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yersinia enterocolitica o:3: an emerging cause of pediatric gastroenteritis in the united states. the yersinia enterocolitica collaborative study group.after an outbreak of yersinia enterocolitica infections among black children in atlanta, a seven-hospital study was conducted to determine the importance of this pathogen in other communities with large black populations. of 4841 stool specimens from patients with gastroenteritis examined between november 1989 and january 1990, y. enterocolitica, shigella, campylobacter, and salmonella were identified in 38, 49, 60, and 98 specimens, respectively; 34 (92%) of 37 y. enterocolitica isolates were s ...19911995741
campylobacter enteritis at a university: transmission from eating chicken and from cats.campylobacter jejuni is the most common enteric pathogen isolated from university and college students in the united states. during the fall and winter quarters of the 1983-1984 academic year, the authors conducted a case-control study at the university of georgia, athens, georgia, to identify risk factors for c. jejuni enteritis. students with diarrhea whose cultures yielded c. jejuni were compared with controls matched by age, sex, and residence. a total of 45 case-control pairs were interview ...19873618583
campylobacter infections in the united states. results of an 11-state january 1982, 11 states (alabama, arizona, georgia, illinois, minnesota, new mexico, oregon, texas, vermont, washington, and wisconsin) began reporting monthly their isolations of campylobacter to the centers for disease control in atlanta. the information reported included the species of campylobacter organisms, the week of the report, the site from which the organism was isolated, and the age and sex of the infected person. a total of 3,966 isolates were reported in 1982, of which 3,900 wer ...19846087756
human campylobacter infection associated with certified raw milk.between may 27 and june 18, 1981, 50 individuals in 30 households in suburban atlanta, georgia, had a gastrointestinal illness caused by campylobacter jejuni. epidemiologic evidence strongly associated consumption of unpasteurized milk with illness. a culture survey confirmed fecal carriage of c. jejuni by cows in the implicated dairy and in a control dairy, but failed to document presence of the organism in the milk. the standard plate counts and leukocyte counts (two indicators of microbiologi ...19836837559
campylobacter fetus subspecies jejuni in georgia. 19807205078
an outbreak of enterocolitis due to campylobacter spp. in a beagle colony. 199910424658
incidence of foodborne illnesses reported by the foodborne diseases active surveillance network (foodnet)-1997. foodnet working 1997, the foodborne diseases active surveillance program (foodnet) conducted active surveillance for culture-confirmed cases of campylobacter, escherichia coli o157, listeria, salmonella, shigella, vibrio, yersinia, cyclospora, and cryptosporidium in five emerging infections program sites. foodnet is a collaborative effort of the centers for disease control and prevention's national center for infectious diseases, the united states department of agriculture's food safety and inspection servic ...200010852576
determination of the incidence of salmonella spp., campylobacter jejuni, and clostridium perfringens in wild birds near broiler chicken houses by sampling intestinal droppings.several methods were evaluated for collecting fecal and intestinal samples from wild birds found near broiler chicken houses. a few intestinal samples and cloacal swabs were obtained from european starlings and house sparrows. most of the samples collected consisted of wild bird droppings found on or near the houses. samples were collected from each of four farms of a broiler integrator during a grow-out cycle: a cycle in the summer for farm a, fall for farm b, and spring, summer, fall, and wint ...200011007026
epidemiology of sporadic campylobacter infection in the united states and declining trend in incidence, foodnet 1996-1999.campylobacter species are a leading cause of foodborne illness in the united states, but few population-based data describing patterns and trends of disease are available. we summarize data on culture-confirmed cases of campylobacter infection reported during 1996-1999 to the foodborne diseases active surveillance network (foodnet) system. the average annual culture-confirmed incidence was 21.9 cases/100,000 population, with substantial site variation (from 43.8 cases/100,000 population in calif ...200415095186
presence of naturally occurring campylobacter and salmonella in the mature and immature ovarian follicles of late-life broiler breeder hens.campylobacter and salmonella are known to cause acute bacterial gastroenteritis in humans. raw poultry products have been implicated as a significant source of these infections. five trials were conducted to determine whether campylobacter and salmonella spp. exist naturally in the mature and immature ovarian follicles of late-life broiler breeder hens. broiler breeder hens ranging from 60 to 66 wk of age were obtained from four different commercial breeder operations. for each trial, the hens w ...200516094836
effect of on-farm litter acidification treatments on campylobacter and salmonella populations in commercial broiler houses in northeast georgia.two commercially available litter treatments, aluminum sulfate and sodium bisulfate, were tested to determine their effect on campylobacter and salmonella levels associated with commercial broilers during a 6-wk grow-out period. a total of 20 broiler houses at 10 different locations were studied; 5 aluminum sulfate-treated houses, 5 sodium bisulfate-treated houses, and 10 paired, untreated control houses. a single application rate was investigated for each treatment. fecal samples (n=20 per hous ...200616977837
distribution and ecology of campylobacters in coastal plain streams (georgia, united states of america).campylobacter is the leading cause of bacterium-associated diarrhea in the united states and most developed countries. while this disease is considered a food-borne disease, many clinical cases cannot be linked to a food source. in rural and agrarian areas environmental transmission may be an important factor contributing to case loads. here we investigated the waterborne prevalence of campylobacters in a mixed-use rural watershed in the coastal plain of southern georgia (united states). six sit ...200717172457
salmonella, campylobacter and enterococcus spp.: their antimicrobial resistance profiles and their spatial relationships in a synoptic study of the upper oconee river basin.rivers may serve as reservoirs for enteric organisms. very little is known about the boundaries of microbial communities in moving bodies of water so this study was undertaken to find the limits of distribution of some bacteria, focusing on enteric organisms. the presence of salmonella, campylobacter, and enterococcus spp. and the antimicrobial resistance phenotypes carried by these organisms was evaluated for the upper oconee river basin, a small river in the lower piedmont of northeastern geor ...200817687594
continued decline in the incidence of campylobacter infections, foodnet 1996-2006.campylobacter is a leading cause of foodborne illness worldwide. in the united states, changes in the incidence of culture-confirmed campylobacter infections have been monitored by the foodborne diseases active surveillance network (foodnet) since 1996. in 2006, the incidence of culture-confirmed campylobacter infection in the foodnet sites was 12.7 per 100,000 persons. this represents a 30% decline (95% confidence = 35% to 24% decrease) compared to the 1996-1998 illness baseline; however, most ...200818767978
comparison of three time-series models for predicting campylobacteriosis risk.three time-series models (regression, decomposition, and box-jenkins autoregressive integrated moving averages) were applied to national surveillance data for campylobacteriosis with the goal of disease forecasting in three us states. datasets spanned 1998-2007 for minnesota and oregon, and 1999-2007 for georgia. year 2008 was used to validate model results. mean absolute percent error, mean square error and coefficient of determination (r2) were the main evaluation fit statistics. results showe ...201020092672
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