
PMID(sorted ascending)
interaction of the tick (haemaphysalis leporispalustris) with a cyclic snowshoe hare (lepus americanus) population.prevalence and intensity of the tick, haemaphysalis leporispalustris, were monitored during 1963 to 1976 in a cyclic snowshoe hare (lepus americanus) population near rochester, alberta, canada. prevalence was near zero from december through march, and near 100% among adult hares from may through september. prevalence among juvenile hares approached 100% by age 2 mo. intensity peaked for both adults and juveniles during may-june and again in august. mean intensities were significantly higher amon ...19902250317
isolations of silverwater virus from naturally infected snowshoe hares and haemaphysalis ticks from alberta and wisconsin. 19714994894
isolation of borrelia burgdorferi, the lyme disease spirochete, from rabbit ticks, haemaphysalis leporispalustris--alberta. 19957620455
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