Title | Abstract | Year Filter | PMID(sorted ascending) Filter |
hospital practices influence the pattern of infective endocarditis. | to identify factors contributing to infective endocarditis at a major teaching hospital. | 1994 | 8202007 |
defence case known as 'heart'. | 1993 | 8494514 | |
a case-control study of respiratory disease in thoroughbred racehorses in sydney, australia. | in order to investigate the role of infectious agents in the aetiology of lower respiratory tract disease in thoroughbred racehorses, a matched case-control study was conducted. cases were identified by the presence of coughing, and were compared to a control population matched on time of sample collection and location within the same training establishment. tracheal wash samples were collected from 100 cases and 148 controls. case horses were more likely than controls to have endoscopic and cyt ... | 2001 | 11352347 |