
PMID(sorted ascending)
malaria in the emergency department.eleven patients with malaria seen over five years in one emergency department demonstrate a trend toward more efficient diagnosis and outpatient treatment. ten patients were diagnosed using a routine wright's stained peripheral blood smear (three fortuitously). because treatment of hospitalized patients consists of no more than oral chloroquine, the current regimen allows for outpatient management. determination of species and extent of drug resistance, as well as eradication of plasmodium vivax ...19836349433
gametocytemia and fever in human malaria infections.we examine the charts of 408 malaria-naive neurosyphilis patients given malaria therapy at the south carolina usphs facility, with daily records encompassing at least 93% of the duration of infection, and focus on the 152 patients infected with the st. elizabeth strain of plasmodium vivax, 82 with the mclendon strain of plasmodium filciparum, 36 with the usphs strain of plasmodium malariae, and 15 with the donaldson strain of plasmodium ovale in whom gametocytes appeared before drug, or other, i ...200717626355
origin of the st. elizabeth strain of plasmodium vivax.the st. elizabeth strain of plasmodium vivax originated in the south carolina state hospital instead of the st. elizabeth hospital in washington, dc.201323358641
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