highly underestimated because adequate diagnostic techniques might not have been available in the whole area. moreover, infection in animals is widespread over china, with the prevalence of pig trichinellosis being as high as 4% i ...200212482541
ehrlichiae and ehrlichial diseases in china.the various ticks collected from different areas of china were examined for the existence of ehrlichial agents by polymerase chain reaction (pcr) with genus- or species-specific primers designed on the basis of ehrlichial 16s rrna genes and sequence analyses. in southern china, e. chaffeensis was detected in amblyomma testudinarium ticks from infested cattle, haemaphysalis yeni ticks from hare, and ixodes ovatus ticks from muntiacus reevesi. e. canis was identified in rhipicephalus sanguineus ti ...200312860598
detection of ehrlichial dna in haemaphysalis ticks recovered from dogs in japan that is closely related to a novel ehrlichia sp. found in cattle ticks from tibet, thailand, and africa.tick dna samples from dogs in japan were examined for ehrlichia infection by 16s rrna gene-based pcr and sequencing. three positive samples were detected from haemaphysalis ticks, and higher levels of similarity (98.46 to 99.06%) were found to recently detected ehrlichia spp. from cattle ticks in tibet, thailand, and africa.200415004117
epidemiology of alveolar echinococcosis with particular reference to china and europe.human alveolar echinococcosis (ae), caused by the metacestode of the fox tapeworm echinococcus multilocularis, is the most pathogenic zoonosis in temperate and arctic regions of the northern hemisphere. prospective collection of human cases in some areas and mass screenings using ultrasound imaging and confirmation with serological techniques have markedly improved our knowledge of the epidemiology of the disease in humans during the past two decades. transmission occurs when eggs of the tapewor ...200315027607
echinococcosis on the tibetan plateau: prevalence and risk factors for cystic and alveolar echinococcosis in tibetan populations in qinghai province, china.infections by larval stages of tapeworms of the genus echinococcus (echinococcosis or hydatid disease) are zoonotic infections of major public health importance throughout much of the world. humans become infected through accidental ingestion of eggs passed in faeces of canid definitive hosts. tibetan populations of china have some of the highest documented levels of infections by both echinococcus granulosus and e. multilocularis, the causes of cystic and alveolar echinococcosis, respectively. ...200315027608
a canine purgation study and risk factor analysis for echinococcosis in a high endemic region of the tibetan plateau.the tibetan plateau of western china has been shown to have a very high prevalence of human cystic echinococcosis (ce) caused by echinococcus granulosus and human alveolar echinococcosis (ae) caused by echinococcus multilocularis. the domestic dog is suspected to be the primary definitive host for the transmission of both e. granulosus and e. multilocularis to humans in this locality. a purgation study of 371 dogs in shiqu county, sichuan province during 2002-2003 resulted in an e. multiloculari ...200515619374
economic effects of echinococcosis in a disease-endemic region of the tibetan plateau.this report attempts to quantify the economic losses due to echinococcus multilocularis and e. granulosus in shiqu county, sichuan, people's republic of china, as well as illustrate the cost effectiveness of dog anthelmintic prophylaxis combined with a sheep and goat vaccination program in terms of disability-adjusted life years (dalys) saved. we evaluated human losses associated with treatment costs and loss of income due to morbidity and mortality, in addition to production losses in livestock ...200516014823
control of hydatidosis.control of hydatidosis is less effective without the support of dog-owners, and this support can only be obtained if the people have a clear understanding of the life-cycle of the hydatid parasite(s) and what risk factors contribute to human infections. dissemination of this information is the biggest challenge for hydatid control. participatory planning between dog-owners and community leaders should evaluate the possible control technologies, and should enable a choice of those aspects that su ...200616387527
the epidemiology of human trichinellosis in china during 2000-2003.the endemic foci of trichinellosis continue to be mainly located in the southwestern, the central and northeastern china. the seroepidemiological surveys of t. spiralis infection in humans were carried out in six provinces or municipals (p/m) of china during 2000-2003, the overall seroprevalence was 3.57%. from 2000 to 2003, 17 outbreaks of human trichinellosis, with 828 cases and 11 deaths, were recorded in 8 p/a of china. all of 11 deaths occurred in the southwestern china (1 case in sichuan, ...200616414006
socioeconomic and behavior risk factors of human alveolar echinococcosis in tibetan communities in sichuan, people's republic of from two cross-sectional investigations on 7,138 subjects were used to explore risk factors of human alveolar echinococcosis (ae) in tibetan communities. the overall human ae prevalence was 3.1% (223 of 7,138), females had a higher prevalence (3.6%, 132 of 3,713) than males (2.7%, 91 of 3,425; p = 0.011), and herdsmen had a higher prevalence (5.2%, 154 of 2,955) than farmers (1.8%, 12 of 661; p < 0.001) and urban populations (2.1%, 49 of 2,360; p < 0.001). age in all populations, number of ...200616687693
