
PMID(sorted ascending)
[veterinary supervision of pig farms (author's transl)].the structure of pig-farming has undergone considerable alterations since organized pig health care started in 1958. despite education and improvement in a variety of fields, results have been showing a slight decrease in recent years. veterinary supervision of pig farms should therefore be adjusted. this process of adjustment which started in the province of north brabant in 1965, consists of four sections, each of which is discussed. these are the system of integration, examination in the slau ...1979419523
[conditions of management and the construction of piggeries on pig-fattening farms as factors in the incidence of diseases of the lung and liver in slaughtered pigs (author's transl)].all pigs passing along the slaughter-line in the slaughter-house of the livestock and meat board of the christian farmers' association of the province of north brabant are examined for the presence of lesions of the lung and liver. the proportions of animals without any severe lesions of the lungs and livers and the proportions of those with affected lungs, affected livers, condemned livers and pleurisy are reported every three months. under the animal health service of the province of north bra ...1978705756
[the incidence of diseases of the lung and liver in slaughtered pigs as a criterion in the detection of herds in which the disease is a recurrent problem (author's transl)].diseases of the lung and liver in swine are two forms of disease which often result in considerable economic losses. they occur in pigs throughout the world. studies in the netherlands showed that from 40 to 50 per cent of the lungs and from 60 to 80 per cent of the livers were affected. in the animal health service of the province of north brabant, it was found to be possible to differentiate between pig-fattening farms and piggeries on these farms (a differentiation based on the severity of th ...1976960068
[some features of the control of atrophic rhinitis (author's transl)].the results obtained by a number of control measures in 152 cases of atrophic rhinitis in the province of north brabant in 1975 are reviewed. so-called "elimination of piglets" from the herd for a few weeks and treatment of the newborn piglets in accordance with a fixed scheme are the measures stressed in this regard moreover, when this scheme of treatment is adopted in a contaminated environment, i.e. without any taking over by the authorities, it also offers certain prospects. the method of co ...1976973207
[pig health programmes and zootechnics (author's transl)].the task of the veterinarian in modern pig keeping developments is stressed. the relationship between zootechnics and pig health programmes is illustrated in eight examples in the fields of breeding. nutrition, housing and management. by comparing data on herds at regular intervals, "probleem-herds" may be traced and special attention can be paid to these herds. this approach was practised by several years in the province of north-brabant.19761006640
[sperm examination of the boar (author's transl)].during the last ten years the stock of pigs in the netherlands has doubled. the number of adult boars on pig farms there has in that time trebled. sperm examination of boars by the gezondheidsdienst voor dieren (veterinary health service) in the dutch province of north brabant have increased from 83 boars in 1968 to 2045 boars in 1974. the data of boars examined in 1972, 1973, and 1974 have been used to provide an idea of the effects of breed, age, and season on the reasons for the examination a ...19761273819
sero-epidemiological screening of pig sera collected at the slaughterhouse to detect herds infected with aujeszky's disease virus, porcine influenza virus and actinobacillus (haemophilus) pleuropneumoniae in the framework of an integrated quality control (iqc) system.over a period of six months, approximately 4700 blood samples were collected from 97 pig-finishing farms in the provinces of noord-brabant and gelderland and screened for antibodies with respect to aujeszky's disease virus (adv), porcine influenza virus (pi) and actinobacillus (haemophilus) pleuropneumoniae (app). there were significant differences in the percentages of seropositive pigs between the two provinces, which may be related to the difference in the density of the pig population in the ...19902176752
[serological study of the presence of actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae antibodies serotype 2 and 9 on pig-breeding farms in the provinces of north brabant and overijssel (the netherlands)].serological studies for the presence of cft antibodies to actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae, both to serotype 2 and serotype 9, were done in twenty-five sows on each of thirty pig-breeding farms in the provinces of north brabant and overijssel. antibodies to serotype 2 and/or serotype 9 were detected in one or several sows on forty-two out of sixty farms. similar findings were recorded on eighteen and twenty-four farms respectively in the provinces of overijssel and north brabant; the number of he ...19902326781
[serologic studies on the presence of antibodies against haemophilus (actinobacillus) pleuropneumoniae at swine breeding farms in north brabant].serological screening for the presence of antibodies to both h. pleuropneumoniae serotype 2 and serotype 9 using the complement fixation test was carried out on twenty-nine piglets production farms of an integrated group in the province of north brabant. antibodies to h. pleuropneumoniae serotype 2 and serotype 9 were not detected on six of the twenty-nine farms when a single screening was performed. the proportions of farms with animals serologically positive in regard to serotypes 2 and 9 were ...19892734766
incidence, economic effects, and control of haemophilus pleuropneumoniae infections in pigs.this thesis synopsis reports the results of investigations on: the incidence of clinical and subclinical h. pleuropneumoniae infections on pig farms in north brabant; the economic loss on fattening farms; the effect of husbandry; the possibility of eradicating h. pleuropneumoniae on infected breeding farms on the basis of serological testing; the possibility of control on fattening farms by means of vaccination. the principal findings were as follows: clinical and subclinical h. pleuropneumoniae ...19863962149
increase in a dutch hospital of methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus related to animal the netherlands, patients exposed to pigs or veal calves were recently shown to be at high risk of methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus (mrsa) carriage. in amphia hospital (breda, the netherlands), 32% of patients in this risk group were shown to carry mrsa. this resulted in a 3-fold increase in the annual mrsa incidence.200818171259
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