
PMID(sorted ascending)
immunological responses are not abnormal in symptomatic gulf war veterans.the underlying etiology and pathogenesis of gulf war veterans' illnesses continue to be under intense investigation. reports have suggested the basis for these illnesses may be an altered immune system, but compelling evidence is lacking. we sought to determine whether in vitro immune responses were abnormal in symptomatic gulf war veterans relative to matched controls. a randomized case-control study was conducted by blinded comparison of laboratory measures of in vitro immune responses in bloo ...200212114290
anthrax attacks and practice patterns: a learning opportunity for health care systems.sudden and unexpected events directly influencing clinical practice patterns are uncommon. after the first report of bioterrorism-related anthrax, the authors studied retrospectively 13 months of anthrax-related antibiotic prescription rates for veterans affairs outpatients in one urban area where no cases of anthrax were reported. during the 26 days after the first anthrax report, the rate of acute respiratory illnesses treated with fluoroquinolones was 62.8 per 10,000 outpatient visits, an inc ...200212512463
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