pasture types and echinococcus multilocularis, tibetan communities.our study showed that open pastures had more small mammal burrows than fenced pastures in tibetan pastoralist communities in 2003. this characteristic was linked to a higher prevalence of echinococcus multilocularis in dogs and indicates that pasture type may affect e. multilocularis transmission.200616707064
dual infection of animal hosts with different echinococcus species in the eastern qinghai-tibet plateau region of china.the eastern qinghai-tibet plateau of china is a highly endemic region of echinococcosis where echinococcus granulosus sensu stricto (sheep strain), echinococcus multilocularis, and echinococcus shiquicus are distributed sympatrically. we developed a polymerase chain reaction-based restriction fragment length polymorphism (pcr-rflp) method for the identification of the three species in this region. the pcr-rflp showed the dual infection of animals with different echinococcus spp. the first case w ...200616896135
impact of overgrazing on the transmission of echinococcus multilocularis in tibetan pastoral communities of sichuan province, china.overgrazing was assumed to increase the population density of small mammals that are the intermediate hosts of echinococcus multilocularis, the pathogen of alveolar echinococcosis in the qinghai tibet plateau. this research tested the hypothesis that overgrazing might promote echinococcus multilocularis transmission through increasing populations of small mammal, intermediate hosts in tibetan pastoral communities.200717355829
a modified coproantigen test used for surveillance of echinococcus spp. in tibetan dogs.recently an immunological test for echinococcus spp. antigens in dog faeces has been developed. the antigens appear to be carbohydrates, which survive proteolytic digestion and environmental degradation. for elisa a capture antibody is used to capture the antigens, followed by a detection antibody. this paper describes a modification of the test whereby capture and detection antibodies are generated exclusively to the carbohydrate portion of the parasite tegument. faecal extracts were heated to ...200717897785
cystic and alveolar echinococcosis: an epidemiological survey in a tibetan population in southeast qinghai, epidemiological investigation on echinococcosis was made in jiuzhi county of qinghai province, western china. ultrasonography and an indirect hemagglutination test revealed a morbidity of 8.0% (124/1,549) and a seroprevalence of 25.8% (287/1,113), respectively, in the tibetan population. the morbidity in herdsmen (16.6%) and buddhist priests (15%) was significantly higher than that in other occupation groups (3.2%), and it was higher in females (9.8%) than in males (6.2%). the ultrasound imag ...200818503183
echinococcosis and tibetan communities. 200818826849
echinococcus granulosus infection and options for control of cystic echinococcosis in tibetan communities of western sichuan province, china.human cystic echinococcosis (ce) is highly endemic in the tibetan regions of sichuan where most families keep guard dogs and where there are considerable numbers of ownerless/stray dogs. strong buddhist beliefs do not allow for elimination of stray dogs, and many strays are actually fed and adopted by households or monasteries. on account of the high altitude (3900-5000 m), pasturage is the major agricultural activity in this area. the harsh mountainous climate often leads to many grazing animal ...200919399162
[investigation on echinococcosis in animals in gannan tibetan autonomous prefecture].to make an investigation on echinococcosis among animals in gannan tibetan autonomous prefecture.200919459495
grass height and transmission ecology of echinococcus multilocularis in tibetan communities, china.alveolar echinococcosis is a major zoonosis of public health significance in western china. overgrazing was recently assumed as a potential risk factor for transmission of alveolar echinococcosis. the research was designed to further test the overgrazing hypothesis by investigating how overgrazing influenced the burrow density of intermediate host small mammals and how the burrow density of small mammals was associated with dog echinococcus multilocularis infection.201020137577
role of dog behaviour and environmental fecal contamination in transmission of echinococcus multilocularis in tibetan communities.on the eastern tibetan plateau region (sichuan province, china) dogs are regarded as important definitive hosts of echinococcus multilocularis. we studied dog spatial behaviour in 4 tibetan villages in order to determine the role of dogs in environmental contamination and their potential interactions with small mammal intermediate hosts. we identified definitive host species and echinococcus spp. infection status of feces collected in the field by pcr methods and analysed the spatial distributio ...201121854704
phylogenetic analysis of tibetan mastiffs based on mitochondrial hypervariable region i.recently, the number of tibetan mastiffs, which is a precious germplasm resource and cultural heritage, is decreasing sharply. therefore, the genetic diversity of tibetan mastiffs needs to be studied to clarify its phylogenetics relationships and lay the foundation for resource protection, rational development and utilization of tibetan mastiffs. we sequenced hypervariable region i of mitochondrial dna (mtdna) of 110 individuals from tibet region and gansu province. a total of 12 polymorphic sit ...201728360396
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