
PMID(sorted ascending)
possible effect of altered management practices on seroprevalence of bovine leukemia virus in heifers of a dairy herd with history of high prevalence of infection.a bovine leukemia virus (blv) control program was instituted at a high-prevalence, purebred holstein dairy. the specific control program required single use of needles and obstetrical sleeves, disinfection of tattoo equipment before use, dehorning by use of electrical burning devices, replacement of whole milk feeding with high-quality milk replacer, and heat treatment of colostrum before feeding. the effect of the program was estimated by comparing the pre- (1987) and postintervention (1989) pr ...19911664821
comparison of culling rates among dairy cows grouped on the basis of serologic status for bovine leukemia determine the association between serologic status for bovine leukemia virus (blv) and culling rates by use of survival times in a commercial holstein dairy herd.200312875453
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