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membrane-associated viral complexes observed in stools and cell culture.viral complexes observed to be membrane associated rather than clumped by antibody were detected in a rotavirus-containing stool specimen by negative-stain electron microscopy. these "viral packets" were also observed in cell culture fluids after repeated passaging and contained up to 100 virions. other stool specimens have been observed to contain similar packets of parvovirus-like particles. such complexes must be expected in fecally contaminated water.19852996424
neonatal rotavirus-associated necrotizing enterocolitis: case control study and prospective surveillance during an outbreak.after the death of a premature infant from rotavirus-associated necrotizing enterocolitis, we instituted prospective surveillance for this disease in our neonatal intensive care unit. during the 4-month study period an additional six cases of necrotizing enterocolitis and eight cases of hemorrhagic gastroenteritis occurred. rotavirus infection was documented in 11 of these 15 symptomatic infants, in comparison with only eight rotavirus infections in 147 asymptomatic or minimally symptomatic babi ...19883257265
waterborne disease in colorado: three years' surveillance and 18 outbreaks.the colorado department of health conducted intensive surveillance for waterborne diseases during the three-year period july 1, 1980-june 30, 1983. eighteen outbreaks of waterborne illness were investigated. outbreaks involved from 15 to 1,500 ill persons. giardia lamblia was confirmed or suspected as the agent in nine outbreaks, rotavirus in one, and no agent could be identified in eight. seventeen outbreaks occurred on surface-water systems; none of these had adequate chemical pretreatment and ...19853976949
a community waterborne gastroenteritis outbreak: evidence for rotavirus as the agent.a community waterborne nonbacterial gastroenteritis outbreak occurred in eagle-vail, colorado in march 1981. illness (defined as vomiting and/or diarrhea) was statistically associated with water consumption (chi 2 for linear trend = 7.07, p less than .005). five of seven persons associated with the outbreak were infected with rotavirus as shown by virus detection or serological methods. bacterial pathogens, giardia lamblia, and norwalk virus were excluded as responsible agents. rotavirus should ...19846320684
use of an internet-based community surveillance network to predict seasonal communicable disease morbidity.we designed an internet-based surveillance network that linked community clinic diagnoses with viral isolation rates and admission patterns at a related children's hospital. we hypothesized that community surveillance would successfully predict subsequent hospital admissions and laboratory viral isolations. secondarily, we expected the network to monitor trends in disease and that posting this information on a web site would be useful to physicians in daily practice.200211875134
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