Title | Abstract | Year Filter | PMID(sorted ascending) Filter |
influence of deer exclusion on populations of lone star ticks and american dog ticks (acari: ixodidae). | 1986 | 3722591 | |
metazoan parasites of the eastern cottontail rabbit in western kentucky. | forty-five eastern cottontail rabbits (sylvilagus floridanus allen), collected over a 15 mo period from two areas of western kentucky, were examined for disease conditions, helminth and arthropod parasites. a single lymphosarcoma, two cutaneous papillomas and the following parasites were identified: hasstilesia tricolor, taenia pisiformis, cittotaenia variabilis, raillietina stilesiella, obeliscoides cuniculi, trichuris leporis, longistriata noviberiae, trichostrongylus calcaratus, dermatoxys ve ... | 1983 | 6842731 |
seasonal activity and spatial distribution of host-seeking adults of the tick dermacentor variabilis. | the seasonal temporal and spatial distribution and emergence of overwintering and summer cohorts of host-seeking american dog tick, dermacentor variabilis (say) (acari: ixodidae), adults were examined for 5 years in the bluegrass region of kentucky. weekly drag cloth sampling was conducted from early march until late september 1992-1995 and early march until the end of may 1996. overwintering adult cohorts became active in early to mid-april followed by bimodal host-seeking activity each year, w ... | 2001 | 11776460 |
distribution of borreliae among ticks collected from eastern states. | lyme disease is the most commonly reported vector-borne disease in the united states and is transmitted by borrelia burgdorferi-infected ixodes species. the disease is typically characterized by an erythema migrans (em) rash at the site of tick feeding. em rashes have also been associated with feeding by amblyomma americanum ticks despite evidence suggesting that they are incompetent vectors for lyme disease. in 1996, a borrelia organism only recently cultivated in the laboratory was described i ... | 2005 | 16417434 |
distribution and prevalence of cytauxzoon felis in bobcats (lynx rufus), the natural reservoir, and other wild felids in thirteen states. | cytauxzoon felis, a protozoan parasite of wild and domestic felids, is the causative agent of cytauxzoonosis in domestic and some exotic felids in the united states. the bobcat (lynx rufus) is the natural reservoir for this parasite, but other felids such as florida panthers (puma concolor coryii) and domestic cats may maintain long-term parasitemias and serve as reservoirs. experimentally, two tick species, dermacentor variabilis and amblyomma americanum, have demonstrated the ability to transm ... | 2010 | 21071149 |