Title | Abstract | Year Filter | PMID(sorted ascending) Filter |
potential vectors of dirofilaria immitis in macon county, alabama. | a study was conducted in macon county, alabama (east-central) during the mosquito breeding seasons of 1978 and 1979 to determine the potential vector(s) of dirofilaria immitis. live mosquitoes were collected with co2-baited, miniature light traps, and small hand aspirators. these mosquitoes were subsequently dissected to determine whether immature stages of the heartworm were present. specific communities were selected based on their having at least 4 known cases of d immitis infection present i ... | 1982 | 6129822 |
transmission of eastern equine encephalomyelitis virus in central alabama. | a site near tuskegee, alabama was examined for vector activity of eastern equine encephalomyelitis (eee) virus in 2001. more than 23,000 mosquitoes representing 8 genera and 34 species were collected during a 21-week period, and five species, culiseta melanura, aedes vexans, coquillettidia perturbans, culex erraticus, and uranotaenia sapphirina, were examined for the presence of virus using a nested reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction for eee virus. each species was infected at vario ... | 2003 | 12875303 |
west nile virus infection in mosquitoes in the mid-south usa, 2002-2005. | west nile virus (family flaviviridae, genus flavivirus, wnv) was first detected in the tennessee valley and in alabama in august 2001. in summer 2002, intensive viral activity was seen, but in subsequent years, viral activity settled into an enzootic pattern. here, we report an analysis of viral activity in the mosquito fauna in the mid-south from 2002 (the first year viral activity was detected in mosquitoes) through 2005. eight mosquito species were infected with wnv during 2002. however, vira ... | 2007 | 17294929 |
preference of female mosquitoes for natural and artificial resting sites. | at a wetland study site in tuskegee national forest, al, resting female mosquitoes were collected from natural and artificial resting sites to identify species-specific resting sites and to evaluate various artificial resting sites for their utility in collecting resting mosquitoes. natural resting sites included small tree cavities, large tree cavities, and understory vegetation. artificial resting sites included resting boxes, fiber pots, and plastic trash cans. we collected 12,888 female mosq ... | 2008 | 18666530 |