
PMID(sorted ascending)
the aerobic bacteriology of infected skin lesions in children of the eastern highlands province.of 480 children studied, the relative frequency of skin infections divided into three categories were: score 266 (55%), infected scabies 164 (34%) and tropical ulcers 50 (10%). infected scabies was more prevalent in the less than 2 year age group and tropical ulcers were commonest in the 9-12 year age group and these differences were significant. the majority of lesions occurred on the lower extremities with the trunk the least commonly affected area. no significant differences were found in dif ...19853936303
the bacteriology of skin sores in goroka children.the bacteriology of infected skin lesions was studied in paediatric outpatients. thirty-nine untreated lesions were studied: 37 (95%) grew beta haemolytic streptococci (46% group a, 3% group b, 23% group c, 26% group g), 21 (54%) grew staphylococcus aureus and 13 (33%) grew corynebacterium haemolyticum. no attempt was made to selectively isolate corynebacterium diphtheriae in this study. vincent's organisms were seen in 13 (37%) of 35 gram stains from untreated lesions, including eight (73%) of ...19846598552
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