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[prevalence and antimicrobial susceptibility of laribacter hongkongensis and enterotoxigenic escherichia coli isolated from patients with diarrhea in guangzhou].to survey the prevalence of enterotoxigenic escherichia coli (etec) and laribacter hongkongensis (lh) and their drug resistance in diarrhea patients in guangzhou.201020335108
identification and characterization of integron-associated antibiotic resistant laribacter hongkongensis isolated from aquatic products in china.laribacter hongkongensis is a recently discovered bacterium associated with gastroenteritis. in this study, a total of 199 isolates of this species obtained from aquatic products (n=462) in guangzhou city, china, were examined for their susceptibility to 19 antimicrobial agents and the presence of antimicrobial resistance integrons. the genetic relatedness of the isolates with integrons was also evaluated. a pcr-based method was used to screen integrons and found that 13 (6.5%) of the isolates h ...201021075469
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