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a survey of nairobi sheep disease antibody in sheep and goats, wild ruminants and rodents within kenya.the distribution of antibody to nairobi sheep disease in sheep and goats in kenya was found to coincide closely with that of the tick, rhipicephalus appendiculatus. the proportions of a population in an enzootic area with antibody was similar in the different age groups. no antibody to the virus was found in rodent sera and while some low titres were found in some wild ruminant sera, these were considered to be most likely cross reactions with antibody to related viruses.1978701789
nairobi sheep disease in kenya. the isolation of virus from sheep and goats, ticks and possible maintenance hosts.nairobi sheep disease was seen principally upon movement of susceptible animals into the enzootic areas. this occurred most frequently for marketing purposes near the main centres of population. other outbreaks followed local breakdowns in tick control measures. the disease did not occur in epizootic form during the period under consideration. nairobi sheep disease was isolated from pools of rhipicephalus appendiculatus but not from many pools of other tick species. no virus was isolated from th ...1978701790
arbovirus isolations from ixodid ticks infesting livestock, kano plain, a study conducted on the kano plain, kenya, virus isolation attempts were made on ixodid ticks collected, over a 14-month period, from livestock held in family enclosures (bomas) before releasing the animals for daily foraging. 8735 amblyomma variegatum (fabricius) were tested, 98.6% of which were taken from cattle, yielding 36 strains of dugbe (dug), four strains of nairobi sheep disease (nsd), three strains of bhanja (bha), one strain of thogoto (tho) and five strains of virus which could n ...19807210125
tickborne arbovirus surveillance in market livestock, nairobi, identify tickborne viruses circulating in kenya and the surrounding region, we conducted surveillance at abattoirs in nairobi, kenya. species of ticks collected included rhipicephalus pulchellus (56%), amblyomma gemma (14%), r. appendiculatus (8%), a. variegatum (6%), and others. a total of 56 virus isolates were obtained, 26 from a. gemma, 17 from r. pulchellus, 6 from a. variegatum, and 7 from other species. virus isolates included dugbe virus (dugv), an unknown virus related to dugv, thogo ...200616836823
kupe virus, a new virus in the family bunyaviridae, genus nairovirus, kenya.we have previously described isolation and preliminary identification of a virus related to dugbe virus (dugv), family bunyaviridae, genus nairovirus. six isolates of the virus were obtained from pools of amblyomma gemma and rhipicephalus pulchellus ticks collected from hides of cattle in nairobi, kenya, in october 1999. we report results of further characterization of this virus, including growth kinetics in cell culture and full-length genome sequencing and genetic characterization, which show ...200919193256
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