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gastro-intestinal nematodes in sheep in kashmir.examination at necropsy of the abomasum and intestinal tract of 62 sheep (including both sexes) of karnah breed, aged one to two years over a period of one year was conducted at handwara, situated in the north-west of kashmir valley. the following species of nematodes were found: haemonchus contortus, trichostrongylus axei, trichostrongylus colubriformis, bunostomum trigonocephalum, chabertia ovina, nematodirus spathiger, skrjabinema ovis and trichuris ovis. infections with trichostrongylus axei ...19826891858
epidemiology of gastrointestinal nematodes of sheep managed under traditional husbandry system in kashmir valley.the present study was conducted with the objective to investigate the seasonal epidemiological prevalence of gastrointestinal tract (git) nematodes in different age groups, sexes and breeds (genotypes) of sheep through necropsy and faecal analysis over a period of 2 years in kashmir valley, india. a total of 1533 sheep were examined [faecal examination: 1035 (year 1: 561, year 2: 474); necropsy: 498 (year 1: 232, year 2: 266)]. out of these, 945 (61.64%) were found infected [faecal examination: ...200818838225
gastro-intestinal nematode infections in goats relative to season, host sex and age from the kashmir valley, india.the present study aimed to investigate the seasonal epidemiological prevalence of gastro-intestinal nematodes (gins) of goats with respect to sex and age of the host in the kashmir valley from 1 february 2005 to 31 january 2007. a total of 1267 goats were examined [faecal examination: 938 (year 1: 470; year 2: 468); gastro-intestinal (git) examination: 329 (year 1: 175; year 2: 154)]. the overall prevalence of gin infection in these animals was 54.3% (year 1: 54.8%; year 2: 53.8%; p = 0.842). th ...201019627625
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